“Otherwise?” Long Qingtian looked at Xie Zheng Divine Clone Phantom, indifferently said.

Xie Zheng startled, then said with a smile: “Don’t you want our Three Ancient Evil Gods cultivating cultivation technique? And the weapon we used, Evil God Wheel? The geocentric ru, the spicy vein, and even the Qilin you got. Fire Divine Sword, compared to our Three Evils Evil God Cleaning Technique and Evil God Wheel, is not worth mentioning.”

Among the Evil God Cauldron, although there is the control jade plate of Evil God Palace, not at all Evil God Cultivation Technique and Evil God Wheel.

After Xie Zheng finished, he smiled and waited for Long Qingtian to ask Evil God Added Technique and Evil God Wheel.

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and Six-winged Purple Phoenix are all turned to towards Long Qingtian.

“No interest.” Long Qingtian indifferently said.

Xie Zheng smiled and felt a big surprise: “You, no interest? You have to know that as long as you get our Three Evils cultivation technique, after cultivating, you can become the Sky Wilderness Plane strongest powerhouse like our Three Evils god. Standing at Scarlet Cheng Star Territory, the most popular, you can’t get it?”

He does not believe that there are people in the world who are not interested in their Three Ancient Evil Gods cultivating Evil God Cultivation Technique.

Long Qingtian glanced at the other side: “right.” After that, he turned to Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat and said: “Let’s go!”

“You!” Xie Zheng saw Long Qingtian really not interested in Evil God Cleaning Technique, but could not help but anxious, but before he finished, Long Qingtian opened the restriction on the jade plate, immediately rays of light flashing, jade Plate rays of light A few people in the Long Qingtian, disappeared instantly.

Xie Zheng’s face is changing and it looks like water.

Ancient era, his Three Evils spread the entire Scarlet Cheng Star Territory, the entire Scarlet Cheng Star Territory all powerhouse Which one is not respectful in front of him? But now, a younger brat does not even put him in the eye? !

“brat, even if you don’t want Evil God Cleaning Technique, this Evil God doesn’t have to be passed on to you.” Xie Zheng sneered and said: “At that time, I will let you die under my Evil God Wheel. Let me Three Ancient Evil Gods is again named Megatron’s entire Scarlet Cheng Star Territory !”

After Xie Zheng finished, the Divine Clone phantom disappeared.

Just as the Xie Zheng Divine Clone disappeared, the two figures flew out of the Ilusory Sea, the Wu Qian and Demon Race black clothed person at the Desolate Wilderness Divine Temple.

The two of them did not die!

Passed three levels!

After a short adjustment, the two flew to the Evil God Pavilion.

When the two flew to the Evil God Pavilion, outside the Evil God Palace, the rays of light flashed over and there was a Space-Time door, and several people from Long Qingtian flew out.

“It’s finally out!” Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat took a deep breath.

All three people have a happy face.

Subsequently. Without stopping, Long Qingtian took the three to fly outside Three Evils Peak. Although I left the Evil God Palace, it is still not safe. They are also within the Peaceful Sovereign Nine Evils Great Formation.

Four days later, several people from Long Qingtian came down from the fall of a mountain.

“Boss, we finally left the area surrounded by Three Evils Peak Peaceful Sovereign Nine Evils Great Formation!” Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat has a loose face, said with a smile.

Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and Six-winged Purple Phoenix have a smile on their faces.

Long Qingtian also smiled and said: “Since we left Nine Evils Great Formation, we will rest some time here.”

“Stay some days?!” Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat three startled.

“right.” Long Qingtian’s face is smiled. The harvest was not small, Nine-colored Flower, Leafless Purple Fruit, Qilin Fire Divine Sword were found, and I also unexpectedly got the eyes of Heavenly Elephant, the center of the earth ru!

Long Qingtian unhurried to leave, 趁 cultivating, and lifting strength.

Later, Long Qingtian took out the three jade bottles. With one hand, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat has one bottle per person.

“Every jade bottle has five drops of earth ru, you swallow a drop at a time, and then swallow the second drop after refining,” Long Qingtian said.

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat has a happy face, took the jade bottle, and respectfully agreed.

So, Long Qingtian arranged several forms in all around, hiding all around, and cultivating with everyone.

Long Qingtian sat there, and a drop of earth ru was suspended in front of him, emitting a faint white glow.

Subsequently, Long Qingtian opened his mouth and sucked it. The dripping heart ru was sucked into the mouth, melted instantly, and the entrance was fragrant, like a sweet spring, and a bitter sweet fruit.

a path of warm current from Long Qingtian within the body, flowing to the various meridian.

Long Qingtian [Prial Chaos Great Luo Heaven], soon, the body all around gave birth to a group of white fog, with Long Qingtian’s dantian’s Nascent Soul also [Prial Chaos Great Luo Heaven], and Long Qingtian absorbed the earth ru The essence of the earth contained in it.

Although the earth’s essence contained in this heart ru is huge, but the energy is not violent, but the other is very gentle, so Long Qingtian also no need to worry about not being able to absorb the energy and backlash problem.

One hour, two hours,…

One day passed and two days passed.

Three days later, Long Qingtian completely absorbed the essence of the earth’s heart.

This is still the reason for Long Qingtian [ Primal Chaos Great Luo Heaven ] cultivation technique. If it is someone else, I am afraid that it will not be absorbed until two or three months.

Long Qingtian took another drop after absorbing the essence of a drop of earth core ru.

With the constant refining of these geocentric ru, Long Qingtian’s strength, which has been rapidly increasing, has not reached the Soul Projection Late-stage Peak.

Half a month later, when Long Qingtian absorbed the fifth drop of the heart ru, the whole body shook and bursts of golden rays of light from the dantian.

Dividing Spirit Stage !

That’s right, Long Qingtian breakthrough is at Dividing Spirit Stage!

Long Qingtian eyes opened, the brilliance flashed, and the heart was happy. Originally, even the Divine Beast Kunpeng egg’s Innate Profound Qi and the Fiendgod Battlefield’s Divine Qi are absolutely impossible so fast to break through the Dividing Spirit. Ru,cultivation speed soared, finally breaking through Dividing Spirit.

After Dividing Spirit, then Integration, after Integration is Crossing Tribulation, above Crossing Tribulation is Great Ascension, and then gradually transforming Crossing Tribulation Power into Immortal Power, becoming Immortal!

Long Qingtian thought, Nascent Soul flew out of the dantian, then the rays of light flashed, and instantly disappeared into void, and after a while came to several beyond a thousand miles.

Beyond a thousand miles, a level 8 early-stage bone wolf is flying, Long Qingtian Nascent Soul raises his hands, a huge golden palm print instantly hits the level 8 early-stage bone wolf, bone wolf miserable Call, stumble.

Bone wolf roaring, turning over, wanting to fight wildly, Nascent Soul’s Qilin Fire Divine Sword waved up, a word glow flashed, only the bone wolf stopped, and then the whole body collapsed, from Falling from high altitude.

After the bone wolf strike to kill, Nascent Soul splitting voiid flew and returned to Long Qingtian.

“Breakthrough Dividing Spirit, not only my body, but also Nascent Soul’s strength.” Long Qingtian nodded, now, if it is an Emperor-level early-stage powerhouse, his deity and Nascent Soul join hands, move should be able to strike each other to kill .

At this time, Long Qingtian turned to look at the three Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat cultivating. ! . no one there? ?

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