“Let you out?” Listening to the Patriarch in the great formation, Elder cried for long, and Qing Qing indifferent look.

“Yes, Senior Long Qingtian, please let us go!” Those Patriarch, Elder saw Long Qingtian finally opened, all of them nodded, even crying for a piece.

“It’s not impossible to let you out.” Long Qingtian opened the mouth and said.

Those Patriarch, Elder hearing this, a look of surprise.

“Senior Long Qingtian, I don’t know how you let us go out, what conditions, we all agree.” Yongfeng Dynasty Lu Family Patriarch suddenly opened the mouth and said.

Other Patriarch, Elder also slammed the post.

“Take me.” Long Qingtian slowly said.

“Invest in you?!” All the family Patriarch, Elder startled, and then the face changed.

“right, it works for me, all above Saint-level, and it works for me, I can give him Divine-level top-rank cultivation technique.” Long Qingtian continued.

“What?! Divine-level top-rank cultivation technique ?!” Like the original Xue Wuya, Wu Li, Zhou Wen and the others, these Patriarch, Elder hearing Divine-level top-rank cultivation techniques, all looked shocked. Even the Four-winged Whale King, Zhuo Chang, Wang Feng and the others did not dare to look at Long Qingtian.

“This, is this true?!” asked a family Patriarch, unbelievably.

Long Qingtian has no openings.

But Long Qingtian side Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat refers to Xue Wuya, Zhou Wen and the others, opened the mouth and said: “They voted Boss, all were given Divine-level top-rank cultivation technique !”

Four-winged Whale King and the others are standing in front of Long Qingtian, Peng Zheng, Xue Wuya, Zhou Wen and the others.

All were given Divine-level top-rank cultivation technique !

“I am willing to take the Master!” After a while, in the great formation, a family Patriarch opened the mouth and said.

With the first place, there will be a second, third place. Not long after, there will be dozens of family Patriarch, and Elder is willing to work for Long Qingtian.

Looking at the family Patriarch, Elder has invested in himself, and Long Qingtian has no accidents.

Life and Death threats, and then lure, the average person will choose to surrender, just like Xue Wuya, Wu Li and the others, this method has been used many times in Immortal Realm and Long Qingtian.

So, Long Qingtian let these homes, Elder one after another let go of Soul Sea, plant Faith Seed, one after another, and give Divine-level top-rank cultivation technique.

Those who were still hesitating, Patriarch, Elder saw, and they all chose to work.

Soon, there were more than 300 family Patriarchs, and Elder worked for Long Qingtian.

Within the great formation, in addition to the Martial God Palace six factions disciple, Elder, and the Four-winged Whale King, which was invited by Martial God Palace to besiege the Dragon Flaming Valley, and the eight Divine-level Old Ancestor, they have already chosen Long Qingtian.

Four-winged Whale King, Martial God Palace everyone fought against Yin Soldier Ghost General’s attack, looking at each and everyone family Patriarch, Elder’s Long Qingtian, both shocked and angry.

“You eight, to work for me, I can also give you the Divine-level top-rank cultivation technique.” The eight Divine-level Old Ancestor in Long Qingtian looked towards great formation.

The eight Divine-level Old Ancestor faces changed and were surprised and regretted.

Originally, they have been seclusion for many years and have not been born for many years. This time, they were besieged by the Martial God Palace six factions to besiege the Dragon Flaming Valley. They thought that they could get some heavenly materials and earthly treasures of the dragon race’s treasury and upgrade their cultivâtion bâse ,didn’t expect Now even the dragon race’s treasury has not seen it, but to become a slave to others!

After looking at each other, the eight people finally chose to pay for it.

Eight Divine-level Old Ancestors worked, and Longqingtian’s Divine-level powerhouse increased to reach 40 six!

40 Six Divine-level! This is not the entire Heaven God Dragon Sovereign Four God, 40 six Divine-level, but also enough to destroy the Martial God Palace Six Great Super Influences.

“Blue Whale Old Ancestor, if you work for me, I can also avoid you from dying, they can get it, you can also get it.” Long Qingtian then went to Four-winged Whale King.

Four-winged Whale King was amazed.

He did not expect Long Qingtian to let him go!

In fact, there is a reason for Long Qingtian to conquer the Four-winged Whale King, one of the Chaotic Sea Four Great Kings. The Chaotic Sea influence is conceivable. If the Four-winged Whale King is conquered, it is equal to Conquered a quarter of the influence of the Chaotic Sea.

And with Four-winged Whale King, it’s a lot easier to conquer the entire Chaotic Sea.

It is the main purpose of Long Qingtian to conquer the entire Chaotic Sea.

Four-winged Whale King has a cloudy face and struggles with her heart.

However, Long Qingtian is not in a hurry, standing shoulder-to-hand, looking towards the Heaven Connectiing Sword Sect Wang Feng, Myriad Beast Sect Du Nian and the others in the great formation.

“Heaven Connectiing Sword Sect sect master Wang Feng, Myriad Beast Sect Sect Master Du Nian.” Long Qingtian then ordered the headmaster of Supreme Profound Academy, Universe Academy and Returning Void Academy, saying: “You are working for me, you can also get Divine. -level top-rank cultivation technique.”

Heaven Connectiing Sword Sect sect master Wang Feng, Myriad Beast Sect Sect Master Du Nian and the others After listening, the reaction was similar to that of Four-winged Whale King, standing there, his face hesitating.

They are a singular sage. In this Sky Blue Continent, call the wind and summon the rain, there are thousands of people, now to recognize a human as my Master? ! Just like the original Peng Zheng, Wu Li and the others, hesitating and difficult to decide.

“Okay, my blue whale is willing to work for Master!” Just as Heaven Connectiing Sword Sect Wang Feng and the others hesitated, Four-winged Whale King suddenly spoke to Long Qingtian said.

Four-winged Whale King At this point, it is obvious that Long Qingtian has already become a reality. In the future, the Sky Wilderness Plane will be unified. Since the Whole Heaven Dragon Sovereign has many Ancient Gods and the Divine-level powerhouse has worked for Long Qingtian, he chose to follow Long Qingtian. It is not a shameful thing.

Four-winged Whale King has been effective, and the original hesitant Heaven Connectiing Sword Sect Wang Feng and the others have finally chosen to be effective.

Among the Luo Prison Yin Ghost Formation, only the Martial God Palace disciples are left.

“Long Qingtian, you traitor, bully ancestors, I don’t think my Martial God Palace will work for you. You won’t die in the future. One day, you will be under the borderless hell and you will be punished!” See Even Connectiing Sword Sect Wang Feng and the others also chose to invest in Long Qingtian, Martial God Palace Old Ancestor Zhuo Chang angered Long Qingtian, martyrdom

“Lower borderless hell?” Long Qingtian hearing this, laughed: “borderless hell, I did go, after the past, the innocent prisoner saw me, beheaded!”

When Long Qingtian was still Immortal Emperor, he went to borderless hell. The infinite prisoner saw Long Qingtian and daggers again and again.

This is indeed not a lie.

Martial God Palace Old Ancestor Zhuo Chang hearing this, smiled and looked ridiculed: “Even the innocent prisoner beheaded you? Long Qingtian, you don’t even have to give the endless prisoner shoes!”

Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat hearing this angry, just about to speak, Long Qingtian raised his hand and stopped Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat, then against Martial God Palace Elder, Supreme Elder said: “Martial God Palace Elder, Supreme Elder, Disciple, who is willing to work for me, I am equally welcome!”

Martial God Palace Old Ancestor Zhuo Chang, Bi Yao The two faces are ugly.

“I, I am willing!”

Long Qingtian looked at it, it was not someone else, it was the Martial God Palace Law Enforcement Elder Yang Qingshan who had to accept him as a discipline.

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