“These five ancient gods, all of them were Ancient God middle-stage powerhouses, were killed and corpse remained intact. It is the best material for refining 。.” Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing said: “ Everyone understands that Ancient God powerhouse refining is a success, and how will strength be.”

“Starting the auction now, the starting price of five Ancient God’s corpse is two million Nine Yang Pill.”

Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing finished, looked towards everyone, waiting for everyone to bid, but for a long time no one spoke.

Ancient God powerhouse corpse, although it can be refining into a skeleton, strength is tyrannical, but refining technique is difficult!

In general, only some super factors can be refining, but for some super influences, they spend five million Nine Yang Pill to buy five Ancient God’s corpse, it is better to use two million Nine Yang Pill to buy muscle vein, spiral medicine.

Because, some super influences are not lacking the Ancient God powerhouse.

Some small families can’t refining this Ancient God powerhouse, and two million is not a small number, so no one is bidding for a moment.

“Two hundred and ten thousand.” After a while, finally, a VIP room passed the bidding voice.

“Two thousand and five thousand.” Not long after, someone shouted.

Long Qingtian looked, it was the gray hair in the corner.

“Two hundred and one hundred thousand.” The VIP room then shouted.

“2.2 million.” Gray hair elderly shouted again, the gray hair elderly shouted, and the scene was quiet again.

“2.2 million, is there anyone else higher?” After a while, see no one to speak again, Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing frowned, shouted.

2.2 million, this price is too different from his expected price.

“3 million.” At this time, Long Qingtian shouted.

3 million !

On the scene everyone see Long Qingtian bidding, could not help but looked over, and now Long Qingtian has completely become the focus of the auction site.

“Four million!” However, Long Qingtian’s voice just fell, a voice rang, and the person who opened it was imovively the oval-faced female of the Territory Lord Residence in the VIP room.

Long Qingtian saw him and shook his head. He knew that the other party didn’t really want to buy these five Ancient God’s corpse. Instead, he blocked the competition with his own bid, because he bought the Heavenly-grade blue crystal spicy vein and fell her. Face.

Seeing this, Long Qingtian did not speak again.

Although he does not care about these millions of Nine Yang Pill, there is no need to compete with each other for the five Ancient God’s corpse. These five Ancient God’s corpse are dispensable for Long Qingtian.

Finally, the five Ancient God’s corpse were bought by VIP room oval-faced female.

See Long Qingtian “eat 瘪”, oval-faced female a lot of anger.

On the auction floor, Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing saw five ancient God’s corpse auctions of four million Nine Yang Pill, which was sighed in relief, and then recovered his mind, saying: “The next thing to auction, It’s a strange piece of wood that our Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder got at Chaotic Star Territory.”

At this time, the Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce elder put a piece of dark wood on the auction floor.

This piece of black is not big, only one meter long, and the arm is thick and long.

Everyone looked puzzled at the piece of wood on the stage, because, on the surface alone, this piece of wood is not at all. It is unusual, plain, and there is no Spirit Qi, like a piece of dead wood.

But Long Qingtian, who had been sitting there, saw the black wood, and the eyes jinged.

“What is it, is it?!” Long Qingtian picked up the waves.

Others may not recognize what this black wood is, but how can they escape Long Qingtian eyes? !

This black wood turned out to be a primal chaos tree, a branch of Primal Chaos Five Thunders Tree!

Primal Chaos Five Thunders Tree is a heaven and earth’s precious tree. It is no exaggeration to say that even if Celestial Venerable sees this Primal Chaos Five Thunders Tree, the Primal Chaos Five Thunders Tree will condense Five Thunders Fruit, Five. Thunders Fruit contains a variety of Power of Innate Thunder Origin between the world, even for the body of Celestial Venerable, there is also tempering.

As for Immortal Emperor, Immortal Monarch, Principle Celestial Immortal, Nine Celestial Profound Immortal, Great Principle Golden Immortal, it is more no need to say.

However, although Long Qingtian has set off thousands of waves, the surface is still very calm.

“This blackwood, our Chamber of Commerce can’t judge what it is, but the judge has unanimously concluded that it is at least antiquity times!” At this time, Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing said.

“What?! Antiquity times stuff?!”

“At least antiquity times!”

Immediately, the scene is awesome.

Ancient ,several tens of thousand of years ,antiquity , is thousands of thousands of years ago!

Thousands of ten thousand years ago, and can still be retained, this is enough to illustrate the out of the ordinary of this black wood!

In fact, although the Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce knows that this piece of black wood is at least antiquity times, it must be out of the ordinary, but no matter how they do, they can’t restore this black wood to life force!

In other words, this piece of black wood is a piece of dead wood!

Completely dying, there is no piece of life force.

Since it was useless, the Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce was going to take it out for auction.

After a while, some people at the scene also figured out this joint.

“Everyone knows that antiquity times, even a stone is a treasure, this black wood should be antiquity times some kind of divine tree branches.” Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing continued: “The starting price of this black wood is 5 Million Nine Yang Pill, start bidding now.”

5 million !

Immediately, the scene everyonee cooled down.

5 million is no longer a general influence.

For a long time, for a long time, no one spoke.

However, the Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing is not in a hurry. This black wood is at least antiquity times and above, and certainly someone buys it.

Long Qingtian sat there, and there was no opening. Although this Primal Chaos Five Thunders Tree, he was determined to win, but not in a hurry.

“5.1 million!” VIP room made a sound, Long Qingtian looked, it turned out that the strange youngster of the costume first opened the bid.

After the strange youngster opened the costume, the scene fell into silence.

Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing did not open the door.

“5.5 million!” After a while, another shout sounded, also from the VIP room, the huge number of 5 million, and only the VIP room some super-influence can only compete.

“Five hundred six hundred thousand!” The voice was heard again in the VIP room.

“Five hundred 700 thousand!”

“6 million!” costumes strange youngster shouted.

6 million ! The scene fell into silence again.

“6 million, is there any friend who has a higher price?” At this time, Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing opened the mouth and said, scanning the scene and staying for a second in Long Qingtian.

Just after the Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing glanced away from Long Qingtian, Long Qingtian opened the mouth and said: “eight million.”

Eight million!

Everyone sees Long Qingtian opening, not by sao.

“What is the origin of this brat, how could he have so many Nine Yang Pill!” In the VIP room, Territory Lord Residence oval-faced female was surprised.

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