Yao Cang is right. The strength of Long Qingtian’s outburst, although shocking, is only Divine-level 3-4th layer. In his opinion, it is still not qualified to let him do it.

Yao Cang divine sense constantly gliding Long Qingtian, making sure that Long Qingtian is just Divine-level 3-4th layer expert.

At this time, Cold Spirit Sect Sect Master Meng Ling regained his eyes from the Elder of Monster King Sect. The eyes were fixed on Long Qingtian, the watery, flashing of the rays of light.

“A Specter Sect disciple turned out to be a Divine-level expert?!” she willow brows wrinkle.

At this time, anyone can see that Long Qingtian is not a common disciple of Specter Sect.

However, although the great hall everyone doubts the identity of Long Qingtian, guessing the true identity of Long Qingtian, but not at all to Zhou Wen’s Master layer.

“I don’t know where is the invitation from Zhou Wen?”

“Divine-level is really strong, but I want to compete with Sect Master Yao Cang for the role of lord. It’s just a dream.”

“Divine-level is no different from Saint-level in front of the Ancient God powerhouse.”

Great hall A lot of Sect powerhouse discussed.

Almost great hall Many Sect powerhouses think that Long Qingtian should be the expert that Zhou Wen invited from.

” Still not qualified.” Long Qingtian looked at Yao Cang indifferently.

“Sect Master, subordinate is willing to shoot, this person strike to kill!” At this time, Monster King Sect a Supreme Elder stepped forward and respectfully said to Yao Cang.

The Monster King Sect Supreme Elder is the Divine-level 7th layer. Among the five Supreme Elders of Monster King Sect, it has the highest status and the strongest strength. It is only under Sect Master Yao Cang and Vice Sect Master Yao Cheng.

“Good.” Yao Cang sees Monster King Sect. The Supreme Elder walks out, nodded and said: “You don’t have to keep your hands, hit it all, hit it to strike!” This is the case, Yao Cang eyes killing intent flash.

Long Qingtian repeated the Monster King Sect face again and again, which made Yao Cang have reached a vertex for his killing intent.

If it is not because of the face, he has already shot.

“Look, Monster King Sect Supreme Elder Chen Fu is on!”

“More than two hundred years ago, this Monster King Sect Supreme Elder Chen Fu was already a Divine-level 7th layer powerhouse. It was rumored that more than two hundred years ago, when a star territory competed for a treasure, an Ancient God powerhouse wanted to kill him. , he was escaped by him!”

“Ancient God powerhouse can’t kill Chen Fu, Chen Fu is definitely number one person ! under our South Territory Ancient God!”

“You said how many tricks this Specter Sect disciple can withstand?!”

See Monster King Sect, Supreme Elder, and the great hall everyone.

Chen Fu flew in the air and came to the center of the great hall. He was tall and thin, standing there, taller than Long Qingtian, and the eyes turned out to be a rare white.

Long Qingtian looked at Chen Fu’s eyes, opened the mouth and said : “Eye of Light.”

Eye of Light, a more powerful and bewitching eye than the Three-eyed Evil Pupil, has the Eye of Light, a cultivating light element cultivation technique.

“right, Eye of Light.” Chen Fu’s face was cold.

Long Qingtian recognizes his Eye of Light, which is not surprising. Many people in South Territory know his Eye of Light.

Chen Fu said, no nonsense, the whole body aura skyrocketed, a path of strong white rays of light skyrocketed, the entire great hall was filled with light, everyone was wrapped in an extremely warm, comfortable light energy.

“This is my Light Divine Territory.” Chen Fu’s face is cold: “brat, die, die under my Light Divine Territory, you should be honored!” After that, he was full of light and condensed into countless articles. Bright long river.

Yes, it is the long river of light. These bright flows and rotations are like the long river of light.

Chen Fu suddenly sipped, only to see those long rivers smashed to Long Qingtian, instantly turned into a bright sword river, the space turbulent.

Long Qingtian looked indifferently at the countless bright rivers that had been smashed to himself, and his hands suddenly lifted up, and the double fists directly struck past.

“What? He would have to take Chen Fu’s bright blow directly with his fists!!”

“The bright river of Chen Fu Divine Territory Space is enough to cut the Divine-level powerhouse ** into pieces, this person is too arrogant!”

At the time of everyone’s argument, suddenly, they saw Long Qingtian’s fists suddenly collide with those long rivers.

“bang !” “bang !” “dong!” “dong!”

There were countless hits, and the ears were so shocking that everyone was sore, and everyone was surprised and surprised to see that there were countless enough to tear the heavens and splitting the earth, and the Divine-level powerhouse ** could be easily cut open. The bright sword river that came came under the double boxing of Long Qingtian and was bombarded.

Later, after seeing Long Qingtian blasting the Guangjianjian River, he was deceived and immediately came to the Monster King Sect Elder Chen Fu.

“Star Breaking Finger !”

“Star Breaking Explosion !”

Long Qingtian pointed out that Monster King Sect Elder Chen Fu was stunned and looked at Long Qingtian with a horror.

“How come so fast?!” Chen Fu couldn’t believe that his mind flashed through the head of single thought.

He is about to fly to dodge, but it is already late.

Seeing that Monster King Sect Elder Chen Fu was hit by Long Qingtian, at this moment, a rage came: “brat, you dare!” A silhouette suddenly flew up and slammed into Long Qingtian.

The horrible fat strength is straight through the void, even the great hall everyone who is watching all around is also complexion greatly changed.

It is Monster King Sect Vice Sect Master, Ancient God powerhouse Yao Cheng!

Seeing this fist to blast to Long Qingtian, but at this time, the great hall coldly snorted sounded, then another silhouette flew up, the palm suddenly printed, golden glow, and cut off this fist.

“hong long! ”great hall loudly.

Just then, a scream rang, everyone looked at it and saw Long Qingtian slammed into the chest of Monster King Sect Elder Chen Fu. Monster King Sect Elder screamed, flew out and crashed. Like the Monster King Sect Elder, it scrolls to Monster King Sect Sect Master Yao Cang.

Monster King Sect Elder Chen Fu rolled in front of Monster King Sect Sect Master Yao Cang, with a burst of intensive explosions, and then numerous blood holes burst from all corners of the body.

Everyone is scared.

However, what shocked everyone was that just cut off Ancient God powerhouse Yao Cheng and punched it like Long Qingtian, which is a discipline of Specter Sect.

“Ancient God powerhouse ?!”

“Specter Sect actually has an Ancient God powerhouse?!”

“Who are these two people?!”

Everyone couldn’t believe the Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign standing next to Long Qingtian.

Cold Spirit Sect Sect Master Meng Ling The two groups of things on the chest are undulating, and Witch Ghost Sect’s Sect Master has a deathly pale face and a slight trepidation.

The Monster King Sect Vice Sect Master Yao Cheng, who was attacked by Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, was shocked.

“Sect Master Yao Cang, sneak attack is the style of your Monster King Sect?” Long Qingtian looked at the shocked Yao Cang, sneered and said: “One person is lost, the two are on.”

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