That round-face woman is also a look of surprise, watching Long Qingtian, the glamorous god se has some differences.

“Hate, this time, we didn’t bring that many Nine Yang Pill out, otherwise, what he bought, I bought something, see how many Nine Yang Pill this brat has!” Some “hate” of oval-faced female Road.

“Eight million, first time!” At this time, the sound of Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing sounded.

“Sister Fen, or else, let’s let the Chief Steve Steve send 10 million Nine Yang Pill over?” said the oval-faced female.

Round-face female shaked one’s head : “It’s too eye-catching, and it’s not necessary. This black wood is antiquity, but it shouldn’t be a good thing. Otherwise, the Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce won’t be auctioned out. It is.

“But I just can’t get used to that brat to buy things,” Oval-faced female said.

Round-face The girl looked at the oval face at a glance.

Oval-faced female See round-face The strange expression of the woman, not startled, and then said: “Sister Fen, why are you looking at me with this expression?”

Round-face female glamorous face like a smile yet not a smile : “Ya’er, your performance today is not like you.”

Oval-faced female looks at the round-face woman’s expression like a smile yet not a smile, some annoyed: “What is not like me, I am.”

Round-face female shaked one’s head, didn’t say anything.

“Eight million, the second!” The voice of Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing sounded again.

“Nine million!” Just then, a voice suddenly sounded, this voice is a little hoarse, everyone startled, Long Qingtian also looked at everyone with everyone.

It turned out to be from the first VIP room. Long Qingtian was running Heavenly Eye. I saw a middle-aged man wearing a star robe sitting there. The whole body was covered with stars and stars, and these stars were attached to them. On the body, it is like a real, faintly flowing, middle-aged man within the body exudes the vast Power of Star.

Long Qingtian eyes.

This middle-aged man turned out to be Heavenly God powerhouse!

This is Long Qingtian after rebirth, the first time I saw Heavenly God powerhouse.

At this time, the star-robed middle-aged man also looked over, although it was just a normal look, but an infinite pressure rolled in like a giant mountain to Long Qingtian.

Long Qingtian sneer.

These pressures may be useful to others, but to him!

“10 million!” Long Qingtian’s face calm, turn around, opened the mouth and said.

“en?!” star-robed middle-aged man didn’t seem to expect Long Qingtian to have nothing under his pressure, eyes astonished, and then laughed: “This little guy is interesting.”

Although he had oppressed Long Qingtian pressure before, he was not at all malicious.

“11 million.” The star-robed middle-aged man also turned around and shouted.

“12 million!” Long Qingtian continued to shout.

“13 million !”

“14 million!”

At the auction site, only the voices of Long Qingtian and star-robed middle-aged man were left.

Throughout the auction, the needles were audible, and everyone was holding their breath, and some even were inexplicably nervous, breathing fast, and the chest was ups and downs.

As Long Qingtian and star-robed middle-aged man scream more and more, the shock in everyone’s heart is getting bigger and stronger, and the Young Master Wuzhen eyes are getting bigger and bigger. He is also the same. Can’t hide the shock in my heart.

At this time, his look towards Long Qingtian’s eyes have changed unconsciously.

When a person’s wealth reaches a level of horror, it is also fearful, because when a person’s wealth reaches a sultry level, it is also an expression of influence.

For example, Long Qingtian’s wealth is amazing, you can go to some Chamber of Commerce to hire a large number of Ancient God powerhouse as guard.

“20 million!” When the star-robed middle-aged man shouted 19 million, Long Qingtian also called 20 million.

Long Qingtian didn’t raise the price all at once, but like the other party, 1 million 1 million increased, even so, it has already shocked the auction site everyone.

Add 1 million Nine Yang Pill every time!

Star-robed middle-aged man Originally calm, holding a long-term attitude with Long Qingtian, and Long Qingtian bid, but when Long Qingtian called 20 million, his original calm face was not Calm.

20 million !

Even for his Heavenly God powerhouse, it is not a small amount, and Long Qingtian is just a small Saint-level can come up with 20 million? !

Star-robed middle-aged man frowned.

He is thinking about whether or not to continue to “play” with Long Qingtian, more than 20 million, he can still get it, but that piece of black wood, it is worthy of him to take more than 20 million to buy?

“20 million, the first time!” After a long silence, Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing retracted his mind, and shouted that when he shouted 20 million, his voice could not help but tremble.

20 million !

It is like a mountain pressing his tongue.

Although he was the Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder, he was the first to auction an 20 million item.

When he yelled for the second time, star-robed middle-aged man face seyin sunny, eventually shaked one’s head, also gave up.

In the end, the antiquity “black wood” in the eyes of everyone was bought by Long Qingtian with 20 million Nine Yang Pill.

After Long Qingtian paid 20 million Nine Yang Pill, the Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Elder sent the blackwood to Long Qingtian, and Long Qingtian held the black wood in his eyes, calming down.

A branch of Primal Chaos Five Thunders Tree, finally arrived!

If it’s at Immortal Realm, this branch of Primal Chaos Five Thunders Tree is more than 20 million upper-grade Immortal Pill!

Don’t say 20 million, it is 200 billion, you can’t buy it!

Immortal Pill, can refining, but Primal Chaos Five Thunders Tree is something that may come by with luck, but not by searching for it, not Immortal Pill can buy, even a branch, more than 200 billion upper-grade Immortal Pill!

Long Qingtian included the branches of Primal Chaos Five Thunders Tree in Suppressing Heaven Pagoda.

Although the branches of this Primal Chaos Five Thunders Tree have no life force, Long Qingtian still has a way to restore life force and grow to become Primal Chaos Five Thunders Tree.

Because Long Qingtian has an innate spirit soil like Innate Breathing Soil.

“Now, the last thing in the auction is auctioned.” At this time, Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing opened the mouth and said.

The last thing!

Often, the auctions put the finale in the final auction, and the auction is considered the most treasure.

Long Qingtian and everyone are not looked at towards the auction house.

Even the star-robed middle-aged man sat up straight.

However, the Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing not at all went on, but stopped. At this time, the Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce elder faced the stage and carefully placed a space ring on the auction floor.

Some people can carefully find that the space ring is reddish se, which is actually refining with a rare firestone.

With everyone’s attention, the Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing slowly opened the space ring’s restriction, when the space ring restriction opened, immediately, wave of fire soaring to the heaven, everyone seems to fall into an instant Among the melts.

Even the VIP 窒everyone with the restriction has felt the heat wave is amazing.

“This is?!” Everyone was shocked and stared at the space ring on the auction floor.

I saw the space ring inside, floating a huge sphere like the sun same!

This huge sphere is red all over the body, like the sun, emitting dazzling rays of light, but it is a part of it, exudes a burst of sea waves like the ancient star Origin Qi.

“This is Star Core?!” Everyone has a big eye.

“Yes, this is a Star Core!” Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing nodded said with a smile, confirming everyone’s thoughts, when everyone heard the Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing said that the huge sphere is true When you have a Star Core, you are all cool.

“Star Core !”

“It turned out to be Star Core!”

The star-robed middle-aged man also stood up from the sofa.

Long Qingtian is also astonished surprised.

In the boundless universe, some planets mutate, and your pregnant woman gives birth to life. In the depths of the planet, a Life Crystal is born. When this Life Crystal is born, it will absorb and consume all the life power in the planet. Origin Qi, all of Spirit Qi!

This Life Crystal is getting bigger and bigger.

After several years of tens of thousands of years, all the life power of this planet, Origin Qi, and Spirit Qi were absorbed, then exploded and disappeared, leaving the Life Crystal.

This Life Crystal is called Star Core!

This Star Core, arguably, is the life-energy of all planets, Origin Qi, and Spirit Qi’s compressed nucleus. For cultivating people, its importance and treasure are self-evident.

However, 10,000 star territory, 1 million years will not necessarily give birth to a Star Core.

Of course, the quality of Star Core is also high or low. The star territory of the lower-grade plane like Scarlet Cheng Star Territory is not high quality, but even if Long Qingtian can swallow this Star Core, refining it. , absolutely can breakthrough!

“Star Core, Star Core! This thing, it’s a rare encounter!” In the VIP room, oval-faced female also has an excited look: “I will let Chen Chief Steward send 20 million now, no, 30 million Nine Yang Pill comes over!”

This time, the round-face cold girl did not object.

After a long time, the Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing raised his hand and quieted everyone.

“The starting price of this Star Core is 15 million!” Under the watchful eye of everyone, Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing slowly spoke a shocking price.

15 million, the real price, and this is just the starting price.

However, when the Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing finished, the star-robed middle-aged man shouted: “Three thousand 5 million! This Star Core, I want it!”

Reaching Realm of Heavenly God, like the lower-grade Star Territory like Akagi, there is very little that is useful for its cultivating, but this Star Core is useful even for Heavenly God powerhouse cultivating.

Three thousand 5 million!

The price of star-robed middle-aged man shocked the auction scene everyone ears humming.

Even Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing also didn’t expect star-robed middle-aged man to raise the price to such astonishing height!

He can’t help but squat.

Just when everyone was stunned by the price of the star-robed middle-aged man, Long Qingtian calmed down and slowly said a number that made everyone almost scared heartbeat to stop: “50 million!”

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