“Boss, then we are now in the Three Evils Peak area, will it also?!” Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat blurted.

Long Qingtian smiled and said: “Not for the time being.”

“Not for the time being? Master, we?” Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign also looked dignified and asked.

“It’s fine to spend 10 days and half a month in this Three Evils Peak area, but if it’s more than a month, it will be invaded by the emotional power of this Peaceful Sovereign Nine Evils Great Formation, so We have to find Qilin Fire Divine Sword within this month!” Long Qingtian said.

“One month!” Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat three startled.

One month, the time is too short!

Qilin Fire Divine Sword is so easy to find!

“Master, then you can break this Peaceful Sovereign Nine Evils Great Formation?” asked Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign.

Long Qingtian even Dragon Race’s Dragon Prison Array is like a no-man’s land, and the formation of rumors, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign knows.

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat was rescued from Everlasting Lightning Formation by Long Qingtian. Naturally, only Six-winged Purple Phoenix was surprised. The pretty face obviously felt that the Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign purple was superfluous.

This Peaceful Sovereign Nine Evils Great Formation should be arranged by the ancient Three Evils.

Long Qingtian can’t break it?

“It can be broken,” Long Qingtian said.

“Can be broken!” Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat have a happy face, and Six-winged Purple Phoenix is ​​amazed.

“However, to break this Peaceful Sovereign Nine Evils Great Formation, you must find the formation core of this Peaceful Sovereign Nine Evils Great Formation, but this Peaceful Sovereign Nine Evils Great Formation has nine great formations with Power of Nine Evils. Nine formation cores, one after another destroying the evil power, can completely break the Peaceful Sovereign Nine Evils Great Formation.” Long Qingtian said: “But as you said, this Three Evils has Heavenly God strength, even Ancient God. Powerhouse, strikes these formation cores, one month, can’t destroy one.”

Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat look at each other in dismay.

Nine formation cores, all of which are powered by ancient Three Evils, as Long Qingtian said, to break this Peaceful Sovereign Nine Evils Great Formation unless their strength is stronger than this ancient Three Evils!

Otherwise, within a month, this Peaceful Sovereign Nine Evils Great Formation can’t be destroyed!

After listening to Long Qingtian, Six-winged Purple Phoenix looked unbelievable and thought that Long Qingtian was nothing but Hu Wei.

Long Qingtian glanced at the Six-winged Purple Phoenix expression, knew what she was thinking, didn’t say anything, and then said to Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign: “With our speed, to Three Evils Peak, still in four or five days, So, we have to get to Three Evils Peak as soon as possible.”

“Yes, Master!”

So, everyone rushed to Three Evils Peak, and stopped on the way.

Since the Three Evils Peak all around area is not at all what undead and the variant monster beast, everyone is all the way, and the speed is much faster.

Four days later, everyone finally came to Three Evils Peak.

“This is the Three Evils Peak.” Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat looked at the three towering peaks, straight into the cloud’s three giant peaks, muttered.

It is the King Beast of Variant Beast Clan, but it is also the first forbidden land in the heart of all Skyhouses in this Sky Wilderness Plane.

Three Evils Peak, in the heart of all the powerhouses of the Sky Wilderness Plane, is a terrifying Land of Death, because all the powerhouses that entered it disappeared and never appeared again!

Including some of the strong strength of Ancient God powerhouse.

The first powerhouse of the human race, Aotian is an example.

Long Qingtian was in the air and looked at the Three Evils Peak.

This Three Evils Peak is bigger than the Martial God peak in the Martial God Palace sacred realm. It is measured by Long Qingtian. Each square has thousands of miles. Halfway up the mountain is covered with thick clouds. Demon Qi is strong in Fiendgod Battlefield. The airflow is full of Demon Qi, both gray and black, but the clouds of the Three Evils Peak halfway up the mountain turned out to be white, just like the outer world.

The three giant peaks are triangular and stand between the heavens and the earth.

Long Qingtian even suspects that this Three Evils Peak is not the thing of this Sky Wilderness Plane, it should be Divine Realm Divine Mountain.

Because, he sensed that this Three Evils Peak some rocks contain a faint divinity, which is a characteristic of Divine Realm Divine Mountain.

“We are in the past.” After a while, Long Qingtian said, flying with everyone to fly to Three Evils Peak.

Although Three Evils Peak is close at hand, it took more than an hour when everyone really came to the foot of Three Evils Peak.

“Master, what do we do now?” asked Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign after coming to the foot of Three Evils Peak.

There are three Three Evils Peaks, but there is only one treasure, only one in the Qilin Fire Divine Sword, and three peaks are available.

Long Qingtian recalled the treasure map, pondered and said: “We bypassed the mountain and went to the middle ice lake of Three Evils Peak!”

“Intermediate icy lake? Is the Qilin Fire Divine Sword at the bottom of the icy lake?” Six-winged Purple Phoenix blurted out, followed Long Qingtian and the others, and she also knew how many Long Qingtian came.

Long Qingtian has no interface.

Treasure map, Three Evils Peak Although eye-catching, the icy lake in the middle of Three Evils Peak is more visible, and if the treasure is in one of the Three Evils Peak, there is no need to portray the icy lake.

This ice lake is definitely a problem.

When Long Qingtian got the treasure map, she thought so.

Of course, this is just Long Qingtian’s guess.

Long Qingtian then bypassed the mountain with everyone, and only a few hours later came to the icy lake in the middle of Three Evils Peak.

Three huge evil peaks stand in the sky, surrounded by this icy lake. The icy lake is very large. I am afraid that there are tens of thousands of miles round, and there is a layer of ice fog on the icy lake. These ice fogs are constantly hovering, giving people a strange a feeling of.

“Master, look.” Suddenly, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign pointed to the front.

I saw a person lying under the foot of the mountain.

Long Qingtian Several people flew past.

“Yes, Specter Sect!” After the arrival, Six-winged Purple Phoenix was amazed.

I saw that there was no movement lying there. It was one of the Specter Sect Elders who had previously attacked her in the Phantom Valley. There is no aura, but it seems that it will not be long before death.

“People of Specter Sect?” Long Qingtian frowned, didn’t expect Specter Sect people will also appear in this Three Evils Peak, and before them, this way, Specter Sect people exit Phantom Valley, not at all back Sect, but came directly to Three Evils Peak.

“Boss, is the Specter Sect, the secret of Three Evils Peak?” said Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat.

Otherwise, the Specter Sect person, impossible to come over this forbidden land Three Evils Peak.

Long Qingtian couldn’t help but think of the killing of Dwarf Race Great Elder Wei Hai. It seems that there is more than one treasure map. So, what about Specter Sect?

“This Specter Sect Elder, it’s weird to die,” said Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign.

This Specter Sect Elder has dry skin, as if the whole body is exhausted. In addition, the whole body is not at all wounds.

“He was in the restrictedion and the whole body life force was stripped away!” Long Qingtian said.

“restriction?!” Six-winged Purple Phoenix startled: “But we didn’t come across all the way.”

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