Just in the Blue Ice Sea, the powerhouse is waiting for you. A group of people are flying in the distance. A group of powerhouses wearing Territory Lord Residence, a total of more than 100 people, each of them is an Ancient God powerhouse!

Territory Lord Residence represents the upper realm to rule a party star territory, like a continent of the continent, is the official, no matter how big the other influence, it is only the influence of the Territory Lord Residence.

“Look, it is Territory Lord Residence Great Young Master, Ke Ye!”

“And Territory Lord Residence Second Young Master, Ke Bai!”

“The one next to it is Territory Lord Residence Sixth Young Lady, Ke Nuo!”

Territory Lord Residence came, urgently caused the strong sao of the powerhouse on the Blue Ice Sea. How many people are there on the Blue Ice Sea? I am afraid that there are a few billion!

A few billion people a little sao converge together is a huge sound.

Territory Lord Residence Great Young Master Ke Ye is as dazzling as Myriad Treasure Divine Sect Miss Xu Yuyun. Myriad Treasure Divine Sect Miss Xu Yuyun is known as the first cultivating genius of Scarlet Cheng Star Territory, while Territory Lord Residence Great Young Master Ke Ye is Known as the first tool refining genius!

Two first!

In Scarlet Cheng Star Territory, the powerhouses of the parties often compare the two, while the Scarlet Cheng Star Territory is the younger generation, and the two most talked about!

On both of them, it can be said that there are thousands of halos.

Ke Ye, Ke Bai, and Ke Nuo are all in the same shoulder, but almost everyone looks at the Territory Lord Residence, the Great Young Master Ke Ye.

As for Ke Bai and Ke Nuo, they were ignored by everyone.

Wearing a Berritory Lord Residence shirt, Ke Ye is tall and walks between the Territory Lord Residence Second Young Master Ke Bai. The special attention is the arms, the bare arms are like Between heaven and earth The hardest red copper, the skin is like gold and copper, twice as big as ordinary people!

Red Alchemy Arm!

Ke Ye and the others are coming. The powerhouse automatically opened a huge channel.

In fact, it was not allowed to be allowed by the public, and there were more than a hundred Territory Lord Residence Ancient God powerhouse’s aura oppression. No one dared to approach.

Ke Ye and the others came to the blue area of ​​the Blue Ice Sea and volleyed.

“big brother, this Tool Refinement Great Competition, you can definitely win first.” Ke Bai said with a smile.

Ke Ye nodded, a look of indifference: “At that time. That thousand Ancient God Pill, you and the six sisters each five hundred.”

Ke Bai and Ke Nuo have a happy face, said with a smile : “Thank you big brother.”

Ke Ye un’ed, he closed his eyes and stood still.

All around everyone heard that Ke Ye had booked the first reward of the contest, but not at all people were dissatisfied, and no one felt that Ke Ye was arrogant.

This Tool Refinement Great Competition, Scarlet Cheng Star Territory almost 90% powerhouse has determined that Ke Ye will win first.

Not long after, suddenly the crowd moved another sao.

“It’s Northern Star Divine Sect Young Master. Beichen Yu!”

“Beichen Yu is here, Ke Ye is our Scarlet Cheng Star Territory tool refining number one genius, but the Beichen Yu tool refining strength is not weaker!”

Everyone sao moves, and in the discussion, I saw a group of powerhouses wearing Northern Star Divine Sect costumes slowly flying. The front one is a handsome youngster, youngster flying, all around the rays of light. If you are careful, you will find the rays of light. There is a bonfire.

This fire is different from the fire in the world. It is reddish, white, and gold.

This is the Buddha fire!

Everyone was amazed, and in the movement of sao, Ke Ye, who had closed her eyes, suddenly opened her eyes, and her golden light flashed and she suddenly looked over to Beichen Yu.

Beichen Yu also looked at it at this time, golden light and the fire suddenly touched, space all around.

The pair of Scarlet Cheng Star Territory’s peerless talent eyes touched each other. Not at all Remove.

In this Tool Refinement Great Competition, if there is a threat to Ke Ye among Scarlet Cheng Star Territory, that is this Beichen Yu! Beichen Yu, even Ke Ye also had to face each other!

“Ke Ye brother, long time no see.” Beichen Yu first opened, cup one fist in the other hand said with a smile.

Ke Ye stared at each other for a while. Then he said: “It didn’t take long, three years.”

Ke Ye’s tone is arrogant, and Beichen Yu hehe smiles. Did not care.

After Beichen Yu came, Scarlet Cheng Star Territory came back with some tool refining geniuses, such as Burning Extermination Divine Sect’s Young Sect Master Fen Baili, Burning Extermination Divine Sect among Nine Great Divine Sects, and strength at Northern Star Divine Sect. Previously, second only to Myriad Treasure Divine Sect.

This Fen Baili is also the tool refining genius of Scarlet Cheng Star Territory, of course, compared to Ke Ye and Beichen Yu.

As time goes by, more and more contestants come.

The entire Blue Ice Sea is even more crowded.

“That’s Three Bright Gods Sect Great Young Master !”

“Establishing Harmony Church Young Founder is here too!”


The arrival of every tool refining genius has caused the sao movement of the crowd.

Three Bright Gods Sect, also one of the Scarlet Cheng Star Territory Nine Great Divine Sects, is ranked sixth.

Territory Lord Residence Ke Ye After the arrival of Beichen Yu, he opened his eyes and everyone else ignored it. He stood there and closed his eyes.

In the end, not only Scarlet Cheng Star Territory, but also some star territory powerhouses around Scarlet Cheng Star Territory.

Suddenly, Ke Ye, who stood there and closed her eyes, felt a strong Fire Origin Qi wave between the heavens and the earth, and couldn’t help but open the eyes, looked towards the past, when even Beichen Yu was astonished, looked Towards the same direction.

In the end, everyone also felt the volatility of Fire Origin Qi between the heavens and the earth, and they looked at them.

I saw a group of people flying from a distant sky, the speed is very fast, standing in front of the person, is a dark-skinned youngster, between the youngsters flying, the world of Fire Origin Qi fluctuates, circle and circle, spread out, previously Ke Ye , Beichen Yu and the others feel the strong heart of the Fire Origin Qi fluctuations, which is caused by this youngster!

“Great Young Master, Huo Du! of Chaotic Star Territory Territory Lord Residence”

“This Huo Du flight can actually cause the Fire Origin Qi to fluctuate, and what kind of realm does his tool refining level reach?!”

Everyone was shocked and talked about.

Ke Ye is also frowned, his eyes are dignified, even if Beichen Yu can make him so dignified, although he also heard this Huo Du tool refining level, but not at all before, but now, he knows, this The first time for the Tool Refinement Great Competition, this Huo Du is his real threat.

Huo Du, although he had never seen Ke Ye, but inductively looked at Ke Ye. The two looked at each other. However, after the two eyes touched, they moved away. Then, Huo Du was on Beichen Yu. Also stayed for a second.

Huo Du arrives, for Ke Ye cup one fist in the other hand: “myself Chaotic Star Territory Huo Du, Your Excellency is the Ke Ye of Scarlet Cheng Territory Lord!”

Ke Ye paused, and both cup one fist in the other hand and his polite.

This Huo Du then greeted Beichen Yu, Fen Baili and the others one after another cup one fist in the other hand, a pair of laughed, on the surface, this Huo Du is human.

After the arrival of this Huo Du, there were some star territory powerhouses such as Scarlet Cheng Star Territory, Chaotic Star Territory, Aiding Yang Star Territory and so on.

The game is gradually approaching.

At this time, the crowd moved again.

“The people of Myriad Treasure Divine Sect are here!”

“Myriad Treasure Divine Sect Miss Xu Yuyun !” (To be continued) rq

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