38 is infinitely close to Heavenly God, and the powerhouse that stepped into Heavenly God appeared, causing shock and commotion.

The two guards behind Nine Palaces Mountain, Ke Bai, were also Ancient God 7th layer Peak, but they were a lot worse than the 38 Ancient God 7th layer Peak.

Ancient God 7th layer Peak , strength also has strength and weakness.

The 38 Powerhouse, Territory Lord Residence, Nine Great Divine Sects, each with three people, eight others, not Territory Lord Residence and Nine Great Divine Sects, are expected to be invited by Territory Lord Residence and Nine Great Divine Sects.

“everybody, this Tool Refinement Great Competition, is the largest Tool Refinement Great Competition of our Scarlet Cheng Star Territory since the year, hosted by our Territory Lord Residence and Nine Great Divine Sects!” After the emergence of the 38 Powerhouse, one of them Territory Lord Residence elderly opened the mouth and said, the sound is thunderous, rolling.

Originally, Sao moved, and some of the dazzling Blue Ice Sea suddenly fell silent.

The Territory Lord Residence elderly looks at everything, condescending.

“This is one of the Eight Chief Stewards of Territory Lord Residence, Chen Leidong.” At this time, standing on Long Qingtian side Song Zhen sound transmission: “It’s third!”

“Oh, one of the eight Chief Steward, Chen Leidong, is in third place.” Long Qingtian moved in his heart, and with his divine sense, naturally he saw this 38 powerhouse. This Chen Leidong strength is the strongest, if there is no accident, For hundreds of years, you should be able to break through to Realm of Heavenly God!

However, this Chen Leidong is only ranked third among the Territory Lord Residence Eight Chief Steward!

So first, second? !

“Thanks to everybody friends to enjoy the face, come to participate in this Tool Refinement Great Competition.” Chen Leidong then opened the mouth and said: “This contest, not only our tool refining expert of Scarlet Cheng Star Territory participated, even dad o mess star territory , Aiding Yang Star Territory and other all around six star territory tool refining expert also came to participate!”

A star territory held the Tool Refinement Great Competition, which attracted the tool refining expert of six star territory. It has to be said that the Tool Refinement Great Competition is grand.

Although there are only about 600 people who sign up, there are more than 600 people who are not the tool refining expert of the seven star territory.

“And this time Tool Refinement Great Competition, we invited eight VIPs!” Chen Leidong said: “This is Demon Hand Yi Qianchong!” One of the eight men is a fat old man.

Fat old man laughs nodded to everyone han.

“What?!Demon Hand Yi Qianchong !”

“didn’t expect this Tool Refinement Great Competition, he was invited to come out!”

Everyone exclaimed, sao, and even a lot of excited, watching the fat old man feverishly.

Song Zhen told Long Qingtian sound transmission: “This Demon Hand Yi Qianchong is Scarlet Cheng Star Territory’s long-established tool refining expert. Two years ago, within ten years, he participated in the Scarlet Cheng Star Territory large and small five consecutively. More than a dozen Tool Refinement Great Competitions, all winning more than 50 of Tool Refinement Great Competition!”

“Oh.” Long Qingtian nodded.

“When this Yi Qianchong tool refining, when the hands waved, the Myriad Transformations changed, and later became called Demon Hand. However, this Demon Hand Yi Qianchong has not appeared for two hundred years, didn’t expect this time was invited. Come out!” Song Zhen continued.

“This is Qilin King, Wang Ba!” After a while, Chen Leidong introduced Yi Qianchong side to everyone, a middle-aged man, a middle-aged man with a dam, apparently related to his cultivating cultivation technique. .

“Qilin King, Wang Ba, turned out to be Qilin King, Wang Ba!”

“Qilin King Wangba is born with Qilin Arm, refining a lifetime of sixteen Divine-grade top-rank weapons!”

“I heard that the weapon of Three Bright Gods Sect God King, the Black Dragon Jubilee is the refining of the Qilin King dam!”

Everyone hearing this is another strong sao move.

Life refining over sixteen divine tool top-rank weapons! The weapon of Three Bright Gods Sect God King, one of Nine Great Divine Sects, is its refining. It is enough to imagine the impact of this king dam.

Long Qingtian nodded.

This Wang Ba is born with Qilin Arm, and has the same skill as Territory Lord Residence Ke Ye’s red alchemist arm – especially in tool refining, there is a strong formidable power.

Then, Chen Leidong introduced the other six people. The other six people also had a highly prestigious tool refining expert in tool refining. Every introduction of one person caused a lot of sao movement.

When Chen Leidong introduced eight people, he said: “This Tool Refinement Great Competition, the top 100, has a rich reward, the 31st to 100, you can get three grade 1 spirit vein, one hundred Ancient God Pill !”

“The eleventh to thirty, you can get five grade 1 spirit vein, two hundred Ancient God Pill!”

“As for the top ten, the reward is more generous, first, everyone must know, three Heavenly-grade spirit vein! One Divine-grade higher-rank cauldron! One thousand Ancient God Pill!”

“second and third are two Heavenly-grade spirit veins, one Divine-grade middle-rank cauldron, five hundred Ancient God Pill!”

“Fourth to tenth, a Heavenly-grade spirit vein, a Divine-grade early-rank cauldron, three hundred Ancient God Pill!”

After Chen Leidong finished, the Blue Ice Sea immediately slammed, everyone’s eyes were hot and shiny, especially for the more than 600 people who signed up.

This time, you can get Ancient God Pill, grade 1 above spirit vein!

The top ten, you can get Heavenly-grade spirit vein, Divine-grade cauldron!

This Tool Refinement Great Competition, Territory Lord Residence and Nine Great Divine Sects have come up with so many treats to reward? !

Chen Leidong looked at the Blue Ice Sea sao and didn’t stop it. After a while, I opened the mouth and said: “Next, we have to open the restriction, and the stage is shown, please everybody back!”

All around parties powerhouse hearing this, have retreated.

Chen Leidong took a look at the Territory Lord Residence, Nine Great Divine Sects powerhouse, then flew up to the center of the Blue Ice Sea, standing in the direction of the stations, waving both hands, and hitting each and everyone sigil under the Blue Ice Sea. .

Immediately, the Blue Ice Sea suddenly fluctuated, huge waves rising from the sky, a huge stage rising slowly from the sea, under the shocked eyes of everyone, this huge stage turned out to be single hundred li!

Several hundred li stage!

Everyone has seen countless Tool Refinement Great Competitions, but have never seen such a large tool refining stage.

After the huge stage rises out of the water, it still rises slowly until it rises and the hundred zhang stops. Then, Chen Leidong flies with both hands, and next to the huge stage, a chairman is raised, and the chairman is only a square. But slightly higher than the stage, rising water a hundred twenty zhang.

Chen Leidong and the others flew down and flew down to the chairman stage. Chen Leidong and the others waved with both hands and saw the rays of light on the huge stage. A ray of light splits the entire stage into each and everyone. Transparent space, no more, just 632! ”

“Now, please sign up and join the 632 people of the Tool Refinement Great Competition to the stage!” said Chen Leidong.

Immediately, contestants from the seven major star territories, such as Scarlet Cheng Star Territory, flew out of the crowd and landed on the stage, each occupying a space.

Long Qingtian, Ke Ye, Beichen Yu, Huo Du and the others also flew to the stage with everyone one after another.

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