“courting death?” Long Qingtian listened to the skinny elderly Bai Yun roaring, the backhand palm, then blocked the Bai Yun double boxing strikes, but this Bai Yun is a powerhouse that stepped into the Realm of Ancient God, and Angry and full of double fists, Long Qingtian, although blocked, was also shaken back.

Bai Yun See Long Qingtian can resist oneself angry fists, and other four people secretly startled.

At this time, Bai Yun five people chased up.

Long Qingtian not at all escaped, but stood in the same place, waiting for five people to catch up.

Bai Yun Five people surrounded Long Qingtian in the middle of the circle.

“brat, didn’t expect you didn’t escape!” Bai Yun looked at Long Qingtian, eyes killing intent flash, and his hand stretched out: “I will swear out, I can spare you not to die, otherwise!”

Long Qingtian’s face is calm: “How else?”

Bai Yun startled ,frowned ,divine sense Scanning everything, Long Qingtian is so fearless, let him wonder, is Long Qingtian still helping? !

However, after his divine sense glance, not at all found all around hidden people, the other four were not at all found, five people look at each other.

“brat, I really can’t think of where you have no fear.” Bai Yun sneered and said: “Do you think that you alone can resist the attack of five of us?”

Long Qingtian just took his double-handed blow, but he can see that Long Qingtian strength is under him, not to mention that they have joined hands!

Long Qingtian has no openings.

“brat, you should have heard of the name of our Truthless Church and should know to offend our Truthless Church!” Another middle-aged man said coldy: “Even if you are lucky enough to escape, then Scarlet Cheng Star Territory There is no place for you!”

“Escape?” Long Qingtian look is indifferent.

If he wants to leave, he has already left.

He stays, is it natural? ! Long Qingtian eyes flash with a cold light, suddenly flying in the eyes of Bai Yun, and suddenly hit one of them.

“Star Breaking Finger !”

“Star Breaking World Illumination !”

Under the shocked eyes of Bai Yun’s five people, a huge finger suddenly appeared in the air. Then, countless finger shadows flashed and slammed into the man!

The man was frightened, his eyes were wide, and he was so boxing that he tried to block the numerous finger shadows.

The finger shadow disappeared, the man still kept the double boxing out, and Bai Yun looked at it, only to see his chest, throat, forehead three, three blood holes!

After a pause, the blood column suddenly spurted out of the blood hole.

“Elder Shi Yu!” In addition to Bai Yun, the other three exclaimed, flying and flashing, catching the man who fell from the sky.

The three men caught and looked and found that he had completely suffocated, and among the three blood holes, there was a star-studded starburst, like a meteor.

Long Qingtian ignored the shock of the three people and shot again. In an instant, Long Qingtian came to the three men, hitting one finger and attacking three people at the same time.

“Star Breaking Explosion !”

Long Qing shouted.

The three men were terrified, and they couldn’t take care of their companion corpse. They panicked and attacked Long Qingtian, the three Divine-level powerhouses, the space turbulence, the palm strength, and the strength of the fist strength, which cut all the ground off the ground.

However, then they suddenly saw that Long Qingtian finger strength passed through their palms and fatigue strength and instantly came to them.

The screams almost sounded from the three populations at the same time, and then the three men flew out at almost the same time. When the three men fell, a sound banged from their with the body.

“Bang!” The three men fell to the ground, the ground dust splashed, and the gravel spurred.

Everything is quiet.

From Long Qingtian to strike to kill four people, just breathing, when the skinny elderly Bai Yun reacted, the other four have become four corpse.

Looking at the three people who fell to the ground, the blood column of the three people all over the body with the explosion, Bai Yun surprised and angry, looked at the scene in disbelief.

“You?!” Bai Yun turned to look forward to Long Qingtian, his face was gloomy, ugly, and even a little scared.

Now, he finally understands what Long Qingtian is left to wait for them to come.


That’s right, kill it!

They are dead, and who knows that Azure Water Beast is robbed by Long Qingtian? !

Long Qingtian slowly came over to Bai Yun.

Bai Yun looked at Long Qingtian and couldn’t help but step back. His powerhouse, which was half-footed into Realm of Ancient God, was afraid of a person who seemed to him to be weaker than him.

Suddenly, Bai Yun, who was stepping back, stopped his body and suddenly roar said: “I don’t believe it, your attack will be stronger than the powerhouse that I stepped into the Realm of Ancient God!” When it comes to this, Bai Yun appears in his hand. A long halberd, this long halberd shape is very weird, squatting in a pit, while the hoe is in the shape of a triangle, flashing astonishing cold light.

“Unending Nine Stars !”

Bai Yun slammed into Long Qingtian, his face was stunned, and there were nine huge cyclones. Nine giant cyclones continued to fly like the nine stars, and they continued to link together, forming a battle to Long Qingtian. .

Unending Nine Stars ? Long Qingtian looked at Bai Yun attack, sneer, did not dodge, but struck out directly, and then directly blasted the nine huge cyclones, and then hit Bai Yun.

Bai Yun was shocked, his hand was shocked, and he turned back and slammed into Long Qingtian. Long Qingtian saw it and continued to bang directly to each other’s long halberd.

“You dare to fend off my Cold Light Halberd ?!” Bai Yun sneer with a fleshly body, and the whole body is pouring true qi.

“bang!” When Long halberd and Long Qingtian fist hit each other, Bai Yun only felt the body suddenly shocked, and the long halberd in his hand almost fell off his hands. When he stepped back, he suddenly saw it and found that long halberd hoe head cold light seems to It has faded a lot.

“You!” He looked at Long Qingtian’s right fist in amazement. Long Qingtian had only a shallow spear mark on his right fist, and under his eyes, breathing resumed!

“impossible,impossible!” He was almost muttered with a shock.

Even the defense of the Divine body of the Ancient God powerhouse is equally powerful!

And Long Qingtian is not Ancient God at all!

At this time, Long Qingtian’s figure flashed and he came to him. Bai Yun was terrified. Long halberd pierced Long Qingtian. Suddenly a sword glow appeared. Long Qingtian didn’t know when he had a sword. Under the sword, from the Shantou down the trend, the long halberd will be divided into two halves!

After the sword split the long halberd into two halves, there was almost no stagnation, and it pierced Bai Yun’s body, and Long Qingtian pulled out the sword.

Bai Yun eyes was sluggish, looking at the long halberd, which was divided into two halves, and looked down at his chest. Above the chest, a hole was so clear.

“Qilin, Qilin fire, fire divine sword?!” Bai Yun eyes widened and then fell down.

Bai Yun fell down and the body was slowly swallowed up by the flames.

Long Qingtian took a picture of both hands and took the two halves of long halberd into his hands. Although the long halberd refining technique was rough, the material was right, and he could fuse it and refining into his Fire Dragon Spear.

Long Qingtian just took the two halves of long halberd into Suppressing Heaven Pagoda. Suddenly, the voice of splitting voiid came from afar. It seems that there are a lot of people.

“Ancient God powerhouse !” sensed people aura, Long Qingtian frowned.

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