Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign looked coldly at Four-winged Whale King.

Although the Four-winged Whale King is also an Ancient God early-stage powerhouse, it is a lot worse than him.

“Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, what do you mean?!” Four-winged Whale King glared.

“What do you mean? Nothing else.” Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign sneered and said: “My Dragon Flaming Valley is not the place where anyone wants to come, who wants to leave.”

Four-winged Whale King hearing this laughed heartily, one finger Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign: “Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, although you are an ancient powerhouse, but I want to go, do you think you can stop? And, do you think you can Stay here for all the powerhouses in the Sky Blue Continent family!!”

“right, we want to go and leave, if you want to come, do you think you can keep us all?!” Martial God Palace Old Ancestor Zhuo Chang then followed and said.

“Martial God Palace all the recognize listen to your command, let’s go!” Zhuo Chang shouted, flying up, and all the Martial God Palace disciple are also flying, follow them behind, to leave.

Zhuo Chang looked at Long Qingtian coldly before leaving, and the eyes hated.

Martial God Palace left, Heaven Connectiing Sword Sect sect master Wang Feng also ordered, leading the Heaven Connectiing Sword Sect disciple to leave, followed by Myriad Beast Sect, Supreme Profound Academy, Universe Academy and Returning Void Academy.

Old Ancestor, the various parties invited by Martial God Palace, also flew away.

Four-winged Whale King sees, laughed heartily, looking at Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign with a sneer: “Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, let’s leave, you have the ability to stop us all!” Finished, turned into a blue light , instantly left the place.

Seeing the Martial God Palace, the various families flew away. Suddenly, a path of black rays of light rose from the ground and instantly blocked the various family powerhouses that flew up.

The powerhouses of the various factions were amazed to leave in the other direction, but the same was blocked by the black rays of light.

In an instant, each family has a big mess.

The Four-winged Whale King was also blocked by a path of black rays of light. He was shocked to see that all around the world turned out to be dark. Then, a path of blood red radiance intertwined, each and everyone The bone blade is dressed in black armor, eyes blood red, and Yin Soldier Ghost General, which is full of chills.

“What is going on here?!” Martial God Palace Old Ancestor Zhuo Chang surprised and angry said.

“Long Qingtian is good at formation, this should be what his layout!” Heaven Connectiing Sword Sect sect master Wang Feng.

“These Yin Soldier Ghost General must be illusion, don’t be afraid, we will join forces, attack this formation, and the great formation will not be able to trap us all!” Four-winged Whale King calm down shouted: “We join forces to attack , broke this formation!”

However, after the Four-winged Whale King had just finished, he saw a disciple of the Martial God Palace being cut by a Yin Soldier hand-held bone blade. The screams, the whole body continued to shrink, as if all the flesh and blood in his body was swallowed and dried. General!

Then, Heaven Connectiing Sword Sect, Myriad Beast Sect and other family members are also screaming. All the fragments in the Yin Soldier Ghost General are so swallowed and drunk!

“This is not illusion! These Yin Soldier Ghost General are real!” The various families of the various disciplines screamed in horror.

Immediately, panic, screaming and screaming.

Four-winged Whale King At this moment, a tall ghost will suddenly slam him over to the blade, and the Four-winged Whale King will shoot, and the tall ghost will be photographed, seeing, Four- Winged Whale King heart relaxed, but then he was surprised to see that the ghost who was shot was going to climb again and continue to cut it.

Great formation The other situation is also interpreted in the same corner. The powerhouses of the Martial God Palace found that these Yin Soldier Ghost General seemed to be indestructible, even if they broke their hands and feet, a sword pierced their chest, still not dead!

Long Qingtian flew in a flash, before the great formation, looked at Four-winged Whale King and the others, sneer trapped inside the great formation.

This great formation is naturally arranged by him. Of course, it is not the Seven Emotions Absolute Killing Formation, but the more horrible Luo Prison Yin Ghost Formation than the Seven Emotions Absolute Killing Formation!

This Luo Prison Yin Ghost Formation, Yin Soldier Ghost General is an entity, which is cut by its * sailing · -=· acridine · 0-=*, it will become a dry corpse, and the pain is abnormal before death.

These Yin Soldier strength is equivalent to the Venerable-level powerhouse, and the ghost will be equivalent to Emperor-level. Although strength is not strong, it is difficult to kill, and it will be endless!

“Long Qingtian, I am Yongfeng Dynasty, Lu Family Patriarch, just watching the lively, not at all to participate in the attack on Dragon Flaming Valley!” At this time, within the great formation, a middle-aged man wearing a robes Shouted in horror: “Please let us go!”

“However, I am the Black Yang Dynasty Fei Family Elder, but also the lively, not at all attacking the Dragon Flaming Valley!” Inside the great formation, an elderly wearing the Black Yang Dynasty Fei Family Elder costume also Shouting: “Long Qingtian, you let us go out, are you going to be against all the families of Sky Blue Continent?!”

Can you hear the threat in the Black Yang Dynasty Fei Family Elder? Long Qingtian sneer.

Black Yang Dynasty Fei Family ? When he went to the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce auction, the Fei Gao he met was Fei Family.

At this time, Dragon Sovereign Ao Bai, Dragon Race Supreme Elder Ao Wuji and Dragon Race Many Elder couldn’t believe it. Now, they still can’t believe it, everything is true!

Looking at Peng Zheng, Meng Ling, Zhong Mu, and the ancient God powerhouse behind Long Qingtian, Ao Bai can’t calm down for a long time.

All this, to his shock, is beyond words.

Within the great formation, the blood is continuing, the slaughter continues, and the panic continues!

Martial God Palace, Heaven Connectiing Sword Sect Disciples are constantly being smashed and become corpses!

And those families Patriarch, how Elder cries, Long Qingtian are indifferent look, these families follow, what abacus they play, everyone knows.

Six factions break through the Dragon Flaming Valley, they are coming from profiting from somebody’s misfortune!

If it wasn’t for Long Qingtian to arrive in time, Dragon Race wouldn’t know how many disciplines would die in the hands of these profiting from somebody’s misfortune’s Patriarch, Elder.

A few hours later, within the great formation, the dead bodies piled up like mountains.

Looking at the six factions and the family discipline trapped in the great formation, becoming a corpse, even Ao Bai, Ao Wuji, and Peng Zheng, Xue Wuya and the others were chilling.

Peng Zheng, Xue Wuya and the others can’t help but think of the horror scenes of Monster King Sect, Cold Spirit Sect, Witch Ghost Sect and other disciples in the Seven Emotions Absolute Killing Formation.

These days follow Long Qingtian, Peng Zheng and the others are more awesome about Long Qingtian, and they are more aware of Long Qingtian’s method.

Whoever becomes the enemy of Long Qingtian is absolutely boundless.

“Long Qingtian, beg you, let us go.” At this moment, Lu Family Patriarch cried: “We know it is wrong, please, let us live a life!”

And Black Yang Dynasty Fei Family Elder also cried: “Let me go out, Senior Long Qingtian, I know it is wrong, no more dare!” Even the senior shouted out!

Other families, Patriarch, Elder, and Disciples, also cried.

Looking at the discipline all around each and everyone, the constant horror, the death of the footsteps and the aura, forced them to be crazy.

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