However, just after Long Qingtian and the others left the place, a silhouette of the Leafless Forest exit flashed.

This silhouette, covered in black robe, eyes green, is staring at the direction of Long Qingtian and the others disappearing.

“Is it also going to Three Evils Peak?” black clothed person muttered: “Ancient God, Divine-level 6th layer, it seems to be a bit of a hassle.” Then, the ray of light in his hand flashed and a map appeared.

This map is exactly the same as that that Long Qingtian got from He Hai at Chaotic Sea.

Qilin Fire Divine Sword’s treasure map!

The treasure map in the hands of Long Qingtian is made from the skin of the ancient divine beast Devouring Soul Thunder Beast, and this is also true.

Black clothed person Looking at the treasure map in his hand, he said to himself: “If there is no accident, Qilin Fire Divine Sword should be in the Three Evil Gods Palace, Aotian, you didn’t expect, you killed me not to die, and after ten thousand years You are dead, and your remaining Qilin Fire Divine Sword will be available to me!”

“Qilin Fire Divine Sword, I not only get it, Three Evil Gods Art of Three Evil Gods Palace, Three Evils Wheel, I also get it!”

After the black clothed person finished, the flying body disappeared and disappeared. In the same way as Long Qingtian and the others, the flight direction is also the direction of Three Evils Peak.

Along the way, Long Qingtian was rushing.

Long Qingtian Several people continue to go deep into the central area, encountering undead objects, variant monster beast and Half-Demon Half-God monsters, and some even reach Saint-level late-stage Peak.

Although there are not many Saint-level late-stage peaks, almost one or two are encountered every day.

Along the way, everyone strike to kill a lot of Saint-level undead, monsters.

After these undead objects, the monster strike to kill, Long Qingtian took the monster core out of the Suppressing Heaven Pagoda and included its corpse.

However, in addition to Saint-level late-stage Peak, other corpse, Long Qingtian not at all charge.

Long Qingtian brings these Saint-level late-stage Peak undead monsters corpse to Suppressing Heaven Pagoda, which is naturally useful.

Long Qingtian will use these Saint-level late-stage Peak undead, the monster’s corpse to re-refining the Blood Shed Sword, and later, Long Qingtian looks for some materials, refining these undead, monsters into their own puppet beast .

Specter Sect strike to kill Six-winged Purple Phoenix, want to refine the Six-winged Purple Phoenix into a Death Pet, which is actually Death Puppet.

Refining puppet beast, Long Qingtian Natural Society, and Immortal Realm casual refining puppet beast’s secret technique is a thousand times larger than that of Specter Sect.

Long Qingtian and the others cultivating while on the road.

Five days later, Long Qingtian and the others rested cultivating in a valley.

Sitting on the ground, Long Qingtian runs [Prial Chaos Great Luo Heaven], refining Divine Beast Kunpeng’s Innate Profound Qi and Fiendgod Battlefield’s Divine Qi.

With refining, Long Qingtian’s whole body ray of light flickers, and its body is all around being surrounded by a group of golden and black thunder clouds.

Long Qingtian is constantly compressing with the body True Qi.

Suddenly, Long Qingtian within the body heard a slight shock.

Soul Projection Late-stage !

Long Qingtian finally broke through Soul Projection middle-stage Peak and reached Soul Projection Late-stage.

After the breakthrough, Long Qingtian continued to run the cultivation technique, refining Innate Profound Qi and Divine Qi.

Overnight, Long Qingtian opened his eyes, smiled on his face, and finally broke through Soul Projection Late-stage. If he went on, he should be able to break into Dividing Spirit Stage within half a year.

Dividing Spirit Stage !

At that time, Long Qingtian’s Nascent Soul can completely detach from the body and then fly with the sword, which is really a detachment of Long Qingtian.

Long Qingtian thought of the mind and released Nascent Soul among the dantian.

After the breakthrough to Soul Projection Late-stage, I saw Long Qingtian’s Nascent Soul re-solidified a bit.

Long Qingtian spurred Nascent Soul to smash against the palm of the distant mountain.

I saw the mountain peak a few kilometers away and the mountain fell.

“Divine Clone?!” Just then, suddenly, a startling sound, I saw Six-winged Purple Phoenix looked at Long Qingtian’s Nascent Soul incredulously.

Due to these days, Long Qingtian has not released Nascent Soul with the body, so she has only seen Long Qingtian’s Nascent Soul for the first time.

Long Qingtian turned to the front: “Divine Clone?” immediately said: “I am, not Divine Clone.” He naturally knows the meaning of Six-winged Purple Phoenix.

She mistaken her Nascent Soul for the Divine Clone of Heavenly God powerhouse.

Like Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, if you break into Heavenly God in the future, then the with the body law will condense a Divine Clone.

This Divine Clone is exactly the same as the deity, and it is difficult for this Six-winged Purple Phoenix to misunderstand that this Nascent Soul is Divine Clone.

“Not Divine Clone?!” The original shocked Six-winged Purple Phoenix was heard, not dumbfounded.

At this time, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat also woke up.

“This is Master’s Nascent Soul.” Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign said: “However, it is similar to Heavenly God powerhouse’s Divine Clone.”

“Nascent Soul?!” Six-winged Purple Phoenix eyes puzzled.

Long Qingtian took Nascent Soul back to the body and found that Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat also broke through to level 8 late-stage.

“Boss, have you broken through?!” Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat surprises with a smile. Obviously, it also shows that Long Qingtian has also broken through.

Long Qingtian smiled nodded, then took the Divine Beast Kunpeng egg back into the Suppressing Heaven Pagoda, and then continued to fly deep into the central area with everyone.

Although the more you go to the central area, the undead thing, the variant monster beast will get stronger and stronger, but the closer to the Three Evils Peak, the lesser the monster monster beast will be.

Even after Long Qingtian and the others continued to fly for three days, they came to the deepest part of the center, even an undead, the mutant monster beast did not see.

It seems that for these undeads, the variant monster beast, Three Evils Peak is also their ban.

Moreover, the closer the Long Qingtian three are to Three Evils Peak, the more they feel that the space all around is more depressing, which makes the feeling of the Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign uncomfortable.

“Boss, we haven’t seen the undead monster beast in a day, and the Three Evils Peak all around area is too lifeless!” said Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat.

That’s right, it’s lifeless!

They haven’t seen the monster beast in a day, except for the dead, or dead.

Long Qingtian nodded: “This is because Three Evils Peak has a Peaceful Sovereign Nine Evils Great Formation in the all around area.”

“Peaceful Sovereign Nine Evils Great Formation ?!” Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat, Six-winged Purple Phoenix Three people are watching Long Qingtian, they are the first to hear someone say Three Evils Peak all around Such a great formation.

This, even Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign can’t see.

Long Qingtian said: “This great formation, although it will not trap people, and active attacks, but invisibly, release an evil power, if this Three Evils Peak and its space all around for a long time, then Will be invaded with the evil power of this Peaceful Sovereign Nine Evils Great Formation and will become an evil thing!”

“Evil thing?!” The three were surprised.

Long Qingtian nodded, others can’t see the Three Evils Peak all around, which is equipped with Peaceful Sovereign Nine Evils Great Formation, but how can he win him?

It seems that this Peaceful Sovereign Nine Evils Great Formation is undoubtedly the layout of the Three Evils.

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