Compared with other people, Yao Cang is even more shocked, and his face is even more ugly.

Long Qingtian can work with Three Beasts Integration and reach Ancient God middle-stage! And Long Qingtian can be the same as Three Beasts Integration, Long Qingtian strength, and he can’t use it as an excuse to say anything.

His eyes flash, a path of black rays of light flowing among his eyes.

“brat, even if you can reach Ancient God middle-stage with Three Beasts Integration, how about?!” Converging, Yao Cang looks at Long Qingtian coldly: “A few decades ago, the Golden God Founder, Ancient God Middle-stage, also my repel!”

Long Qingtian knows the Golden Japanese god.

The Li Feng that Evil God Palace met on the same day was the Supreme Elder of the Golden Japanese god, and later died at Thunderless Peak.

However, Long Qingtian didn’t expect the Founder, Ancient God middle-stage powerhouse, will be defeated in the hands of Yao Cang, see his words, shouldn’t be fake.

“More to say no benefit, hands-on.” Long Qingtian indifferent look.

“Okay, I am Yao Cang today, I will take you to try my Earth’s Measureless Divine Fist’s formidable power!” Yao Cang sees Long Qingtian as unmoved, sneered and said. At this time, he also knows that he can’t go back.

Although Long Qingtian and Three Beasts Integration reached the Ancient God middle-stage, he was confident that he could still defeat Long Qingtian.

“Six years ago, I defeated the founder of the Golden God, six years of seclusion, I took Earth’s Measureless Divine Fist cultivating to the Ninth Layer Peak!” Yao Cang body slowly floated from the ground, a group of black rays of light constantly revolving around He is all over his body.

Yao Cang’s whole body aura broke out completely.

The ancient aura of the early God of the Early God, such as the ruin of the entire great hall, from its aura point of view, is not weaker than Long Qingtian’s aura.

Long Qingtian’s face was calm and volleyed, and there was a confrontation with Yao Cang.

Great hall everyone all retreated to the edge of the great hall, Yin Fiend Sect Sect Master Peng Zheng and the others also arranged a restriction in front of them, in case the two people fought fiercely, the shock sect disciple.

Everyone looked at the two figures of the great hall.

Xue Wuya, Zhou Wen and the others also clenched their eyes.

Although Long Qingtian is mysterious in their eyes, Yao Cang after all is the strength of their South Territory’s first powerhouse strength, and has already penetrated into the hearts of South Territory.

“didn’t expect Yao Cang turned Earth’s Measureless Divine Fist cultivating to Ninth Layer Peak!”

“Earth’s Measureless Divine Fist Ninth Layer Peak, I’m afraid that the Ancient God middle-stage powerhouse is hard to resist!”

Some Sect Sect Masters are acoustic to tones.

The entire great hall, silent.

The two bodies are all around, a path of strong air currents constantly hitting and sizzling.

Just when everyone felt so depressed, suddenly, Yao Cang suddenly took the lead and took the lead.

“Earth’s Measureless Divine Fist 1st layer, endless!”

I saw that Yao Cang slammed out, and an infinite amount of power splitting voiid slammed into Long Qingtian, as if it was endless, and when it smashed, everyone was surprised to find that they were in the ground, suddenly banging, like Yao Cang punching Integrate with all around the earth.

Long Qingtian look is indifferent, palm shot, and Yao Cang seems to be a violent punch.

Yao Cang saw Long Qingtian easily break his own, complexion sank.

“2nd layer, Measureless Mountain!”

Yao Cang was deceived and came to Long Qingtian in an instant, suddenly slamming Second Fist.

Under this fist, the measureless power condenses and forms a boxing mountain. Yes, it is everyone and everyone. The huge fist imprint forms a boxing mountain and slams into the chest of Long Qingtian.

Long Qingtian did not retreat, raised his hand and punched it with his fist.

“hong” sounded, the entire great hall, and even the entire Mountain Range of the Monster King Sect was shocked. Everyone looked at it and saw both Long Qingtian and Yao Cang dancing and withdrawing at the same time.

“3rd layer, Measureless Land!” Yao Cang retreated and then hit the third punch.

Under this fist, there is no wind and no power, the whole space, there is no fluctuation, everyone sees it, when it is suspicious, suddenly the great hall suddenly burst out of the horrible power, rushing up, such as volcanic melt generally from the ground Long Qingtian to the sky, very fast.

Long Qingtian coldly snorted, the flying body fell, the palm shot down, and the sound of the crash, Yao Cang this thrilling punch.

Great hall, Xue Wuya and Zhou Wen and the others see, not sighed in relief.

Although Long Qingtian and Yao Cang seem to be flat now, Yao Cang has been strikes, and Long Qingtian can easily resolve the Yao Cang attack.

Long Qingtian strength, stronger than Yao Cang!

After Long Qingtian smashed the third punch of Yao Cang, coldly said: “You also receive my fist!”

“Strangling Roaming Snake Fist !”

Long Qingtian this fist, the great hall vibrates, the snakes scream, the sun and the moon sink, Ghost God is sobbing, everyone’s soul has felt a feeling of being pegged by thousands of poisonous snakes.

Yao Cang eyes is big, watching countless snakes attacking themselves, surprised, shouted: “4th layer, the sky!” kicked out.

The measureless power interweaves to form a piece of space, trying to block the Long Qingtian attack.

However, Yao Cang saw that countless snakes had ignored his infinite space and instantly penetrated the past and continued to attack him.

He was terrified.

“5th layer, no amount, heaven and earth, mountain river, sun and moon!”

Measureless power, turned into heaven and earth, mountain river, sun and moon.

But it didn’t work, so the measureless power was useless, and countless Roaming Snake Fist came to Yao Cang in an instant.

Yao Cang turn pale with fright, constantly flying to dodge.

“Ghost God Doesn’t Know !”

I saw that his body was dark and flickering, disappearing into the great hall, and seemed to have been completely hidden.

“Ghost God Doesn’t Know?! This is an ancient powerhouse called Ghost God. After the show, it seems that there is no such person in the world and earth. Even Ghost God doesn’t know where he is.” Yin Fiend Sect Sect Master Peng Zheng startled and said : “With this body, it is invincible!”

All around everyone, listened, also startedled.

However, just after Yin Fiend Sect Sect Master Peng Zheng, Long Qingtian’s countless Roaming Snake Fist passed through the space where Yao Cang was originally located, and then entangled, a mysterious force spread, and then a sigh of sound When it sounded, it disappeared, and the hidden Yao Cang fell out of the void.

Everyone saw it, startled, all looked towards the Yin Fiend Sect Sect Master Peng Zheng.

The obvious meaning is that you didn’t say that after Monster King Sect Sect Master Yao Cang showed this Ghost God Doesn’t Know, even Ghost God didn’t know?

Yin Fiend Sect Sect Master Peng Zheng looked at the air and looked awkward, but his face was a bit awkward, but even more surprised, he knows that Ghost God Doesn’t Know is very powerful.

But it was still forced by Long Qingtian.

After Sect Master Yao Cang fell from the void, the countless Roaming Snake Fist smashed him one by one.

“6th layer, Measureless Great Flood !”

However, when he was about to blast the numerous Roaming Snake Fist that had entangled him, the Long Qingtian silhouette flashed and he had already arrived in front of him.

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