Inside the Luo Prison Yin Ghost Formation, I saw the younger son of Martial God Palace, long and old, too old and old, and Senior Elder all lying on the ground, their robes, war armor all exploded, everyone It was covered with a sword mark.

These sword marks are as terrifying as a spider web.

Everyone is like being cut a hundred swords, thousands of swords!

“cough, cough, cough!” In the horror of everyone, suddenly, suddenly, in the great formation, a weak cough came out, everyone looked, saw a silhouette crawling slowly on the ground, is Martial God Palace Old Ancestor Zhuo Chang !

At this time, he was also covered with sword marks, bloodstained, and was struggling to climb to a silhouette in the distance, and this silhouette was also slowly crawling toward him, exactly his wife Bi Yao.

The two climbed hard and climbed over the corpse of Martial God Palace.

However, after a while, Bi Yao, who was crawling halfway, suddenly stopped and fell to the ground, no more movement.

“Yao’er!” Martial God Palace Old Ancestor Zhuo Chang snorted, eyes tears falling.

The two have been observing for thousands of years, didn’t expect, and will eventually die here!

This trip to Dragon Flaming Valley turned out to be a farewell!

Everyone saw this, and they all sighed, especially the Martial God Palace, the long-haired and old-fashioned Long Qingtian, who also looked sad.

Murong Qian is even more beautiful and tearful.

At the last moment, she could feel the intense love and love of the Martial God Palace Old Ancestor Zhuo Chang.

Long Qingtian sighed in the heart, with a finger, a sword qi flashed through the Martial God Palace Old Ancestor Zhuo Chang forehead, Martial God Palace Old Ancestor Zhuo Chang stumbled, eyes round.

In the past, at Immortal Realm, how many formidable people like Martial God Palace Old Ancestor died in the hands of Long Qingtian.

Million years ago, Long Qingtian had just been from Earth ascending and entering Immortal Realm. She was soft and let go of the enemy. Later, this person was not only grateful but more hateful and long hatred. Long Qingtian was almost killed by it. Since then, Enemy, Long Qingtian is no longer soft.

Long Qingtian waved and dispersed the Luo Prison Yin Ghost Formation.

Everyone is silent, no one speaks and no one dares to speak. Wang Feng and the others look at the corpse and expression of Martial God Palace Old Ancestor Zhuo Chang in great formation.

“Ao Bai.” After a while Long Qingtian opened the mouth and said.

“At, Master!” Dragon Sovereign Ao Bai heard Long Qingtian calling himself and hurrying forward to respect respectfully.

“Let Dragon Race younger generation bury the Martial God Palace and the corpse corpse, Martial God Palace Old Ancestor Zhuo Chang and corpse together to deal with the scene!” Long Qingtian said.

“Yes, Master!” Dragon Sovereign Ao Bai respectfully agreed and then turned to Command Dragon Race to bury the Martial God Palace and the corpse corpse, and clean all around.

Martial God Palace, Tongyu Tianjianmen, the families see Long Qingtian Commanded Dragon Race, the younger sister-in-law buried the corpse corpse, I am grateful.

At this time, Long Qingtian turned to look at towards Four-winged Whale King, Wang Feng and the others, Four-winged Whale King, Wang Feng and the others, facing Long Qingtian eyes, could not help but Low bowed.

“You, are you dissatisfied with my heart?” Long Qingtian slowly said.

“No, no, Master, we don’t!” Four-winged Whale King Wang Feng and the others panicked.

Long Qingtian coldly snorted: “Whoever is dissatisfied with my heart, has a dissatisfaction, and I have been through the seeds of your Soul Sea. I am clear.”

Four-winged Whale King, Wang Feng, Du Nian and the others Cold sweat on the forehead.

“Good, this is the case, you are now with me to the Equal Heaven Mountain Range!” Long Qingtian opened the mouth and said.

Equal Heaven Mountain Range ,Martial God Palace mountain gate!

Although most of the Martial God Palace is long and old, and Senior Elder has been effective, Long Qingtian has not really controlled the Martial God Palace, unlike the Allianz Beast Sect, Myriad Beast Sect and other Five Great Super Influences.

Myriad Beast Sect Sect Master Du Nian is self-reliant, and they are effective. It is equal to the Tongyu Tianjianmen. Myriad Beast Sect is in the hands of Long Qingtian.

The precipitation of Martial God Palace needs further integration.

As long as the Martial God Palace influence is integrated, the Allianz Beast Sect, Supreme Profound Academy, Universe Academy and Returning Void Academy Five Great Super Influences, plus the Yongfeng Dynasty Lu Family Patriarch, the effect of Long Qingtian I believe that it is not difficult to further rectify the entire sky.

Martial God Palace Six Great Super Influences This is the strongest six major influences in the sky, and the effective Yongfeng Dynasty Lu Family, many families are inheritance millennial family, these influences together, can think of how scary .

Of course, this does not include the various events of Fiendgod Battlefield South Territory.

So, Long Qingtian and his team, five Ancient God, dozens of Divine-level, more than two thousand Saint-level and many Emperor-level, Venerable-level, Ancestor-level powerhouse all the way to the Equal Heaven Mountain Range.

Compared with the previous Martial God Palace, the Dragon Flaming Valley’s army, Long Qingtian and his party are even more powerful. Five Ancient Gods, dozens of Divine-level auras are distributed, and the city is tens of thousands of miles. They were all horrified and looked at the sky with horror.

“It seems to be Martial God Palace, six factions powerhouse?!”

“They didn’t go to the Dragon Flaming Valley, would you want to kill the Dragon Race? How come back?! And, how many more powerhouses!! A terrible aura!”

“Who is the black-haired youngster at the front?! You see, sect master Wang Feng, Myriad Beast Sect Sect Master Du Nian, they are behind him!”

“No?! Are you wrong?!”

“No, absolutely no, six factions held a grand event in the past few years. I met the sect master Wang Feng and Myriad Beast Sect Master Du Nian!

“Weird, why don’t you see Martial God Palace Old Ancestor Zhuo Chang? and Martial God Palace Headmaster Jiang Bie?”

Looking at the high altitude Long Qingtian and the others flying far away, disappearing, all the cities below are shaking, and there are many discussions.

At this time, the Martial God Palace Equal Heaven Mountain Range, the vast field before the Purple Firmament Palace great hall, the vast crowd.

“The elite sister of this Martial God Palace of this year does not know who it is?”

“I heard that the rebel gangster Long Qingtian is the first of the two previous elite sisters of our Martial God Palace!”

“This is true, even Gu Fan, who was the brother of Ancient Copper Combat Divine Body, was defeated. However, Gu Fan later went to the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce auction and was killed on the loop. It was killed by the people of Demon Race!”

Above the vast field, Martial God Palace talked about it.

Listening to the Martial God Palace, these younger sisters are talking about it, and now the Purple Firmament Palace great hall is going to hold a new elite sister-in-law competition.

During the Martial God Palace discussion, suddenly, within the Purple Firmament Palace, two figures, aura tyrannical, showed that this is the host of this elite sister-in-law competition.

“Fu Chen Shi Xiong! This elite sister-in-law competition is actually hosted by Fu Chen teacher!”

Some younger sisters could not help but be surprised.

That’s right, it’s the same time that Long Qingtian has the same three-eyed Evil Pupil Fu Chen.

“Everyone is quiet!” Fu Chen came after, shouted: “Who would dare to mention the name of the gangster Long Qingtian and cancel the qualification of this elite sister-in-law!”

Immediately, the vast field was quiet.

Fu Chen glanced at the Martial God Palace disciples below and continued: “This time, our Martial God Palace Old Ancestor Zhuo Chang teamed up with the powerhouses, and the peerless powerhouse Four-winged Whale King senior, the Dragon Flaming Valley, must Can kill the Dragon Flaming Valley, the traitor Long Qingtian is not far behind!”

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