To the starry sky outside the Sky Wilderness Plane, Long Qingtian looked up and saw the vastness of the starry sky. Occasionally, a group of clouds like the Samema nebula, a little blue light among these nebulae.

Quiet, far-reaching, boundless, people standing in the starry sky, really a small dust.

Long Qingtian retracted his mind and looked towards Sky Wilderness Plane.

At the foot of Long Qingtian, Sky Wilderness Plane looks far away, like a giant egg embedded in the vast starry sky. This giant egg exudes a faint rays of light.

Under Long Qingtian divine sense, Sky Wilderness Plane’s Plane Power of Source is also found to be rooted in the depths of the starry sky.

After a while, Long Qingtian took a star territory map.

Flying through the starry sky is like moving in the middle of the desert. If there is no star territory map, it is easy to get lost in the infinite starry sky, and there is a starburst in the endless starry sky. Desert dust storms, even if the Ancient God powerhouse encounters a strong sandstorm, it must fall!

Long Qingtian looked at the star territory map, above the star territory map, there is a red dot flashing, it is the position of Long Qingtian, and the red dot all around, there is a strip of light radiating to space all around, each light is clear The landmark indicates which Plane to go to.

Long Qingtian recognized the direction, then flew up and flew northeast, like a meteor in the starry sky, constantly flashing.

Myriad Treasure Plane is the Sky Wilderness Plane’s largest Trading Plane, but not far from the Sky Wilderness Plane, and Long Qingtian is flying faster than the Divine-level 7th layer powerhouse, plus the Spirit Qi with grade 1 spirit vein Support, Long Qingtian estimates that under the rush, the Myriad Treasure Plane can be reached in half a month.

Of course, this is all the way to safety, without any hindrance.

Long Qingtian keeps flying, starry sky is boundless, and few other creatures are seen. However, occasionally, Long Qingtian divine sense glances and finds that some powerhouses are flying in the starry sky.

Long Qingtian didn’t want to cause any trouble, so she avoided these people.

The Divine-level powerhouse can fly in the starry sky. As for the Saint-level powerhouse, it is generally not allowed to fly alone in the starry sky. Otherwise, it is also a squad.

In the vast and endless starry sky, in addition to Plane, there are some planets.

However, most of these planets are uninhabited planets, a desolate, poor environment and no life.

Five days later, Long Qingtian flew down on an uninhabited planet.

For five consecutive days, despite the support of Spirit Qi of grade 1 spirit vein, the consumption of True Qi is too great. Long Qingtian intends to take a break on this uninhabited planet.

After Long Qingtian flew down to the uninhabited planet, the divine sense swept away and came to a hidden mountain cave. He entered, placed a shield formation outside the hole, then sat down and swallowed a divine pill. , run the cultivation technique to adjust the interest.

A few hours later, Long Qingtian woke up and took a deep breath and stood up. As Long Qingtian stepped out of the hidden mountain cave, suddenly she heard the voice of spliting voiid.

Then, five silhouettes appeared.

“Elder Bai Yun, is the Azure Water Beast really in this uninhabited planet?” Among the five, a middle-aged man opened the mouth and said.

“right.” One of them clear skinny old man nodded and said : “We got the exact news, this Azure Water Beast is hiding in this uninhabited planet.” Speaking of this, his voice is harsh: “You also know this Azure Water Beast pair The importance of our Young Master Wuzhen, so this time we can’t let this Azure Water Beast escape!”

“Elder Bai Yun be at ease, we naturally know.” Another middle-aged man said: “This Azure Water Beast was injured. We have five Divine-levels and we have prepared a silkworm silk screen. It can’t escape! ”

“Not afraid of 10,000, I am afraid of it.” Bai Yun nodded: “The Azure Water Beast should be in front, we carefully converge on aura, the past!”

“Yes, Elder Bai Yun.”

Five people converge on aura, carefully flying forward.

Long Qingtian hearing this, my heart, Azure Water Beast? ! This Azure Water Beast is a kind of strange beast between heaven and earth.

The skin of Azure Water Beast is an extremely precious material for tool refining. If Long Qingtian refining Suppressing Heaven Pagoda, adding Azure Water Beast’s animal skin will not only improve Suppressing Heaven Pagoda formidable power, but also make Suppressing Heaven Pagoda defense has more than doubled!

In this case, Suppressing Heaven Pagoda can withstand Ancient God powerhouse strikes.

Moreover, Azure Water Beast’s bloodline is extremely important for Suppressing Heaven Pagoda’s Tool Spirit Divine Beast Kunpeng, when Long Qingtian sealed Divine Beast Kunpeng beast soul into Suppressing Heaven Pagoda, Divine Beast Kunpeng beast soul is still weak, this year, Long Qingtian Although the Divine Beast Kunpeng beast soul has been upgraded in various ways, it still has a long way to go compared to the Qilin Beast Soul of Qilin Fire Divine Sword.

However, if the Divine Beast Kunpeng beast soul engulfs the Azure Water Beast’s bloodline, incorporating the Origin Essence from the Azure Water Beast bloodline, it will take a short time to reach the Qilin Beast Soul.

When Suppressing Heaven Pagoda was promoted to immortal tool, Divine Beast Kunpeng beast soul was also able to “fit” Suppressing Heaven Pagoda.

Otherwise, Suppressing Heaven Pagoda promotes immortal tool, Tool Spirit is too weak, and will also affect Suppressing Heaven Pagoda’s formidable power.

Looking at the back of the five people, Long Qingtian flew in a flash, converging aura, followed by five people.

These five people are Divine-level powerhouse, and the skinny elderly Bai Yun is the Divine-level 7th layer Peak. It has already stepped into the powerhouse of Ancient God. However, Long Qingtian converged aura, and the five people did not find it.

Skinny elderly Bai Yun Five people flew all the way, and after half an hour, they came to a valley.

The valley is fascinating and charming, and Spirit Qi is extremely rich. Long Qingtian found that there are many exotic flowers in the valley, which are very rare pill refining spirit medicine.

This uninhabited planet is a wasteland, and there are many pill refining spirit medicines in this valley! Long Qingtian has some surprises.

“The beast is healing myself face, everyone is careful, don’t let the beast escape!” Skinny elderly Bai Yun sounded to the other four people.

“Elder Bai Yun be at ease.” One of them sound transmission said with a smile : “The Azure Water Beast will choose a place and hide in it.”

Then, skinny elderly Bai Yun gave a look to the other four people, the other four people would like to know, and then each stood in a corner of the valley, forming a four-corner, and skinny elderly Bai Yun flew over the valley.

After the five people stood up, skinny elderly Bai Yun no longer converges on aura, and the body aura emerges from the body like a storm cloud, covering the world everywhere.

“roar!” In the skinny elderly Bai Yun burst out of the aura, under the valley, suddenly a sound of ominous beast, then, a silhouette from the bottom of the moment flew out, want to escape.

Skinny elderly Bai Yun saw, coldly snorted, immediately, the hands of light flashed, and the other four people throw away, I saw a huge golden silkworm silk screen shrouded to that silhouette.

That silhouette was shocked, and the figure fell back and fell to the bottom of the valley.

Long Qingtian looked, only saw a dozen zhang high, a pair of blue eyes, the body covered with a path of earthen-colored striped monster beast standing on the valley floor, glaring at the skinny elderly Bai Yun five people.

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