“6 million!” When the voice of oval-faced female fell, the scene was awesome.

6 million !

Everyone was not surprised, but was shocked and couldn’t believe to look at the VIP room where the oval-faced female is located.

Young Master Wuzhen and the costumed strange youngster were equally as shocked.

Oval-faced female Feel the stunned look of everyone, but also a smug look, his face raised.

Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing also stayed for a while before snapped out of it, and then shouted: “6 million, is there any friend who is higher?”

The scene was silent.

At this time, some people looked at Long Qingtian intentionally or unintentionally, although most people think that Long Qingtian should not bid again, but they still faintly expect Long Qingtian to speak.

“6 million, first time!” shouted Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing.

The scene is still silent.

“6 million, the second time!” Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing then shouted, and he couldn’t help but look at Long Qingtian.

However, Long Qingtian sat there, his face was indifferent, and he secretly shaked one’s head. In his opinion, Long Qingtian had no bidding.

I also want to come, a Saint-level powerhouse took out 2 million Nine Yang Pill and bought Innate Yellow Crystal Iron and chao Yangshuo Iron, which is already incredible.

“6 million, the first!” Just when the Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing was about to call out for the third time, Long Qingtian said slowly: “10 million!”

Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing stopped there and everyone at the auction site was stunned.

“One, one, 10 million!”

“10 million ?!”

“Hey!” In the snoring, coughing, and after some stunned, even excitedly towed the body injury.

In the VIP room, Young Master Wuzhen looked towards Long Qingtian.

The costumes of the strange youngster looked towards Long Qingtian.

Territory Lord Residence two females is even more beautiful, looked towards Long Qingtian!

Everyone was looked at Long Qingtian, and even the Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing was watching Long Qingtian, forgot that he was still hosting the auction.

“You, what you just heard, is it also, one, 10 million?!” Young Master Wuzhen screamed and asked under the hands of Truthless Church. Although he tried to keep himself calm, the sound could not help but tremble.

“Yes, yes, Young Master, is a thousand, 10 million!” the Truthless Church Ancient God powerhouse replied.

He also could not keep calm.

No one can stay calm.

10 million, 10 million Nine Yang Pill, what is that? ! Everyone seems to have seen a huge Dan River made up of Nine Yang Pill, a huge Dan River, enough to flood a small town.

No one is saying anything.

The entire auction site was in great shock.

“Excuse me, this brother, you, sure, want 10 million Nine Yang Pill to buy this Heavenly-grade blue crystal spicy vein?” After a long time, Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing the Ancient God middle-stage powerhouse I asked awkwardly.

Even he did not find out that his name for Long Qingtian has changed.

Brother ?

A Saint-level powerhouse is called a brother by an ancient God powerhouse. It is extremely rare and a privilege. Of course, this is for others.

Long Qingtian heard the Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing calling her brother, a calm face: “right.”

Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing took a deep breath, he took back his eyes, but when he closed his eyes, his heart still could not remain calm.

10 million Nine Yang Pill !

Obviously, he was also “frightened”.

10 million Nine Yang Pill, even the great wealth that the general great family can’t accumulate for thousands of years.

“10 million Nine Yang Pill, is there a higher price?” Calm a bit, Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing glanced at the scene and paused while in the VIP room where Territory Lord Residence two females were located.

No one spoke until the Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing spoke, and most of the people had not yet reacted back from the amazing number of 10 million.

In the VIP room, after oval-faced female startled, she immediately looked angry at the beauty of Long Qingtian. She did not expect that a Saint-level powerhouse would dare to compete with her for this Heavenly-grade spirit vein!

Moreover, the price of Long Qingtian, 10 million Nine Yang Pill, just exceeded her limit, because this time she only brought more than 9 million Nine Yang Pill.

Originally, she was solemnly vowed, this Heavenly-grade spirit vein must be her, that is, it is considered that there is someone who will take nine million to buy a Heavenly-grade spirit vein.

But now? !

“Good, Ya’er, a Heavenly-grade spirit vein, can’t be mad at a Saint-level slave.” round-face cold girl then opened the mouth and said.

In Territory Lord Residence, Saint-level powerhouse is just a slave.

Only Divine-level can be regarded as a guard.

Oval-faced female This is a little angry, but there is still a sigh in my heart, then move the hand, flashing a black clothed elderly from the void: “I don’t know what the young lady is commanding?”

“Give me a check and find out the origin of the brat.” oval-faced female opened the mouth and said.

“Yes, young lady!” The black clothed elderly disappeared.

“10 million, first time!” shouted at the Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing.

“10 million, the second time!”

“10 million, the third time!”

In the end, the Heavenly-grade blue crystal spirit vein was bought by Long Qingtian with 10 million.

Long Qingtian with a wave of hands, Pill Mounatin appeared on the auction floor, no more, ten, each 1 million Nine Yang Pill!

Looking at the ten Nine Yang Pill mountains, everyone could not look away.

That’s a full 10 million Nine Yang Pill!

After a while, Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing retracted his eyes and asked the Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Elder to send the Heavenly-grade blue crystal spicy vein to Long Qingtian.

Long Qingtian took the Heavenly-grade blue crystal spirit vein into Suppressing Heaven Pagoda.

“Next, five Ancient God’s corpse!” was auctioned. Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing converges and reconciles.

Five Ancient God’s corpse!

At the scene everyone listened, immediatelyly sao moved, and all of them turned from Long Qingtian to look at the auction platform.

In Scarlet Cheng Star Territory, although standing in the Heavenly God powerhouse, Heavenly God powerhouse is extremely rare, the entire Scarlet Cheng Star Territory, no more than two slaps.

Below Heavenly God is the Ancient God powerhouse.

In Scarlet Cheng Star Territory, a family influence with an Ancient God powerhouse and a family influence without an Ancient God powerhouse, status as different as heaven and earth.

The value of the Ancient God powerhouse corpse is no less than an Ancient God powerhouse, but it is also extremely valuable and important to the influence of the Scarlet Cheng Star Territory parties.

If you have an Ancient God powerhouse corpse and then use the secret technique refining, the strength is not as strong as the living Ancient God powerhouse.

At this time, the Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing opened a space ring restriction, immediately, and five strong pressures from the ring.

Although it is only five corpse, the aura of Ancient God powerhouse corpse still has a coercion for some Saint-level, Divine-level.

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