“Semi-divine tool ?!” On the main table, Chen Leidong and the others listened to Demon Hand Yi Qianchong’s muttered, looking at the horror, eating and looking at the long sword.

Ke Ye, Beichen Yu, the body is even more trembled, the eyes are big, and the other participants, as well as the Blue Ice Sea, the powerhouse can’t believe in the long sword!

The entire Blue Ice Sea seems to have only that long sword!

There is only one long sword in everyone ‘s eyes !

The long sword, Golden Dragon, and Fire Phoenix are entwined. I saw the blue ice sea below, and they all rolled up the 1st layer. These huge waves rolled up thousand zhang and ten thousand zhang, forming a huge wave. Hold this long sword.

This huge wave of pillars continues to expand, and finally, a hundred miles!

This long sword is like a god above the sentient beings.

The huge wave moved slowly to the main table, and finally came to the main table, the huge wave “beng” burst, and the long sword fell to the main table.

When the long sword fell, the sword qi was vertical and horizontal, and on the main table, Demon Hand Yi Qianchong and the others frightened to run True Qi and protected all around, but then they suddenly found out that those sword qi still passed through their Body Protecting Astral Qi, left them.

They panicked their hands and slammed, and at the same time they pulled back and quit Xu Yuan, and those sword qi finally dispersed.

Long sword fell to the stage, “閾?#8221; sounded, only to see the long sword, the stage ground first appeared a crack, and then the crack expanded, such as the spider web is more and more, spread, stretched several kilometers !

Everyone’s throat is chilling.

This long sword just drops gently, it has such a terrible effect, if an ancient powerhouse holds this long sword with a full blow? ! I am afraid that this stage will no longer exist!

The Blue Ice Sea is silent, and everyone is hard to hide.

“semi-divine tool !”

In their minds, these three words are repeated over and over again.

As for Long Qingtian, which is still refining on the stage, no one has paid attention.

For a long time, Qilin Arm Wang Ba reacted first, then laughed: “Yi Qianchong brother, it seems that I won!”

He won!

He and Demon Hand Yi Qianchong’s gambling contract!

Semi-divine tool !

Huo Du refining out the semi-divine tool! Also greatly beyond his surprise, this accident is really a big surprise!

Demon Hand Yi Qianchong’s face is not very good. At this time, he looked at the stage and still refining the tool. The last one is still sighing in the heart of Long Qingtian who insists on tool refining, although he always believes his feelings, but this Times? !

Huo Du refining out the semi-divine tool, which everyone didn’t think of.

This first, there is already a result in everyone’s heart, that is Huo Du!

Demon Hand Yi Qianchong Before he came to the long sword, he seize it into his hand, with a gentle wave, roaring dragon phoenix cry, sword shadow like a mountain, the space in front is cut like paper!

This is the formidable power of the semi-divine tool!

The space of the lower-grade plane like Scarlet Cheng Star Territory is no different from paper in front of the semi-divine tool.

“This long sword is a semi-divine tool!” Demon Hand Yi Qianchong said, when he said this result, his heart was complicated.

When Demon Hand Yi Qianchong’s voice fell, on the Blue Ice Sea, there was a sound storm, and a piece of shock was shocked.

“didn’t expect, it would be this Huo Du won the first!”

鈥淭his is the Tool Refinement Great Competition organized by our Scarlet Cheng Star Territory, but it was the first to be smashed by the young master of the star territory, oh!鈥?/p>

“However, Huo Du refining out the semi-divine tool, he took the first place, and our Scarlet Cheng Star Territory is not a shame!”

Everyone is talking about it.

At this time, Huo Du is also big sighed in relief, just like Ke Ye and Beichen Yu after the successful tool refining. His face is palely pale and his body is crumbling.

In order to refining this semi-divine tool, the true origin of the life is worse than Ke Ye and Beichen Yu!

“I finally refining out the semi-divine tool. Really, my vow to you, do it!” The crumbling Huo Du muttered.

At this time, the territory Lord Residence guard flew to Huo Du: “Young Master, you?!”

“I it’s nothing!” Huo Du shaked one’s head.

Territory Lord Residence guard hearing this, my heart is loose.

“This is Dragon and Phoenix Long Sword, I give one hundred and nineteen points!” In the voice of everyone, Demon Hand Yi Qianchong slowly said.

All around everyone hearing this is even more dazed.

One hundred and nineteen points!

If you follow the grades and ranks rating criteria, then Demon Hand Yi Qianchong gave the score, even in the semi-divine tool, the highest score!

After Demon Hand Yi Qianchong, it was Qilin Arm Wang Ba judge, and the Yang Ba arm also gave a hundred and nineteen points, which is the highest!

Then, the other six people also scored one after another judge, but some people only gave one hundred and seventeen, one hundred and eighteen. Even so, the final total score of Huo Du is also embarrassing.

Nine hundred 48 points!

Nine hundred 48 points! Previously, Ke Ye, who ranked first, had a total score of 822, which was a whole 126 points higher than it! And than the previous second-ranked Beichen Yu’s 745 points, it is 203 points higher!

Everyone is at a loss!

Nine hundred 48 points, this is a score that everyone has never thought of. Originally everyone thought that Ke Ye would win first, didn’t expect that the last Huo Du actually refining the semi-divine tool, Ke Ye retreated. second!

鈥渄idn’t expect that Huo Du refining out the semi-divine tool!鈥?Xu Yuyun of Myriad Treasure Divine Sect sighs in a complicated tone. She originally intended this Tool Refinement Great Competition, but she later saw Long Qingtian participated, and there was no sign up. Now it seems that even if she signs up, she can only get the fifth place.

It may not even be the fifth!

At this time, she looked toward Long Qingtian on the stage.

On the entire stage, only Long Qingtian is still refining in the tool, which is so dazzling.

In the distance, Ke Bai looked ugly, his big brother was squeezed down, ranking second! Then a thousand Ancient God Pill? ! Gone? ! Second, although there are five hundred, but? !

He was inexplicably angry and looked at Long Qingtian, who was still refining on the stage. He looked ridiculed and said: “Everyone has already finished tool refining, and only this white idiot is still there. Is it him? Don’t you think it’s not enough to lose people?”

A guard behind him also said: “Second Young Master is right, this Long Chen is a white idiot, knowing that he can’t get the first, second, third, still stay on the stage, Let people see jest!”

“I think this Long Chen and so on will probably not refining anything. When all the materials are broken, the tool refining fails, and after the 90th!” Territory Lord Residence Another guard is also taunted.

When Ke Bai was about to taunt again, suddenly there was a commotion in the crowd. He looked and saw that Long Qingtian above the stage was flashing.

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