“Great Luo Palm !”

“Reversing Heaven and Earth !”

Long Qingtian palm shot, Yao Cang was frightened and punched, but it didn’t work. Long Qingtian palm passed through countless Roaming Snake Fist and then photographed him on the chest.

It was shocking.

Yao Cang’s body suddenly stunned and flew out.

He only felt Long Qingtian’s palm photographed on his chest. The internal organs were all shaken open, the blood rushed, the body robe burst, and even the inner armor exploded.

He just wanted to stabilize his body, but the Long Qingtian attack came again.

“Ninth Layer, Measureless Universe, sky and the earth turning upside down!” Yao Cang both shocked and angry, the whole body True Qi spurred, and made a Measureless Divine Fist strongest strike to Long Qingtian.

Long Qingtian actually hurt him, which made him angry.

I saw Yao Cang punching, the infinite strength of the evolution of the universe, the infinite measureless power stirring the world, the heavens and the earth seem to have overturned.

Seeing that his fist was about to hit Long Qingtian, Long Qingtian flew and suddenly disappeared.

Yao Cang this fist hit a virtual place.

Yao Cang was shocked. When he was suspicious, suddenly a violent force behind him suddenly slammed and was eclipsed.

“Azure Bear Body !”

At this time, he avoided it, and the whole body black rays of light flashed. I saw him become a huge black bear. This huge black bear had two golden horns on both sides of his forehead.

Azure Bear is a variant monster beast of bear-type variant beast. It is endless and defensive. After Yao Cang turns out of Azure Bear Body, a black ray of light condenses behind him, forming something like armor.


Long Qingtian palm photographed him on the back. The armor that had just formed from the back of Yao Cang was shaken away. His Azure Bear Body rushed forward and fell from the air to the great hall. on.

The sound of the crash, the entire ground violently shocked, the great hall swayed and seemed to collapse.

“Sect Master!” originally retired to Monster King Sect Vice Sect Master Yao Cheng. Stunned, see Long Qingtian palm and then photographed to Yao Cang. His figure flashed and his fist ushered in Long Qingtian. Palm.

“Tyrant Fist !”

That Monster King Sect Vice Sect Master Yao Cheng.

Long Qingtian palm hits it with a punch, space all around, the violent air, the shock, the hard glazed stone on the ground of the great hall all burst away and flew out.

All around every sect disciple exclaimed.

Yin Fiend Sect Sect Master Peng Zheng and the others did not wave off these glazed stones.

After the Monster King Sect Vice Sect Master Yao Cheng and Long Qingtian hit a punch, the figure retreated backwards and the ground was branded with dozens of deep footprints.

At this time, Yao Cang had already gotten up from the ground, and Azure Bear squirted a bloody spurt, and there was a huge pit on the ground. The eyes with black rays of light were utterly innocent.

Long Qingtian is volleyed and confronts Yao Cang.

“Master divine might is invincible !”

“The position of the alliance lord, not the Master!”

Xue Wuya, Zhou Wen The sound of surprise sounded.

At this point, everyone already knows the result.

Yao Cang has lost!

According to the previous said, the strength lord is determined by strength, now, no doubt, the position of the alliance lord is Long Qingtian!

Supreme Elder, Elder, and deacon from Blood Demon Sect and Specter Sect are not cheering.

Cold Spirit Sect Sect Master Meng Ling, Witch Ghost Sect’s Sect Master Wu Li and the others.

Yao Cang’s body flashed, turned back to human-shape, looked at Long Qingtian, his face was cloudy, and his fists clenched. The power of a group of horror was condensed in his within body. However, after a while, he finally did not Attack again.

He knows that even if he shoots again, the ending will be the same, and he will be defeated even worse!

“Sect Master!” Monster King Sect Vice Sect Master Yao Cheng came to Yao Cang, and his mouth was covered with blood. He apparently had a shock with Long Qingtian.

The terrorist power contained in Long Qingtian palm also surprised him.

Yao Cang raised his hand and he knew what Yao Cheng wanted to say.

“Okay, I am admit defeat!” Yao Cang looked at Long Qingtian slowly said.

Yao Cang’s voice was coiled in the great hall, after a brief silence, there was a commotion, all around every sect Sect Master, Supreme Elder, Elder.

Yao Cang lost!

Above the great hall, most people can’t accept this fact for a while.

“Do you really want this black-haired youngster to be an alkali lord?”

“How else? Are you going to challenge?”

“Forget it, I still don’t want to die.”

Just when everyone sect Sect Master talked, Yao Cang’s voice sounded again: “My Monster King Sect announced to withdraw from the alliance!”

Monster King Sect announces its withdrawal from the alliance!

Everyone startedled, and then looked strange.

Long Qingtian hearing this sneer, if you lose, you will withdraw from the alliance? This Yao Cang is sinister, as long as he withdraws, then Cold Spirit Sect, Witch Ghost Sect, Nine Absolutes Sect, Three Corpse Sect, Tyrant Origin Sect, etc. will definitely quit, and if so, those small sect will also withdraw.

In this case, this alliance is tantamount to abandonment, Long Qingtian even if it is sitting on the alkali lord, it is equal to the polished pole lord.

Sure enough, Yao Cang said that to withdraw, Cold Spirit Sect Sect Master Meng Ling also said with a smile: “My Cold Spirit Sect also withdrew from the alliance.”

After the Cold Spirit Sect Sect Master Meng Ling, it was the voice of Nine Absolutes Sect Sect Master Qiu Jiujue: “My Nine Absolutes Sect also announced the withdrawal from the alliance.”

“My Witch Ghost Sect also quits the alliance!” Witch Ghost Sect’s Sect Master Wu Li taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune shouted.

Three Corpse Sect, Tyrant Origin Sect Sect Master also announced two exits, immediately, and other small sects followed the shouts and quit the alliance.

Above the great hall, most Sects announced their withdrawal.

Yin Fiend Sect Sect Master Peng Zheng and One Sword Sect Sect Master Zhong Mu look at each other and choose to be silent.

Long Qingtian looked at the various groups that had withdrawn from the alliance, and was sneered in one’s heart, indifferently said: “Which Sect is going to withdraw from the alliance, and I don’t want to follow me as an alliance lord, now I can opt out.”

Yao Cang sneered and said: “brat, it’s our business, we are exiting, we quit, how can you take us? Do you dare to shoot us?”

He would like to see how Long Qingtian can be.

“right, we quit, we are free, how can you take us?” Nine Absolutes Sect Sect Master Qiu Jiujue sneered and said.

Immediately, there are some small sect Sect Master announced to withdraw.

In their view, as Yao Cang said, they quit, Long Qingtian did not dare to treat them, Long Qingtian strength is stronger, and they dare not rival all Sects here.

“Is there any Sect to quit?” Long Qingtian ignored Yao Cang and Qiu Jiujue and continued indifferently said.

After a while, after confirming that there is no Sect exit, Long Qingtian said: “In this case, if you are willing to respect me as an alliance lord, stand on my side.”

Xue Wuya, Zhou Wen naturally led Blood Demon Sect and Specter Sect everyone to stand behind Long Qingtian.

Some of the small sect Sect Masters who just announced that they had withdrawn from the alliance after hesitating for a while, also led the door down to Long Qingtian.

After a while, the Sect standing on the side of Long Qingtian was sparse, while on the side of Yao Cang, the crowd was swaying, creating a huge contrast.

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