All the disciples of the Martial God Palace are chilling. They look at the dozens of Martial God Palace disciple lying there, and they realize that Martial God Palace is no longer their Old Ancestor Zhuo Chang, they are Headmaster Jiang Bie already Not in!

Their Life and Death are in the hands of these Senior Elders, Supreme Elders, or their Life and Death is in the hands of Long Qingtian, who was a traitor to the Martial God Palace in their eyes!

Of course, they also know that the so-called traitors are just the definition of their Old Ancestor.

For things between Long Qingtian and Lei Haoxuan, although they are forbidden, they still know something.

“Dragon Elder.” At this point, a senior Elder from Martial God Palace turned to the left and left one of Martial God Palace Elder.

“At, Chen Senior Elder!” The Martial God Palace Elder panicked and quickly respectfully agreed.

This dragon Elder, when the Long Qingtian inner hall competition, wants to collect Gu Fan as the discipline of Martial Hall Hall Master, dragon strength! At that time, dragon strength took a fancy to Gu Fan, and Yang Qingshan took a fancy to Long Qingtian.

“You, and they, all come over pay respect to Master!” The Martial God Palace, the Senior Elder, refers to the dragon strength and other Elder who stayed at the Martial God Palace.

Dragon strength The face is cloudy.

For Long Qingtian, the Martial God Palace disciple, he naturally remembers.

At first, he was optimistic about Gu Fan, and wanted to conquer Gu Fan as a discipline. Later, he was taken by Long Qingtian, which was equivalent to indirectly licking his face.

“What? It’s just pay respect to ?!” The male Elder of the Martial God Palace sounded, shouted, and locked the dragon strength and the others with other Senior Elder and Supreme Elder aura.

Dragon strength sighed in the heart, then came over and bowed to Long Qingtian: “dragon strength kowtow to sect master !”

Martial God Palace The other left Elder looked at each other and finally came over pay respect to Long Qingtian.

Long Qingtian looked at the dragon strength. This dragon strength was originally in the sight of Gu Fan. He wanted to collect Gu Fan as a discipline. He also knew.

“Get up.” Long Qingtian indifferently said.

“Xie Master!” dragon strength and the others should be, stand aside.

“Let your Soul Sea go.” Then, Long Qingtian opened the mouth and said.

Let the Soul Sea go? ! Dragon strength and the others complexion changed, but in the end they left the Soul Sea, and then Long Qingtian planted Faith Seed on their Soul Sea.

“Now, I will give you the Divine-level top-rank cultivation technique.” Long Qingtian said.

“What?! Divine-level top-rank cultivation technique ?!” Dragon strength and other Elder, and all the Martial God Palace disciple below.

In their stunned, Long Qingtian raised his hand and golden light pointed it out, branding the Divine-level top-rank cultivation technique into the mind of the dragon strength and the others.

“Really, really Divine-level top-rank cultivation technique?!” dragon strength and the others sense the cultivation technique in the mind. The reaction is the same as Xue Wuya, Zhou Wen, Four-winged Whale King and the others. Believe.

Long Qingtian turned to look forward to all the disciplines under the Martial God Palace.

Now, the dragon strength and the others have been brought to the fore, and the Martial God Palace is basically in control. However, the core disciple of the Martial God Palace is not too small at the Martial God Palace, just like the previous Lei Haoxuan and the core disciple of the Martial God Palace. Therefore, these core disciples should also be accepted.

As long as you have accepted the core disciple of Martial God Palace, then you are completely in control of Martial God Palace.

“Martial God Palace all core disciple, all go forward, pay respect to Master!” After knowing the meaning of Long Qingtian, Martial God Palace Senior Elder opened shouted.

Those core disciple hearing this hidden in the crowd, all complexion changed, hesitated, and then came out from the crowd.

“kowtow to sect master !”

“kowtow to sect master !”

These core disciple came to Long Qingtian and bowed.

Long Qingtian nodded, followed by one after another on these core disciple brains, Faith Seed, however, he not at all gave these core disciple Divine-level top-rank cultivation techniques, Divine-level top-rank cultivation technique, although for Long Qingtian Said, just the lowest price, the most garbage cultivation technique, but not everyone can get it.

These core disciples are returned. At this time, Long Qingtian really controls the Martial God Palace, which is already the real master of the Martial God Palace.

“Boss, two years ago, Zhuo Chang favored Lei Haoxuan and drove you out of the Martial God Palace. He was basically didn’t expect two years later, you will become the Martial God Palace Master.” At this time, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat satirically looked at the Martial God Palace, the Senior Elder, Supreme Elder.

The practice of Zhuo Chang in the past made Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat have no good feelings and even dislike of Martial God Palace.

If you press Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat, destroy all Martial God Palace.

Martial God Palace The Senior Elder, Supreme Elder heard the irony of Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat, and his face turned red. They looked at Long Qingtian carefully and saw Long Qingtian’s face calm and could not see the mood, they only slightly in their hearts. A loose.

Although they have invested in Long Qingtian, they know that if Long Qingtian angered them because of the past, it is easy for Long Qingtian to kill them.

Even if Long Qingtian doesn’t shoot, Long Qingtian’s powerhouse behind him is enough to kill the Martial God Palace countless times.

Martial God Palace core disciple was put into effect. Then, all the disciple of Martial God Palace bowed to Long Qingtian, calling Long Qingtian Master.

“You all get up.” Long Qingtian looked at the densely packed below, and couldn’t see the end of the Martial God Palace disciple, opened the mouth and said.

Martial God Palace, there are millions of outer palace disciple, plus inner hall, elite, true biography, core disciple, I don’t know how many, if you add Sky Blue Continent branch hall influence, more.

Long Qingtian’s eyes swept and saw Three-eyed Evil Pupil Fu Chen among the crowds. At this time, Long Qingtian was in the heart of a speech, and a senior Elder to the Martial God Palace said: “With me, there is a discipline called Fan Xiao, what about the discipline? Ask him to come and see me.”

Martial God Palace, the Senior Elder, has a respectfully agreed, and the Martial God Palace disciples opened the mouth and said: “Martial God Palace disciple Fan Xiao comes up, Master wants to see you.”

Just, not at all.

At this time, a deacon of Martial God Palace came forward respectfully: “reporting back to master, Senior Elder, this Martial God Palace disciple Fan Xiao, he went to Demon Territory a few months ago to execute the mission, and has not returned yet.”

“Go to Demon Territory to execute the mission?” Long Qingtian nodded, followed by a pure Divine Qi into the deacon within the body: “This is the pure Divine Qi of Ancient Fiendgod Battlefield. After you go back, refining.” ”

“What?! Ancient Fiendgod Battlefield’s pure Divine Qi?!” Four-winged Whale King, Heaven Connectiing Sword Sect Wang Feng and the others were shocked. Previously Long Qingtian only gave them Divine-level top-rank cultivation technique. So I don’t know the pure Divine Qi.

Martial God Palace All the disciples are also in vain.

Four-winged Whale King, Martial God Palace Senior Elder, Supreme Elder and the others After the shock, I looked at the Martial God Palace deacon with envy.

“earnestly thanks my Master ,earnestly thanks my Master !” Martial God Palace, the deacon surprise, and bowed again and again.

He was a little confused by this huge happiness.

Long Qingtian let it get up.

“Boss, didn’t expect Fan Xiao that brat is quite smart, went to Demon Territory?” At this time, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat.

Long Qingtian nodded, he has long seen that he entered the Martial God Palace’s black-robed youth Fan Xiao, who is a Demon Race person. Going to Demon Territory to execute the mission should be just an excuse, and will not return to Martial God Palace.

Originally, Long Qingtian wanted to see if he could ask some Demon Race.

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