The arrival of Myriad Treasure Divine Sect Miss Xu Yuyun caused an uproar.

Territory Lord Residence Great Young Master Ke Ye and Myriad Treasure Divine Sect Miss Xu Yuyun, no matter where you go, will be the dazzling presence of billions of people!

And more or less because Xu Yuyun is a beautiful woman, so the arrival of Xu Yuyun caused a stronger sao movement. When Ke Ye arrived, sao moved even bigger!

Surrounded by Myriad Treasure Divine Sect numerous powerhouse, Xu Yuyun slowly flies, the peerless appearance, the dusty temperament, the four-point purity, the three-point cool, the three-pointed charm, and the raised hands are all inexplicable. charm.

Watching this beautiful beauty slowly flew, all the powerhouses on the Blue Ice Sea were dumbfounded, some weak, and originally anomalous Xu Yuyun’s discipline was forgotten where he was.

Even Huo Du, who had seen the riot of the sea territory, and other people who saw Xu Yuyun for the first time were dumbfounded.

“Great Young Master, this Xu Yuyun is as rumored to be beautiful!” said Huo Du, an Ancient God 7th layer late-stage Peak powerhouse.

Huo Du hearing this nodded, even he has to admit that Xu Yuyun is very beautiful.

Chaotic Star Territory, how many Sect and big school young lady, he has not seen? But compared with this Xu Yuyun, it is like a firefly and a moon.

“I don’t know where she is?” Looking at the slowly flying Xu Yuyun, Huo Du was secretly sighed.

Thirty years ago, at the Tool Refinement Great Competition of Chaotic Star Territory, he lost to her!

For the past 30 years, he has refining the tool, just to have a ri on the tool refining to win her.

“This time, should she also come?” Huo Du thought.

“Great Young Master, that is Long Chen!” Just as Huo Du thought, a guard opened the mouth and said, Huo Du took back his heart. After looking at the past, I saw Xu Yuyun side Long Qingtian. When I saw Long Qingtian, his eyes suddenly shrank and the jing mangling flashed.

He came from Chaotic Star Territory and heard a lot of talk about Long Chen.

A Divine-level 4th layer powerhouse can counter the Ancient God 7th layer late-stage Peak powerhouse !

He has been to many star territories, and he has seen many peerless monstrous talents of star territory. But I have never heard of it before, and a Divine-level 4th layer can counter the enchantment of the Ancient God 7th layer late-stage Peak!

Undoubtedly, Long Qingtian is the enchanting enchanting!

“Great Young Master, that Long Chen, it seems that strength is flat, will it be outside world? The rumor is too exaggerated? It’s just that the rumor that Myriad Treasure Divine Sect deliberately made is just to create this Long Chen!” The person next to Huo Du Said guard.

Huo Du startled, then shaked one’s head : “this Long Chen. Absolutely not simple, rumors should be true!”

Myriad Treasure Divine Sect doesn’t have to do this, and it’s not a fake, because the two Territory Lord Residence Ancient God 7th layer Peak powerhouse not at all that was shot at Long Qingtian.

Huo Du eyes stares at Long Qingtian, the more he stares at him, the more he discovers the horror of Long Qingtian.

Because he found that between the Long Qingtian flights, space all around did not have a little fluctuation, the whole person seems to be completely integrated with all around the world.

And to the end. In his eyes, Long Qingtian turned out to be like a huge black hole. The whole person exuded inexplicable power and seemed to take the human heart completely into it.

Huo Du eyes horrified: “This, this?!”

“Great Young Master, what’s wrong?!” The guard saw Huo Du horrified, and couldn’t help but be surprised.

Huo Du took a deep breath and said: “this Long Chen, will definitely be Under The Heaven Absolute Tyrant. This person, we absolutely can not offend!”

All around guard hearing this, all shocked, they have never seen them, Great Young Master will comment on a person, Under The Heaven Absolute Tyrant? !

Even the Heavenly God powerhouse can’t do Under The Heaven Absolute Tyrant!

Just as Huo Du looked at Long Qingtian, the Territory Lord Residence Second Young Master Ke Bai also looked at Long Qingtian with a look of hatred. He said to Ke Ye: “big brother, that brat is Long Chen!”

Ke Ye looked over.

“en ?!” Ke Ye When she saw Long Qingtian, eyes jing flashed.

“big brother. This time, you must teach me the brat, this brat believe oneself infallible Divine Craftsman Master, even dare to think about Xu Yuyun!” Ke Bai looked at Long Qingtian a killing intent: ” He thought he was Myriad Treasure Divine Sect Guest Elder, I wouldn’t dare to kill him?”

Just as Ke Bai looked at Long Qingtian in a killing intent, suddenly Ke Ye opened the mouth and said: “You still don’t want to mess with this Long Chen!”

Ke Bai dumbfounded, turned around and looked at his big brother unbelievably.

Don’t mess with? !

“big brother, you?!” Ke Bai thought he was wrong.

“This Long Chen is not simple, you don’t want to mess with him.” Ke Ye opened the mouth and said: “As for Xu Yuyun, you will win the heart with true fact, that Long Chen would dare to face Nine Phoenix Sword It is clear that Long Chen is at least more gutier than you!”

Ke Bai, I don’t know how to speak. He didn’t expect his big brother to “train” him! For Long Qingtian, his heart is even more angry.

As for Ke Ye, let him not provoke Long Qingtian, he naturally did not listen to it.

He is a Territory Lord Residence Second Young Master, so that he does not want to provoke a small “low dog thing”? !

Long Qingtian is a Divine Craftsman Master, but in his eyes, not at all, Long Qingtian, although the Divine-level 4th layer counters the Ancient God 7th layer, shocked him, but it was just a shock, a person is genius, What about the enchanting? !

He is Territory Lord Residence Second Young Master!

Ke Ye sees the Disciple Ke Bai expression, knowing that he didn’t listen to his words at all, and couldn’t help himself shaked one’s head, but he didn’t say it anymore, he said it.

“This Long Chen, is also an influential figure reincarnation of Divine Realm?!” Ke Ye secretly said in one’s heart.

At this time, in the eyes of everyone, the discussion, Long Qingtian and Xu Yuyun and the others came to Blue Ice Sea zhong yang.

For Ke Bai eyes killing intent, Long Qingtian ignored it directly. However, when he saw Ke Ye side Ke Nuo, his eyes stopped because this Ke Nuo and his then at the Myriad Treasure Auction, the VIP room of the Territory Lord Residence oval Face The girls are very similar.

Staying on the Ke Nuo, Long Qingtian looked towards Ke Ye, and the two of them touched each other and then moved.

“That is the Huo Du of Chaotic Star Territory!” At this time, Long Qingtian side Song Zhen opened the mouth and said.

Long Qingtian looked at Song Zhen’s eyes and looked at the distant Huo Du. When she saw the Huo Du, Long Qingtian was a little astonished in her heart. This Huo Du itself can resonate with the surrounding Earth Earth Flame!

This is a sign that the tool refining level has reached a very high realm.

Huo Du is also looked towards Long Qingtian, face smiled, to Long Qingtian nodded.

At this time, a path of vast pressure suddenly covered the entire Blue Ice Sea like chao water, everyone was frightened, then, a path of tall silhouette appeared out of the Blue Ice Sea out of thin air.

A total of 38 respect!

Each is the Ancient God 7th layer Peak, and it is the kind of powerhouse that is infinitely close to Heavenly God and even has stepped into Realm of Heavenly God! (to be continued) rq

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