Long Qingtian face indifferent: “Is there something?”

Originally, the Eastern Sea Young Master Bi Fang would think that the black-haired youngster would see him and be respectful, but Long Qingtian reacted unexpectedly. !!

Immediately, he said with a smile : “brat , you probably don’t know who this young master is? This young master is one of the Chaotic Sea four Young Master, Bi Fang! I want you to have never seen me!”

Long Qingtian has a light face: “Chaotic Sea Four Young Master? What about it?”

The Eastern Sea Young Master Bi Fang had a face that was proud of the face, followed by a stiff smile, and looked at Long Qingtian. He could see that he was very upset about Long Qingtian’s expression.

“brat, it seems that you should have never heard of the name of my Young Master Bi Fang.” Eastern Sea Young Master Bi Fang sneered and said : “Otherwise, you should know the serious consequences of speaking to me!”

Serious consequences? !

Long Qingtian is too lazy to say anything to the other party, turn directly and walk inside the plaza.

Eastern Sea Young Master Bi Fang Seeing, the face se is more yin.

He is Eastern Sea Young Master!

Four-winged Whale King Son!

In this Chaotic Sea, it is necessary to get windy and rainy, even if the Dwarf Race patriarch does not dare to talk to himself like this, Long Qingtian has already made him kill.

If it is not the game now, he has already shot.

However, in his eyes, Long Qingtian is already a dead man.

“brat, yesterday you were slapped out of the Profound-grade top-rank weapon. It was when you left the dogshit luck. It doesn’t mean that you are so lucky!” Eastern Sea Young Master Bi Fang looks at Long Qingtian silhouette Can’t live with anger, taunted.

Although knowing that Long Qingtian slap a cauldron can also shoot Profound-grade top-rank weapons, it is not a dogshit luck, but he does not believe that Long Qingtian can still pass today’s competition!

Long Qingtian turned to look at each other, sneer.

That kind of sarcasm, like watching the eyes of an ant ant makes the Eastern Sea Young Master Bi Fang feel more angry. &&

After a while. All the contestants of more than 600 people arrived.

Chairman table, Dwarf Race elders glanced at the participants below, and looked at the Long Qingtian silhouette with strange eyes.

At this time, the Dwarf Race Elder who presided over the game walked and coughed and said: “Today’s second competition rule is that you have to refining a defensive war armor within three hours, and war Armor grades and ranks must reach Profound-grade top-rank. At the same time, you can only use the cauldron that your Dwarf Race has prepared for you. You can’t use your own cauldron, as for the material. Only use the materials we have prepared for you!”

After the Dwarf Race Elder finished, he saw more than 600 dwarfs coming into the plaza and sending a cauldron and materials to each contestant.

Every cauldron, the same, is Profound-grade middle-rank.

And each material is the same, it is a common material.

Everyone sees it. All of them are moving, whether they are contestants or watchers.

“Nothing wrong?! Three hours, I have to refining the Profound-grade top-rank war armor, and it is a war armor that guards xing?!”

“And, you must use their cauldron, Profound-grade middle-rank cauldron, those materials are more ordinary materials, this is too difficult!”

“I see this time, few people can enter the third game!”

The entire plaza. A mess.

The first competition, the rule is ten hours, and now the time is reduced to one of three, even one third is not.

Also, as long as the first refining of the Profound-grade weapon, it is necessary to defend the xing war armor! And it is Profound-grade top-rank!

In addition, Profound-grade middle-rank’s cauldron, as well as ordinary materials, add to the difficulty.

Previously, the contestants used their cauldron refining, cauldron grades and ranks high, and with their own good materials, refining the weapons, achieving Profound-grade naturally no problem.

but now? !

Some contestants’ faces were even immediately darkened.

Compared to other contestants, Dwarf Race genius Wei Han and Eastern Sea Young Master Bi Fang look sneer, taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

For them, the more difficult they are, the better they will be.

Eastern Sea Young Master Bi Fang looked at Long Qingtian, his eyes taunted, it meant to say, brat, see if you can still pass this time!

Long Qingtian is still calm.

“Do you know the rules?” After a while, the Dwarf Race hosted Elder opened the mouth and said: “So, now the game begins!”

As the Dwarf Race hosted the Elder voice, the original sao moved, and the scene of the discussion was immediately quiet.

In addition to plaza, all the viewers stopped talking and looked towards many plaza contestants.

The Dwarf Race hosted Elder and lit the incense wood.

This incense wood, only one third of yesterday’s length, burned, just three hours.

The incense wood ignited, and a touch of fragrant smell drifted towards plaza all around.

When the incense wood ignites, the plaza, the flame immediately emerges.

Due to the tight time, only three hours, so these participants naturally have to hurry up to refining.

Dwarf Race Genius Wei Han and the Eastern Sea Young Master Bi Fang are no exception.

Wei Han waved his hands, and the materials, one by one, flew out, surrounded by clouds, these clouds, constantly circling, constantly spreading, and recombining.

And when Bi Fang waved, the materials flew up and down, like waves.

“Water-Fire Fusion Art, that Wei Han finally showed the Water-Fire Fusion Art. This Water-Fire Fusion Art has not appeared for many years, and didn’t expect it to be seen today!”

“Look, that Bi Fang, Thousand-layed Waves Hand, good marvelous technique is worthy of our top ten continuation tool refining!”

The plaza, all around, saw the Wei Han and Bi Fang show off and marveled.

Chairman table, Dwarf Race patriarch Wei Yuan and elders looked at the Wei Han tool refining method below, all face smiled.

“Wei Han finally showed the Water-Fire Fusion Art, which is the first in the second game. For him, it doesn’t cost as easy as pie!” Dwarf Race patriarch Wei Yuan said with a smile.

“Right, the Eastern Sea Young Master Bi Fang’s Thousand-layed Waves Hand is also marvelous, but how can it compare with our Dwarf Race’s Water-Fire Fusion Art!” Wei Hai said with a smile, looking at the son below, The face is not proud: “our Dwarf Race’s Water-Fire Fusion Art, in the Tianbancontinent, but ranked second!”

“The first tool refinement technique, which has been in the cloud for more than a thousand years, has not appeared. As long as the falling hands don’t appear, the Water-Fire Fusion Art of our Dwarf Race is the first!” Dwarf Race second elder Wei Hua At this time, they are also proud.

“I don’t know the black-haired youngster, is it still slap a cauldron like yesterday?” Then, Wei Hua said with a smile, he could not help but ridicule.

Although he didn’t dare to talk about Long Qingtian again, he still had some anger in his heart.

Wei Hua finished, Dwarf Race patriarch Wei Yuan and other Elder smiled, and then looked towards Long Qingtian’s direction.

At this time, they saw that Long Qingtian had a pair of hands, and all the materials fell into the cauldron in front of him. Then, Long Qingtian slammed the cauldron against the cauldron.

Dwarf Race elders see, not startled.

“Yesterday was patted with the palm of the hand, and today it was changed to use a fist!” Wei Hua met, said with a smile.

Dwarf Race everyone is another smile.

However, at this moment, the cauldron that was bombarded by Long Qingtian suddenly gave a huge “dong!”, and the plaza everyone screamed.

Then, the cauldron flew to the sky, and the glory was flourishing.

At 8:30 tonight, the third is still to be continued. .

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