Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat Three people followed Long Qingtian and walked into the Evil God Pavilion. At first glance, the Evil God Pavilion 1st layer was not big, only a few hundred square meters, and the walls were brilliant. There were three jade stones in the middle of the great hall. On the pillar, on the jade stone, engraved with various antiquity divine beast images.

Other than that, there seems to be nothing more.

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat Three-dimensional divine sense Sweeping, after a while, eyes are puzzled.

“Boss, this 1st layer, is there really no treasure?” Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat wondered.

Long Qingtian has no interface, and comes to the three jade stone pillars in the middle of the great hall. The forehead Heavenly Eye opens and sweeps to one of the jade pillars.

I saw this jade pillar swaying a layer of golden ripple.

However, there is nothing more than that.

Long Qingtian sneer, with a sigil in his hands, broke into the jade pillar, and then, the jade pillar rays of light, an ever-present box appeared.

Long Qingtian took a single shot and took this ever box to her hand.

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat three eyes stunned.

“Treasure is in the jade pillar, but the other party uses the restriction to hide it, even the ancient god’s divine sense is hard to find.” Long Qingtian said to the three.


Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat can’t help but swear: “That Xie Zheng is really fucking besides the sinister poison. If Boss can see through these restrictions and crack it, don’t go through the Life and Death into the Evil God Pavilion. Go back empty-handed?!”

Previously, only Xie Zheng’s Dividing Spirit phantom, not at all attack power, so Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat is not afraid of the Xie Zheng Dividing Spirit phantom.

Long Qingtian laughed and then open the existing box.

Among the boxes, there is a one-foot jade bottle.

“Glazed Light Jade!” Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign saw jade bottle, startled, and exclaimed. The material of this jade bottle turned out to be the rare jade of ancient era, Glazed Light Jade, which is the refining divine tool. One of the materials, rumored that Dwarf Race refining Ten Great Divine Sword, also used Glazed Light Jade.

Of course, Glazed Light Jade has other functions besides tool refining. It is rumored that a mortal wears a piece of Glazed Light Jade that will not age for decades.

Long Qingtian nodded, the Glazed Light Jade, he recognized, which made him wonder what was in the jade bottle.

The jade bottle opened, and the jade bottle suddenly shot a path of white rays of light. The white rays of light were not dazzling. Then, everyone smelled a strange and pleasant fragrance. This fragrance made everyone happy.

“This is, Earth’s Core Milk!” Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign sees something in the jade bottle, startled, trembling, extremely excitedly said: “Master, God, this turned out to be Earth’s Core Milk!”

“What?! In the rumor, Earth’s Core Milk!” Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat and Six-winged Purple Phoenix are also exclaimed.

Although they have never seen Earth’s Core Milk, they have also heard of this world.

Long Qingtian’s face can also be’t help to show a smile, didn’t expect jade bottle, it turned out to be Earth’s Core Milk.

This Earth’s Core Milk is an essence liquid born in the heart of the earth. It can be born after many years. Every drop is extremely difficult, and not all Plane hearts will be there.

This Earth’s Core Milk, it is no exaggeration to say that after swallowing, the ribs are rubbed, people are reborn, and they have great help for wounds with the body. Even if people don’t die, swallow a drop, they can lively dragon and instantly. Animated tiger.

Of course, every drop of Earth’s Core Milk is comparable to a peerless divine pill.

Long Qingtian was at the Dragon Race cemetery, lifting the Great Hell Incantation of Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign within the body, and the Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign gave him a space ring with a Nine Revolution Divine Pill, an Antiquity War God collecting countless spirit medicine refining The Nine Revolution Divine Pill, Long Qingtian has not been swallowed, and is intended to break through to Crossing Tribulation and even the Great Ascension Stage.

Because, this Nine Revolution Divine Pill is too precious for the current Long Qingtian.

But now, this Earth’s Core Milk, every drop, can compare a Nine Revolution Divine Pill!

Among the glass jade bottles, there are at least fifty-sixty drops!

Fifty-sixty Drop Earth’s Core Milk !

“Boss, made it, it’s released!” Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat can’t help but shine on eyes, and surprises with a smile.

Long Qingtian hearing this laughed, covered the jade bottle, earned Suppressing Heaven Pagoda, and then looked towards another jade pillar.

The first jade pillar is Earth’s Core Milk, so the second one? !

Long Qingtian came to the second jade pillar, as before, waving with both hands, forming a sigil, breaking into the second jade pillar and breaking the second jade pillar restriction.

When the second jade pillar restriction broke open, suddenly, a path of 澎湃 like the sea smell Spirit Qi assaults the senses, the sea giant wave Same Spirit Qi let Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat almost breathe.

“Good Spirit’s Spirit Qi, good and pure Spirit Qi!” Six-winged Purple Phoenix is ​​also cry out in surprise.

Everyone looks at it, only on top of this jade pillar, there are dozens of finger-sized water streams flowing over the jade pillar!

“Spirit vein, turned out to be grade 2 spirit vein!” Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat screamed.

That’s right, these dozens of finger-sized water streams are exactly the spiral veins, and all are grade 2 and above spicy vein!

There is 32!

Of course, these spirit veins are sealed to the size of a finger by a secret technique, and when they are unwrapped, they become a spiral vein.

Long Qingtian saw this 32 spirit vein, also smiled, through the three levels, all the way, he and the Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign Three Beasts Integration, with the body spirit vein Spirit Qi has almost consumed.

Now, this 32 spirit vein is enough for him for a while!

When he was there, he didn’t know which Chamber of Commerce to go to buy the muscle vein.

Long Qingtian took one of his hands and took the 32 grade 2 spirit vein one after another into Suppressing Heaven Pagoda.

Many of these 32 grade 2 spirit veins have reached the grade 2 top-rank Peak, but it is a pity that Long Qingtian is not at all grade 1 spirit vein.

Long Qingtian took 32 grade 2 spirit vein to Suppressing Heaven Pagoda and came to the third jade pillar.

“Boss, this third jade pillar, it won’t be a peerless divine pill.” At this time, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat was joking and happy.

The first jade pillar is sealed with Earth’s Core Milk, which is rare in the year of the year, the second jade pillar is the grade 2 spirit vein, and the third is really the peerless divine pill.

“When you break open, you know.” Long Qingtian smiled said, after finishing, as in the case, the sigil was formed, and the third jade pillar restriction was broken.

After a burst of rays of light, what appeared in front of everyone was a cauldron!

The cauldron is three sides, each with a huge peak, exactly the same as the Three Evils Peak outside.

“Master, this should be the tool refining used by Three Evils, the pill refinement cauldron, Evil God Cauldron!” After everyone startedled, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign was very excited and his voice trembled.

The cauldron used by Ancient Three Great Evil Gods!

Evil God Cauldron , divine tool cauldron !

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