Originally open, everyone has a weird face, even yin PengSung Master Peng Zheng and One Sword Sect Sect Master Zhong Mu

Because, they saw the person who opened the mouth, actually a Specter Sect high-level deacon standing behind Zhou Wen? !

The person who opens is naturally Long Qingtian.

“Hahahaha.” After Yao Cang startled, he laughed and laughed loudly, shaking his ears and screaming.

“Small, no one dared to interrupt me when I spoke!” Yao Cang smiled and stared at Long Qingtian, chuckled.

In the field, except for Zhou Wen and Xue Wuya, everyone looked at Long Qingtian with a pity.

They have been able to imagine the end of this Specter Sect.

After Yao Cang finished, and then looked towards towards Zhou Wen, he was next to the next: “Zhou Wen, I don’t want to see Specter Sect again.”

Don’t want to see it again! It goes without saying that Yao Cang wants this Specter Sect to disappear forever!

However, let him commit suicide to a small Specter Sect brother, who lost his identity, he wants Zhou Wen to do it himself!

Everyone is look at towards Zhou Wen.

Witch Ghost Sect’s Sect Master Wu Li is a dark sneer, looking at Zhou Wen in a look at other people’s misfortune. In his opinion, Zhou Wen can’t extinguish Yao Cang if he kills the Specter Sect. .

Yao Cang is going to take the position of the alliance lord. Certainly people are not satisfied. Yao Cang is missing an object to open the blade. Undoubtedly, the Specter Sect is now the target of the Yao Cang open blade.

However, next, Zhou Wen’s answer made everyone in the great hall stunned: “Sect Master Yao Cang, I don’t know what happened to my Specter Sect brother? Is it wrong for me Specter Sect to speak? And even my Specter Sect brother It’s a matter of my Specter Sect when I made a mistake. It’s not up to you to figure it out.”

The entire great hall was dead and terrifying.

Witch Ghost Sect’s Sect Master Wu Li and everyone’s chin fell to the ground.

Everyone can’t believe to look at Zhou Wen.

Is this really Zhou Wen? !

Zhou Wen dare to speak to Yao Cang like this? !

After sin Master Sect Master Peng Zheng was shocked, secretly shaked one’s head, even he did not dare to talk to Yao Cang, this Zhou Wen can not take the wrong medicine today?

He couldn’t help but look at Zhou Wen and Long Qingtian behind him, but he really couldn’t think of Zhou Wen’s refuge, even if he wanted to die, it was not such a death.

Everyone has the same idea as yin Sung Master Peng Zheng.

“Okay. Good!” At this moment, Yao Cang laughed again. Obviously, he was really angry this time. He didn’t think that when he was going to take the position of the alliance lord, someone actually tried him twice. The majesty.

And turned out to be a little Specter Sect!

Although Specter Sect is still South Territory’s 10 sects, Specter Sect Sect Master You Yuan numerous powerhouse is degraded, and strength is even worse than South Territory.

Yao Cang eyes killing intent looks at Zhou Wen and Long Qingtian.

“Sect Master Yao Cang. Just everyone agrees that this alliance lord position, who strong strength, who will do it.” Long Qingtian indifferent look.

Yao Cang hearing this, a face taunted: “Small, do you think your strength is stronger than me?” Finished, not laughed heartily got up.

Great hall every sect Sect Master, Supreme Elder also smiled.

Witch Ghost Sect’s Sect Master Wu Li is a bright smile, one finger Long Qingtian, said to everyone: “Do you see it? This Specter Sect brother wants to compete with our Sect Master Yao Cang for the role of lord?”

Everyone is laughing.

Cold Spirit Sect Sect Master Meng Ling also covers his mouth. The smile was exaggerated, the lovable body trembled, and the two things on the chest were turbulent, and I saw some younger brothers sighing.

“right.” Just laughed at everyone, Cold Spirit Sect Sect Master Meng Ling laughed at the chest when two things were turbulent, Long Qingtian looked calm.

Long Qingtian finished, the entire great hall was not quiet for a while, but after the silence, the laughter again broke out like a flood, and the great hall everyone laughed and leaned forward.

Yin sung Master Peng Zheng also shook his head. Look at the expression of Long Qingtian, the Specter Sect, like everyone.

He doesn’t know how to describe this Specter Sect.

Today is when Yao Cang sits on the position of the alliance lord and is the ri of Specter Sect.

“Small, you a Specter Sect little brother is also qualified to compete with our Sect Master for the alliance lord throne?!” At this moment, Monster King Sect elder laughed and pointed to Zhou Wen: “Even if you Sect Master, this Zhou Wen. In our In front of the Sect Master, there is only a copy of our Sect Master’s toes.”

“Sect Master, let the younger brother take the shot. Kill this little.” Then, the Monster King Sect Elder asked Yao Cang.

“Also, lest this Specter Sect brother come up with jest.” Yao Cang nodded said with a smile : “And, this Specter Sect brother may be a peerless expert, you should pay attention when you get there, don’t worry. Just kill people!” When it comes to this, Yao Cang can’t help laughing.

All around everyone can’t help but smile.

“Yes, Sect Master please be at ease.” That Monster King Sect Elder respected with a smile: “The brother will not let this little so dead.” Finished, flew, and came to great hall zhong yang,both Hands crossed near chest Looking at Long Qingtian: “Small, come out, let this Elder look at the tyrannical strength of your peerless expert.”

Everyone is a smile again.

Zhou Wen and Xue Wuya and the others are about to get up, and the two people suddenly sounded Long Qingtian’s voice, startled, and then stopped.

At this time, Long Qingtian slowly came out.

Under everyone’s gaze, come to the middle of the great hall.

Monster King Sect Elder See Long Qingtian come out, said with a smile: “Small, look at the part you dare to come out, I will let you three strokes, within three moves, I will not fight back, I am afraid that when I shoot, I will take you I am killed, so, these three tricks, what amazing martial skill you have, will be displayed and let everyone open their eyes.”

Long Qingtian face calm: “move is enough.”

Move ? Monster King Sect Elder just wanted to open his mouth and laugh again. Suddenly the silhouette flashed in front of him. He didn’t react. The chest was suddenly hit by a violent force. He screamed, flew out, rolled and rolled to Monster King. Sect Yao Cang and the others.

All smiles came to an abrupt end.

Cold Spirit Sect Sect Master Meng Ling Smile is stagnant.

Witch Ghost Sect’s Sect Master Smile is stagnant.

Monster King Sect Yao Cang smile is also stagnant.

Everyone looked at the Monster King Sect Elder in front of Monster King Sect Yao Cang and the others. For a moment, they had a Space-Time white.

Time seems to stop there.

After a while, Monster King Sect Yao Cang regained his eyes from the Elder of Monster King Sect, his face seyin sinking to the extreme, suddenly raised, looked towards Long Qingtian.

At this point, Long Qingtian’s face was calm, watching Yao Cang, the air flow in a burst.

After yin Yuzong Sect Master Peng Zheng was shocked, looked towards Long Qingtian, and looked toward towards Zhou Wen, a look of meditation.

“hehe, small, you are a little strength, is it so arrogant.” After a while, Yao Cang sneered and said: “However, you strength, still not qualified to let me do it.”

(Thanks to roaring dragon for the reward of the month, this book is the first time to enjoy the red) (Your support, this is my big motivation.) To be continued

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