“Fu Chen Senior Brother said the right, who dares to betray Martial God Palace, our Martial God will kill it!” Another host also opened the mouth and said: “Even if Long Qingtian has Dragon Race support?” Not only is he dying, but his Dragon Race is also dying!”

On the vast field, all the disciplines of Martial God Palace are silent.

Suddenly, at this moment, a path of horrible aura came from afar like a tide.

Under the pressure of these aura, all the disciplines of the Martial God Palace on the vast field are suffocating, all of them look blank and look towards the distant sky.

Fu Chen can’t stand this aura oppression and fall directly from the sky.

“what happened?!”

“Ahorrible aura, this is Divine-level? No, it is the ancient God powerhouse, the ancient god powerhouse’s aura, and not one!”

I saw all around the mountain, each and everyone Martial God Palace disciple all came out of the court, frightened, the elite disciple, true disciple, core disciple, and the left-handed Elder in the Martial God Palace sacred realm all from the sacred realm Flying out.

They watched in horror as the distant sky flew and continued to approach the black spots of the Equal Heaven Mountain Range!

“It’s Heaven Connectiing Sword Sect sect master Wang Feng, Myriad Beast Sect Sect Master Du Nian, Senior Blue Whale, and our Martial God Palace Elder, Supreme Elder!” Waiting for this black spot, some Martial God Palace disciple exclaimed stand up.

“Don’t our Martial God Palace kill the Dragon Flaming Valley so quickly? Is it back now?!” An elite disciple looks happy.

“Sure! This time, there are not only Ancient God powerhouse Senior Blue Whale, but also eight Divine-level Old Ancestor, and some Emperor-level, Venerable-level powerhouse. It is easy to kill Dragon Race. !”

Some disciples are talking about it.

“Hey, who is that black-haired youngster?!” Suddenly, a Martial God Palace disciple shouted.

“Heaven Connectiing Sword Sect sect master Wang Feng and Senior Blue Whale, how do they stay behind this black-haired youngster? What about our Old Ancestor and Headmaster?” Another Martial God Palace disciple found something strange.

Looking at Fu Chen from the height of the sky, when you look at the black-haired youngster in the mouth of the Martial God Palace disciple, the eyes are infinitely large, the mouth is infinitely open, and the whole person is standing there like a thunder.

“What happened to Fu Chen Senior Brother?” Another host, I couldn’t help but wonder.

At this time, those who were the same as Long Qingtian’s outer palace and inner hall disciple also recognized Long Qingtian and could not believe it.

“Dragon, Long Qingtian!”

“Long Qingtian, he, how could it be him?!”

Some have never seen Long Qingtian’s Martial God Palace disciple hearing this, the same eyes are big, incredibly watching the black-haired youngster flying in front of Four-winged Whale King Heaven Connectiing Sword Sect sect master Wang Feng and the others.

Long Qingtian ? !

He is Long Qingtian!

However, how does Long Qingtian be with Heaven Connectiing Sword Sect sect master Wang Feng and Four-winged Whale King, Martial God Palace? ! Is Long Qingtian not the object of their Martial God Palace and Heaven Connectiing Sword Sect powerhouses?

They didn’t want to understand what was going on.

Soon, Long Qingtian and the others came before the Equal Heaven Mountain Range.

Originally shocked, the Martial God Palace disciple was quiet.

Long Qingtian looked at the Equal Heaven Mountain Range. More than two years ago, he entered the Martial God Palace. The past is vivid and has been blinking for more than two years.

“See ever ever ever ever ever Senior Senior Senior ever ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E

Martial God Palace Supreme Elder Han Ning and the others Look at Long Qingtian See Long Qingtian Face not at all What is not fast, this is a loose heart.

“You come over to see Master!” Martial God Palace A senior Elder suddenly spoke to Elder, who stayed behind the Martial God Palace.

The Elder hearing this left behind by Martial God Palace looked up and looked horrified, then looked forward to Long Qingtian along the eyes of the Senior Elder, and the eyes were wide.

Below, all Martial God Palace disciple eyes are even bigger.

“Lord, Master?!” Elder, who stayed at the Martial God Palace, ate. He looked at the Senior Elder of Martial God Palace with suspicion. He wondered if he was sailing *-=·哟哟·0-=* Misheard? !

“right, not only you, but all the disciplines of the Martial God Palace are all listening, you all come over and see the Master!” The Martial God Palace Senior Elder shouted.

All Martial God Palace disciple, see Master? ! Immediately after the Martial God Palace disciple, it immediately stunned.

“We, all Martial God Palace disciple want the traitor Long Qingtian to be the Master?! What is going on?!”

“Let us call a traitor called Master ?pah!”

Some Martial God Palace disciple obviously don’t understand what it is, and the emotions are very moving.

“Brazen!” The Martial God Palace Senior Elder listened to these Martial God Palace disciple, claiming that Long Qingtian was a traitor, complexion greatly changed, angry and shouted, and the whole body suddenly burst out, covering everything, under its powerful momentum, those Martial God Palace disciple This is quiet.

“All of you listen, Zhuo Chang, Bi Yao, Jiang Bie and the others have all been killed by the Master, not only us, but also sect master Wang Feng, Myriad Beast Sect Sect Master Du Nian, Four-winged Whale King senior, all contributed to the Master!” Then, another Martial God Palace Senior Elder opened up shouted.

All Martial God Palace disciple were stunned, they looked at the Four-winged Whale King behind Long Qingtian, the sect master Wang Feng, the Myriad Beast Sect Master Du Nian, the Martial God Palace Supreme Elder and the others.

Then, looked towards Long Qingtian.

“All, all in effect?!” Martial God Palace Elder, discice has a blank mind.

Some of the disciples, who were still screaming Long Qingtian traitors, were stunned and looked cold and drenched.

As for the Three-eyed Evil Pupil Fu Chen, the eyes are dark and dizzy.

A dead silence.

Long Qingtian looked at the Martial God Palace disciple below, no openings.

“From now on, the Martial God Palace disciple, who dares to disrespect the Master, is dealt with according to the Martial God Palace. The lighter is driven out of the Martial God Palace, and the heavy one is in the death penalty!” Martial God Palace is a Supreme Elder shouted.

Martial God Palace has all the differences look at each other in dismay, and the Elders who stayed behind the Martial God Palace still don’t believe what they saw and heard.

A discipline that they saw as a traitor turned out to be their Master? !

Moreover, even the old Ancestor Zhuo Chang, Headmaster Jiang Bie and the others who they saw as if they were there were killed by them!

“He is a traitor to our Martial God Palace, let us call him Master, impossible!” Suddenly, a Martial God Palace disciple cried.

“right, this Long Qingtian is a traitor to our Martial God Palace!” Another Martial God Palace disciple screamed.

Martial God Palace The dozens of Senior Elder looked at Long Qingtian’s indifferent complexion, turned to the next, angry palm, and shot, screaming the screaming Martial God Palace disciple and directly killing.

After the dozens of Senior Elder strikes to kill dozens of screaming Martial God Palace disciple at Martial God Palace, all around was quiet.

“Who else, dare to disrespect the Master?!” Martial God Palace, a Senior Elder shouted.

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