These dozens of zhang high, eyes blue, the body covered with earthy stripes monster beast is naturally that day strange beast, Azure Water Beast!

And Long Qingtian found that the Azure Water Beast was an Azure Water Beast that had just crossed the Divine Tribulation and was promoted to Divine-level.

Long Qingtian has a heart, Divine-level Azure Water Beast, whose heavenly beast bloodline has awakened. At that time, Suppressing Heaven Pagoda Tool Spirit Kungpeng beast soul devours, blends, and works better!

However, he is not at all eager to get started, but hides aside and waits for the best chance.

Skinny elderly Bai Yun Five people saw their prepared gold silk screen did not cover the Azure Water Beast, startled, but five people not at all continue to cover the net, but parked over the valley.

“Azure Water Beast, you can’t escape.” Skinny elderly Bai Yun looked down at the Azure Water Beast on the valley floor, opened the mouth and said: “I still walk with us. In fact, our Young Master Wuzhen is not necessarily. To kill you, our Young Master just wants a little blood on your body.”

Azure Water Beast hearing this, laughed heartily, eyes sneer at skinny elderly: “Just want me a little blood? Old man, you don’t have a head broken? Or I really thought I would believe you are so childish to the extreme shit?!”

Skinny elderly Bai Yun complexion sank.

“Elder Bai Yun, this Azure Water Beast, fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness! Let’s take it and let it try the soul of our Truthless Church!” A middle-aged man looks at it. Azure Water Beast sneered and said.

Azure Water Beast glared, flying, and suddenly palm shot to the middle-aged man: “Soul of the soul! I killed you first!”

I saw that under the palm, a huge yellow palm print splitting voiid, such as the giant mountain generally pressed to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was shocked, his hands snapped out of the palm and resisted the Azure Water Beast palm, but even so, he was shaken back and walked back.

Just as he retreated, the Azure Water Beast flew away and fled from its gap splitting voiid.

“hmph!” Suddenly, a silhouette flashed and a punch hit, and Azure Water Beast was forced back again. The person who shot was the skinny elderly Bai Yun.

The middle-aged man, who was previously shakely withdrawed, flew back and said: “Elder Bai Yun, this Azure Water Beast is too cunning, me!”

Azure Water Beast To kill him is a fake, it is true to want to escape.

If the non-skinny elderly Bai Yun shot, I am afraid that I was really escaped by the Azure Water Beast.

Skinny elderly Bai Yun coldly snorted and said : “After going back, you go to the Punishment Hall and go to the penalty!”

Middle-aged man has a tremor, respectfully agreed.

Although he is also a Divine-level powerhouse, it is just a Divine-level 1st layer. Compared with the skinny elderly Divine-level 7th layer Peak, the footsteps of the Realm of Ancient God are quite different.

And skinny elderly is a special person, he dare not speak.

Skinny elderly Bai Yun Looking at Azure Water Beast, eyes cold, and then said: “Snakes!” Immediately, five people flashed like a cloud, attacking Azure Water Beast.

The five people themselves are Divine-level powerhouse, combined with great formation, the attack is enhanced again, and the five people are flying between the illusions, the space all around, the air is constantly rotating, shaped like a snake, constantly entangled with Azure Water Beast, The speed of the Azure Water Beast has also been affected.

Soon, they were forced to retreat by five people.

Not long after, Azure Water Beast was hit by the skinny elderly Bai Yun in the back and flew out.

Azure Water Beast is even more roaring.

However, skinny elderly Bai Yun is shocked. He is this fist, even if the Divine-level 7th layer powerhouse is bombarded, it must be serious injury. But this Azure Water Beast, which has just been promoted to Divine-level, seems to be it’s nothing like it? ! It looks like a slight shock!

“Really strong defense!” skinny elderly Bai Yun was surprised.

The other four were also surprised.

Seeing this, the five people are even less willing to do so, and the attack is more powerful, forcing Azure Water Beast to evade.

Although the defense of Azure Water Beast is strong, it has been injured before, and the skinny elderly Bai Yun is not weak. After being hit by more than a dozen punches, the injury is aggravated and finally the blood of the beast is spurting out.

Skinny elderly Bai Yun Five people see, a heart of joy, obviously, Azure Water Beast has been unable to support for how long!

Now, skinny elderly Bai Yun is a full-fledged attack.

After a while, Azure Water Beast’s mouth was bleeding and the blue eyes were faint.

Long Qingtian hides aside and still hasn’t shot. He knows that the time has not yet arrived.

“hehe!” skinny elderly Bai Yun Looking at the faint Azure Water Beast, sneer got up: “I see how you can escape.” After that, with the other four people’s hands of light, the gold silk screen again to Azure Water Beast enveloped.

Azure Water Beast saw it, and the fierce rays of light flashed in the eyes. He said: “I am dead, but I will pull you back together!” After that, the whole body of ray of light is like a tide, and it makes skinny The power of five people was bombarded from the mouth of Azure Water Beast.

In an instant, I came to the skinny elderly.

Skinny elderly Five people were shocked, and both hands panicked and attacked.

“Beast King Light Cannon !”

Under the shock of five people, the five people slammed back and forth.

Azure Water Beast Although the five people flew, but after the move, the eyes are even more bleak, and the whole body is weak!

This move Beast King Light Cannon attack is strong, but it is a taboo trick, it is played with half of the true origin and strength of Life.

When the five people were watchingly withdraw, Azure Water Beast flew up and flashed out of the valley.

Skinny elderly Bai Yun see, complexion changed, exceeded and angry: “damn! chase!” They also refused to with the body injury, flying up and chasing out of the valley.

Azure Water Beast sensed five people behind him, sneered in one’s heart, killing intent in the eyes flashing, waiting for it to escape, later restore true origin and strength of Life, to declare this hate!

Azure Water Beast thought, suddenly, a cold voice rang from his ear.

“Great Concealment Golden Light Barrier !”

Azure Water Beast was shocked, and suddenly turned to see a space pillar formed by a huge golden sigil that enveloped it and enveloped it.

It suddenly found that within this golden light barrier, its body could not move and was completely banned.

“Azure Water Earthly Principle Palm !”

After it was shocked, the whole body slammed into the palms and took it out, but it was useless. It took a palm and couldn’t shake the golden light barrier.

The golden light barrier instantly became smaller and turned into a small ball of light. It fell into the hands of a black haired youth. Its eyes were wide and it was then absorbed into an inexplicable space by the black haired youth.

Long Qingtian sealed the Azure Water Beast and watched the skinny elderly five-person sneer from the valley.

The skinny elderly, who had just flew out of the valley, saw the scene where Long Qingtian sealed the Azure Water Beast and took it away.

“brat, put Azure Water Beast down!” skinny elderly Bai Yun roared, such as the injured ominous beast, suddenly attacked Long Qingtian with his fists: “Azure Water Beast is our Truthless Church, you dare to grab, courting death! ”

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