Ke Ye looked at the high-caliber giant axe and fell down with a satisfied face. The festival was lifted and a bomb was fired. The giant axe fell to the chairman.

“bang!” When the giant axe fell, the entire chairman was shaken.

It is like a giant mountain falling down.

Everyone was shocked.

Giant axe fell down, strong enthusiasm swept into everything, like Ancient God late-stage powerhouse, Demon Hand Yi Qianchong, Wang Ba and the others face changed again, quickly shot, only to be strong Scoring.

After a while, when everything calms down, everyone looks at it, only to see the giant axe on the handle of the axe, a strip of red entangled, lifelike, and above the axe, mysterious rune faintly discernible.

Demon Hand Yi Qianchong and the others looked at the giant axe with a sullen look, although the giant axe was not really judged, but from the oppression of the giant axe, its grades and ranks are definitely better than Burning Extermination Divine Sect Fen. Baili refining’s war armor is high!

This giant axe is at least Divine-grade higher-rank!

Demon Hand Yi Qianchong took a deep breath, and went to the giant axe, the closer he got to the giant axe, the more he could feel the pressure of the giant axe astonishing.

That giant axe stood there, in his eyes, like a peak of the sky.

Under everyone’s gaze, Demon Hand Yi Qianchong finally came to the giant axe, he stepped forward and held the giant axe handle. When he wanted to pull it up, his arms slammed and he couldn’t pull it up!

Demon Hand Yi Qianchong eyes A condensate, startled, his strength is enough to lift a hill, but can not pull the giant axe!

Immediately, he operates True Qi, the whole body of rays of light, and the giant axe is suddenly pulled up.

The sound of “Huo” was stirred up and passed into everyone’s ear. Everyone only felt their ears scream for a long time.

Demon Hand Yi Qianchong flew up, the right hand waved, the giant axe stroked, in the middle of the air, brought an axe shadow, the axe penetrated the space and was even opened by the astonishing axe a long crack!

Everyone was shocked.

Demon Hand Yi Qianchong After a wave, once again, I saw a huge crack in the distance above the sea surface, deep seabed! After a long time, this huge deep ditch gradually merged and was smoothed by the waves.

However, Demon Hand Yi Qianchong did not stop, raising his hand and waving, a path of axe constantly blazing everywhere above the sky, the sky is axe.

After a while, Demon Hand Yi Qianchong flew back to the chairman stage. After flying back to the chairman station for a while, the sky and the axe disappeared.

“This is a giant axe, Divine-grade top-rank, divine work!” Demon Hand Yi Qianchong looked at everyone, slowly said.

“Divine-grade top-rank !”

“divine work !”

“It turned out to be Divine-grade top-rank!”

When Demon Hand Yi Qianchong’s voice fell, immediately the entire Blue Ice Sea was rolled up with a huge sound, everyone was shocked, amazed, excited, and couldn’t believe it.

Divine-grade top-rank ! Three days!

This seems to them, it is simply something that can be done!

If the Divine-grade top-rank weapon is so easy to refining, then Scarlet Cheng Star Territory will not be so few for Divine-grade top-rank weapons for thousands of years!

At this time, Ke Ye was big sighed in relief, only to feel that the eyes suddenly burst into a dark body and almost fell.

“Great Young Master!” Territory Lord Residence numerous experts saw it and was shocked. One person flew to the stage and took Ke Ye to the chairman stage.

“I’m nothing’!” Ke Ye waved his hand and gasped. In order to refining this giant axe, in fact, he had overused his in the body’s temperament. After the tool refining, I was afraid that there was no one year. Half load, difficult to recover.

Even so, when he saw the success of giant axe refining, he felt that everything was worth it.

Fortunately, giant axe refining succeeded!

Like the Burning Extermination Divine Sect’s Fen Baili refining war armor, Ke Ye is more uncertain about the refining of the giant axe.

“Congratulations to the Great Young Master, refining the Divine-grade top-rank weapon!” At this time, the Territory Lord Residence Chen Leidong also came forward, laughed, said.

“This Tool Refinement Great Competition is the first, it must belong to the Great Young Master!” Another Territory Lord Residence hosted the powerhouse also said with a smile.

In the distance, Ke Bai and Ke Nuo saw the big brother Ke Ye refining out Divine-grade top-rank giant axe, and his face was full of joy.

“hehe, Liumei, everyone said, he has to be the first, that thousand Ancient God Pill will give us two people!” Ke Bai hehe smiled.

“hehe, we have five hundred Ancient God Pills per person, and I am cultivating for a while!” Ke Nuo also said with a smile.

“Hexi Second Young Master, Sixth Young Lady, Great Young Master got the first, this is the great glory of our Territory Lord Residence!” Ke Bai behind the guard charming with a smile.

“right, ridiculous, those people will also be Huo Du, Beichen Yu and our Great Young Master mention on equal terms, saying that they are qualified to compete with our Great Young Master, this is simply jest! As for that Long Chen is Ridiculous!” Another guard said: “I see that Long Chen didn’t even qualify for the Great Young Master to do the discipline!”

Ke Bai hearing this , laughed.

Although knowing that this guard is a flattering, but this flattering, I can hear his heart comfortable.

Not far away, Myriad Treasure Divine Sect Xu Yuyun sees Ke Ye refining Divine-grade top-rank giant axe, and at the same time, I am completely relaxed.

“young lady, this Ke Ye really is our first tool refining genius of Scarlet Cheng Star Territory!” Wu Cheng now with a smile: “I see, this time, the first one must belong to Ke Ye!”

Xu Yuyun hearing this , nodded, no opening, looked towards Long Qingtian on the stage.

Wu Cheng met and said: “this Long Chen became our Myriad Treasure Divine Sect Supreme Elder. Over time, the breakthrough to Realm of Ancient God, the tool refining level is improved, and will not be inferior to Ke Ye in the future.”

Xu Yuyun’s tone is complicated: “I hope.”

Finally, after Qilin Arm Wang Ba and the others judge, it was determined that Ke Ye refining’s giant axe reached Divine-grade top-rank, and all gave a hundred percent, and some even gave one hundred and five, one hundred and zero. Six points.

Ke Ye’s total score reached 820 people!

When I heard that Demon Hand Yi Qianchong a person announced the total score of Ke Ye, the Blue Ice Sea powerhouses were not surprised.

Before Ke Ye, Burning Extermination Divine Sect’s Fen Baili ranked first total score was seven hundred percent. But now, Ke Ye is a whole 122 score higher than it!

Just when everyone was surprised at Ke Ye’s total score, suddenly on the stage, the sound of humming sounded again, everyone looked at it, only to see that Beichen Yu’s body was full of Buddha’s light, and the 99 Buddha in the high-altitude Buddha fire continued to rotate. Gradually merged together, when the 99 Buddha was merged and the entire stage was flooded by the Buddha light, then a long sword slowly rose.

This long sword is about half longer than the same sword. The blade is very big, a bit like an epee, but unlike the epee, the blade is very bo, and the bo is very leafy!

Refining out the long sword, Beichen Yu sighed in relief right hand, the long sword fell on the chairman platform, and the long sword fell on the chairman platform, the whole sword did not come in!

Everyone saw it and was shocked.

Even Demon Hand Yi Qianchong, Qilin Arm Wang Ba and the others are also eyes.

Demon Hand Yi Qianchong came forward and pulled up the long sword. The right hand flicked, and the screaming sounded that the blade was bent into one hundred and eighty degrees and stabbed in the other direction.

“Good sword” is a long sword, which is Divine-grade higher-rank! After a while, Demon Hand Yi Qianchong praised.

Beichen Yu refining’s long sword, although not comparable to Ke Ye’s giant axe, but can refining the Divine-grade higher-rank long sword within three days, is also extremely impressive.

Qilin Arm Wang Ba Seven people one after another judge, are also amazed.

Finally, the total score of Beichen Yu is 745 points!

All around everyone When I heard the total score of Beichen Yu, I couldn’t help but talk about the commotion. The people who thought that Beichen Yu would win the first place naturally shook their heads.

And Beichen Yu listened to all around everyone’s arguments, and he also secretly sighed.

“I lost!” Beichen Yu looked at Ke Ye and said, “First, it’s yours!”

Although he is second now, he did not get the first. In his opinion, it is losing!

Ke Ye just wanted to speak, suddenly, on the stage, suddenly a loud bang, he startedled, and everyone suddenly turned to look.

I saw the stage above, Huo Du’s Great Emperor Mortal Hand suddenly grabbed the void, fiercely grabbed the void, then, the giant hand exploded, and there were two long swords!

It turned out to be two long swords!

One dragon one phoenix, one female and one male!

These two long swords, such as the Sovereign in the sword, all reveal the might of the sword, the top of the sword, one dragon one phoenix, circling, roaring dragon phoenix cry, resounding the world!

Every long sword makes Demon Hand Yi Qianchong, Wang Ba and the others feel a strong sense of oppression!

This sense of coercion is like the coercion of the previous gay axe to everyone in Ke Ye refining!

“This is?!” Demon Hand Yi Qianchong, Qilin Arm Wang Ba and the others.

“Divine-grade top-rank !”

“Two pieces!”

Although there is no real judge these two long swords, but from the point of view of its coercion, the giant axe with Ke Ye refining should also reach Divine-grade top-rank!

Within three days, Ke Ye refining out Divine-grade top-rank giant axe was enough to shock them. Now, this Huo Du has refining two pieces!

Not only Demon Hand Yi Qianchong, Qilin Arm Wang Ba, even the numerous powerhouse of Territory Lord Residence Chen Leidong and Nine Great Divine Sects are shocked. Their tool refining level is not worse than Demon Hand Yi Qianchong, but their eyesight is not bad. Then I heard Demon Hand Yi Qianchong. The eight people exclaimed, but I still don’t understand? !

Looking at the two long swords that appeared at high altitude, Ke Ye’s face was hard to look at.

However, this is not over yet. I saw that after the two long swords appeared, when one dragon one phoenix was entangled, the two long swords began to merge!

When the two long swords merged, the world lost its short rays of light.

When the two Divine-grade top-rank long swords were merged, the sound of the roaring dragon phoenix cry was resounding, and even the people of Myriad Treasure Plane outside the Blue Ice Sea area heard the roaring dragon phoenix. The sound of cry.

“Yes, is the semi-divine tool ?!”

“It turned out to be a semi-divine tool?!”

After watching the fusion of the two high-altitude swords, the power of the distribution is more than double the power of force. Demon Hand Yi Qianchong looks awkward and muttered.

The weapon used by Divine Realm Heavenly God powerhouse is the divine tool, and the so-called Divine-grade weapon like the lower-grade plane of Scarlet Cheng Star Territory, like those of the Saint-grade weapon, still belongs to the genre.

However, on top of Divine-grade top-rank, there is also a semi-divine tool!

Infinitely close to the weapon of the divine tool!

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