Constantly catching up with Demon Race powerhouse, watching Sky Wilderness Plane shrink, and finally turned into a fist-sized ball, scared his legs.

“He, he turned out to be!” Heavenly Demon Nie Wuqing looked at the scene, and the pale face was white and red.

Now, they finally know the true meaning of Long Qingtian!

It turns out that Long Qingtian is integrated into the Sky Wilderness Plane with countless Demon Race, the Origin of the Wild Wildness Plane. Is it necessary to use the Sky Wilderness Plane as a weapon to refining? !

Refining a Plane into a bead!

Heavenly Demon Nie Wuqing feels whirlwind, this world is still so crazy!

This kind of thought, let alone him, even if Heavenly God 7th layer powerhouse doesn’t dare to think about it, it is impossible to think about it. No one has ever dared to think about it like this, but now, there is!

In fact, even if Sky Wilderness Plane is integrated into Demon Race, countless of Origin Qi, it is constantly changing, and Long Qingtian is now strength, and it is impossible to move.

A Plane how big? How heavy ? Heavenly God 7th layer powerhouse can’t afford to move, Long Qingtian now strength will not be stronger than Heavenly God 7th layer powerhouse, but Long Qingtian in the Flame God Cauldron tempering Demon Race flesh countless of Origin Qi, already in these flesh and blood Origin Qi has portrayed countless magic art and great formation.

These great formations and magic art are also integrated into the Sky Wilderness Plane with the origin of the meat, and relying on these great formations and magic art, together with the great formations such as the artificial sunday barriers that have been arranged in the Sky Wilderness Plane, Long Qingtian can Move Sky Wilderness Plane!

Now, this Sky Wilderness Plane has been refining into a magical treasure by Long Qingtian.

Although the grades and ranks are not high, the Sky Wilderness Plane is equipped with a great formation such as the creation of the Sunday barrier, and the body is extremely huge, but the attack is extremely horrible, otherwise it will not be hit, and there will be countless demon fang Asura King hits the fly.

After Sky Wilderness Plane became a ball, Long Qingtian did not have income within the body, but controlled the Sky Wilderness Bead to fly to Myriad Treasure Plane.

This Scarlet Cheng Star Territory starry sky has countless other demon arms besides the Heavenly Demon Nie Wuqing’s Gray Blood Demon Army.

Long Qingtian constantly swiftly flying, only in the starry sky, there are endless Demon Race’s army, starry sky, in addition to black, bloody color, no other colors can be seen.

Looking at this endless Demon Race’s army, Long Qingtian is not only not shocked but the eyes are hot, this is a good piece of tempering Sky Wilderness Plane!

If he used to want to tempering Sky Wilderness Plane and refining Sky Wilderness Plane into a magical treasure, he couldn’t do it, but now, with the countless 10% of the demon race’s soldier’s flesh, Origin Qi, he can Sky Wilderness Plane is constantly tempering, constantly changing, and promoted!

Long Qingtian, seeing the front demon race’s soldier, turned the Sky Wilderness Bead back into the body and directly crushed it from the Demon Race’s army.

Flesh flies!

“what is that?!”

“Great ball!”

“Not a ball, yes, Plane, God is moving, flying Plane?!”

“How could this be, how could it be!”

Along the way, countless demon race’s soldier screamed and screamed, and had not been able to scream and was hit by Sky Wilderness Plane. It became a blood mist and became the material of tempering Sky Wilderness Plane.

Long Qingtian controls the Sky Wilderness Plane flight, but the speed not at all affects his speed. Can compare Heavenly God powerhouse, Heavenly Demon Nie Wuqing and the others continue to roar in the back, but useless, can not catch Long Qingtian.

Due to the safety of Xu Yuyun, Long Qingtian flew all the way to see where Long Qingtian had passed, and in the 茫茫starry sky, a huge wave of qi in the severe hundred thousand was rolled up.

This was generated when the Sky Wilderness Plane was flying at speed.

After half a day, I don’t know how many mega demon race’s soldier died under the impact of Sky Wilderness Plane.

Sky Wilderness Plane is huge, but it is very fast, coupled with the great formation of the Sunday barrier, so even if you encounter some Demon Race Heavenly Demon, Fiendgod powerhouse attack, it can not cause substantial damage to Sky Wilderness Plane.

Of course, if the Sky Wilderness Plane stops there, let the Heavenly Demon, Fiendgod powerhouse attack, another matter.

All the way swiftly flying, along the way, Long Qingtian saw one after another Plane was captured by Demon Race, one after another, the human race of Plane was slaughtered, frowned, according to this, I am afraid that it will take less than a month, Demon Race will attack the entire Scarlet Cheng Star Territory !

Demon Race The attack on Scarlet Cheng Star Territory is too strong, and the rigidfold of Scarlet Cheng Star Territory strength is not limited!

The Heavenly Demon powerhouse alone should have a fifty-sixty person.

However, upper realm Divine Realm should not sit back and let Demon Race attack Scarlet Cheng Star Territory.

Wuke Plane is a middle-grade Plane of Scarlet Cheng Star Territory with more than three strengths, but at this time, under the Demon Race billion-yuan army attack, it is also on the verge of being compromised.

“Old Ancestor Wudi, what do we do now? If this continues, Demon Race will break through the defense, and when Demon Race’s army comes in, we will all die!”

“What to do? What can I do? We have already rescued Burning Extermination Divine Sect, but Burning Extermination Divine Sect is also difficult to protect itself!”

“Are we just waiting to die here?!”

Wuke Plane at high altitude, dozens of Ancient God Old Ancestor looked anxious, seeing Demon Race to break through the defense, when Demon Race flooded in, even Ancient God, in front of Demon Race billions of arms is also a dead end.

“So, what is that?!” Suddenly, an ancient God Old Ancestor exclaimed and shouted.

Old Ancestors suddenly looked up and saw a huge light ball appearing outside the Wuke Plane starry sky.

“Great ball!” An Old Ancestor was stupid.

At this time, the big ball slammed down and saw that the original This General Wuke Plane couldn’t get through. The Demon Race, which was attacking Wuke Plane, was like a fly. It was swept by the storm, all flying, and it was clean.

In their eyes, the huge light ball swept the countless demon race’s soldier outside Wuke Plane starry sky, then flew away, and the blink of an eye disappeared.

Old Ancestors is sluggish and still stands there silly for a long time.

After a long time, they snapped out of it, look at each other in dismay.

“What happened?! That big ball, what?!” An Old Ancestor was shocked.

“Okay, it seems, a Plane?!” An Old Ancestor was not sure.

A Plane? !

A Plane that will fly and move!

Old Ancestors sucked in a cold breath, atrium fiercely twitching.

At this time, Long Qingtian controlled Sky Wilderness Plane is far away from 10 Million Li. On the way, Long Qingtian encounters some Plane who are on the verge of being attacked, and will save one or two.

Sky Wilderness Plane hit the demon race’s soldier and then walked, without affecting the speed of Long Qingtian.

A day later, Long Qingtian has gradually moved closer to Myriad Treasure Plane.

At this time, the Sky Wilderness Plane, which incorporates Demon Race and the blood of Origin Qi, has undergone the astonishing change again. It is only that the entire Sky Wilderness Plane is distributed by Origin Qi, which is filled with all the space of Sky Wilderness Plane. The ground is crystal clear, now even if it is Emperor-level 7th layer Peak powerhouse can only leave a fis imprint on the ground.

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