Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat and Six-winged Purple Phoenix heard the Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign exclaimed. After startled, the eyes were hot and the breath was so fast.

“Evil God Cauldron !”

Ancient Three Great Evil Gods is the Sky Wilderness Plane ancient strongest powerhouse. According to the classics, he used cauldron and Evil God Cauldron to reach the Divine-grade middle-rank Peak!

Divine-grade middle-rank Peak’s cauldron!

For millions of years, grades and ranks have the highest cauldron.

After Evil God Cauldron, Sky Wilderness Plane, no other cauldron grades and ranks are higher.

This Evil God Cauldron is the Sky Wilderness Plane, even the scaresure that all the powerhouses of Scarlet Cheng Star Territory have dreamed of, especially the tool refining, the highest sacred in the heart of the pill refining.

Sky Wilderness Plane rumors, Evil God Maintenance Technique, and the Evil God Wheel used by the three Evil Gods are all in Three Evils Peak, Three Evils cave mansion, but no one knows where Evil God Cauldron is.

Didn’t expect Evil God Cauldron is also within the Evil God Palace.

Long Qingtian took a picture of her hands and took Evil God Cauldron in front of her face. The face was smiled. It seems that this trip to Three Evils Peak was not a small gain. Qilin Fire Divine Sword found it and got Earth’s Core Milk. 2 spirit vein, now this Evil God Cauldron.

Although in the past, this Evil God Cauldron was, in his opinion, a junk cauldron, but now, this Evil God Cauldron is a “good thing” for him, with this Divine-grade middle-rank Peak. Evil God Cauldron, when he can, he can re-refining Suppressing Heaven Pagoda, Fire Dragon Spear, Blood Shed Sword.

However, Long Qingtian saw that there is also a restriction in this Evil God Cauldron. To break the restriction, Long Qingtian is not in a hurry. Evil God Cauldron will be included in Suppressing Heaven Pagoda and will go out and then go to Evil God. Cauldron is completely refining.

“Go, let’s go to the 2nd floor!” Long Qingtian took Evil God Cauldron to Suppressing Heaven Pagoda and then took the Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat to the Evil God Pavilion 2nd floor.

This Evil God Pavilion 2nd floor not at all great hall has only a row of bookshelf.

There are a total of more than a dozen rows.

“This is Saint-grade top-rank cultivation technique !”

“This is Divine-grade martial skill, it turns out to be Divine-grade early-rank martial skill Spiral Palm !”

“This is the ancient tool refinement technique, which is the Mountain Setting Hand !”

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, Six-winged Purple Phoenix Three people looked at the books on the bookshelf and they exclaimed.

These cultivation techniques, martial skill, tool refinement technique, even if they are circulated, will only cause Sky Wilderness Plane to compete for all powerhouses.

Now, Sky Wilderness Plane’s top ten tool refinement technique ranks first in the cloud, and second in the Dwarf Race’s Water-Fire Fusion Art, but the cloud and Water-Fire Fusion Art in the ancient tool refinement technique In front of the Mountain Setting Hand, nothing is wrong.

This ancient tool refinement technique Mountain Setting Hand is many times better than the Clouds and Water-Fire Fusion Art.

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat Three people looked at these cultivation techniques, martial skill, secret book eyes, Long Qingtian but shaked one’s head.

These cultivation techniques, martial skill, secret book, in the eyes of others, are rare treasures, but in his eyes, there is a pile of garbage.

“Boss these cultivation techniques, martial skill ?!” After a while, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat retracted the eyes from the cultivation technique secret book and then looked at Long Qingtian.

Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and Six-winged Purple Phoenix are also looking at Long Qingtian.

Long Qingtian understands the meaning of Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat and says: “I give you the cultivation technique, tool refinement technique, martial skill, which is many times stronger than this, but if you look at which cultivation technique, secret book, take it. ”

“Yes, Boss!” Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat is delighted.

Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and Six-winged Purple Phoenix are also happy.

Although the three knew that Long Qingtian gave them a cultivating technique, the tool refinement technique was a lot better than this, but suddenly saw so many cultivation techniques, martial skills that were previously difficult to obtain, and the three were born to make these Cultivation technique The idea of ​​getting rid of it.

After obtaining the consent of Long Qingtian, the three men raided the cultivation technique and secret book on these bookshelf.

After a while, a dozen rows of bookshelf, which were originally filled with various cultivation techniques and secret books, left only a few rare ones.

“Let’s go, go to 3rd-layer.” Long Qingtian said, said.

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat Three people should be, then followed Long Qingtian to the Evil God Pavilion 3rd-layer.

3rd-layer , a deserted, is similar to the 1st layer, but the 1st layer has three jade pillars, but the 3rd-layer has nothing.

Long Qingtian launched the Heavenly Eye, the Heavenly Eye glance.

After a while, Long Qingtian regained his eyes, frowned, and under his Heavenly Eye glance, he did not find anything. If Heavenly Eye could not find it, then it only shows that this 3rd-layer really has nothing!

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat three people look at each other in dismay.

“Boss, will it be the first to take the lead, take the control jade plate.” At this time, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat opened the mouth and said.

Long Qingtian knows that Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat refers to Desolate Wilderness Divine Temple Wu Qian, Demon Race black clothed person, shaked one’s head, said: “impossible, if the two are closer than us, the 1st layer door is restricted and impossible. And, 2nd floor bookshelf cultivation technique, they will definitely take it away.”

There is really no such possibility.

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat Three people fell silent.

At this time, Long Qingtian suddenly moved, is it? Immediately, Long Qingtian forehead flashed and released Evil God Cauldron from Suppressing Heaven Pagoda.

Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign See Long Qingtian put Evil God Cauldron out, startled, and then said: “Master, is the control jade plate inside Evil God Cauldron?!”

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat and Six-winged Purple Phoenix are also looking at Evil God Cauldron.

“It’s possible.” Long Qingtian pondered and said, then said to the three: “You protect me, I refining this Evil God Cauldron!”

“Yes!” Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign several people respectfully agreed.

Now, first, second, 3rd-layer has no control jade plate, and that Xie Zheng says the control jade plate is at the Evil God Pavilion, so Long Qingtian thought it should be within the Evil God Cauldron space.

So Long Qingtian sat down, waved with both hands and began to refining the Evil God Cauldron.

However, this Evil God Cauldron has the restriction of the Three Evils gods, although the interval tens of thousands of years, where the restriction power is weak, but with Long Qingtian now strength to break this restriction, not so easy .

One day passed.

Suddenly, Evil God Cauldron vibrates and the rays of light are vomiting.

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat three people are suspicious.

After a while, the ray of light of Evil God Cauldron suddenly settled down and Long Qingtian opened his eyes.

“Boss, how?!” Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat saw it and asked before flying.

Long Qingtian smiled, nodded, with a single palm, and saw Evil God Cauldron, flying a palm-sized jade plate with the words “Evil God Palace”.

“Evil God Palace jade plate !” Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat saw the three, surprised and said.

Sure enough, Long Qingtian expected that the Evil God Palace control jade plate was within Evil God Cauldron.

“Go, let’s leave Evil God Palace now!” Long Qingtian stood up and said.

“Why are you leaving Evil God Palace?” At this moment, a voice rang, and then the rays of light flashed, and the Xie Zheng Divine Clone appeared.

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