Just as Long Qingtian rushed to Myriad Treasure Plane, Myriad Treasure Plane fought everywhere, and the power of terror continued to rise in every corner.

Myriad Treasure Divine Sect headquarters, is slaughter everywhere, blood flowing into a river, high-altitude Myriad Treasure Divine Sect and Territory Lord Residence, Myriad Passage Chamber of Commerce, Burning Extermination Divine Sect, Truthless Church and other various disciplines come down.

On the ground, the various disciplines corpse can be seen everywhere. In some places, the various disciplines even pile up into a hill.

“Ke Jin, what good is it for you?!” Black Dragon glared at Territory Lord Residence Residence Lord and said: “Our Myriad Treasure Divine Sect is gone. At that time, Demon Race will also attack your Territory Lord Residence!”

According to Black Dragon, now that Demon Race is attacking, Myriad Treasure Divine Sect and Territory Lord Residence should be on the same boat, Myriad Treasure Divine Sect is gone, and the Territory Lord Residence is no good.

Ke Jin sneer: “hehe, when we are Territory Lord Residence, you don’t need to worry about it!” After the palm suddenly slammed into Black Dragon.

“Wolf wore the moon palm!”

I saw countless rays of light shot from the palm of his hand, shaped like a moonlight, a huge palm force hitting the Black Dragon, howling as a wolf, making people feel uneasy.

“Dragon Origin Sword Astral!” Black Dragon was shocked, the Black Dragon long sword in his hand swung out, the countless sword qi drawn out, derived from a piece of dragon scale, a path of sword qi as if a strip of Black Dragon The other party palm force.

The bang was loud, the black dragon body was shocked, and it was constantly retreating. The pale face was pale again.

At this moment, a soft call came, Black Dragon turned to look at it, only to see the beautiful beautiful youngster a guidance to Xu Yuyun, seeing Xu Yuyun chest.

“young lady!” Black Dragon surprised and angry.

“Overbearing Dragon Regretless !”

Black Dragon stunned with a tragic sound in his voice, and then became a huge Black Dragon, and suddenly slammed into the front of Xu Yuyun.

Absolutely beautiful youngster A guidance onto the black dragon body, a roaring dragon screamed and saw the Black Dragon fly out.

“Senior Black Dragon, Senior Black Dragon!” Xu Yuyun exclaimed, the pretty face was discolored and flew to the front of the black dragon body. At this time, the Black Dragon had changed back to human-shape, and the corners of his mouth continued to overflow blood.

His long battle with Ke Jin was not a serious injury, plus the absolute beautiful youngster just now, the injury is aggravated.

“young lady, I’m nothing!” After Black Dragon finished, he squirted another blood.

“A good Overbearing Dragon Regretless!” absolute beautiful youngster looked at the Black Dragon, his eyes appreciative, then shook his head: “Why, today Myriad Treasure Divine Sect will be destroyed, why must you die for a sect that is about to die? Follow me, I Not only can you give you a cultivation technique cultivating, but you can also enjoy the endless medicine pill!”

Black Dragon has a cold eyes and no openings.

Xu Yuyun glared at absolute beautiful youngster and Territory Lord Residence Residence Lord Ke Jin.

She did not expect this time, Territory Lord Residence even combined the Burning Extermination Divine Sect, Myriad Passage Chamber of Commerce Truthless Church, Ancestral Desolate Church and other hundreds of influence attacks Myriad Treasure Divine Sect!

Although the strength of these large influences in the Myriad Treasure Plane is not strong, it is terrible to all twist together.

It seems that Territory Lord Residence Residence Lord Ke Jin and this mysterious absolute beautiful youngster really want to kill Myriad Treasure Divine Sect!

Xu Yuyun’s mind could not help but emerge a silhouette.

“I don’t know how he is doing now?”

“If I am dead, will he be sad for me? Will he avenge me?”

Xu Yuyun can’t help but grieve: “father, where are you!”

“young lady, you go first!” At this time, Black Dragon anxiously said: “Escape, go to Long Qingtian and rescue God King!”

“Go?” absolute beautiful youngster sneer: “You all have to stay here, Myriad Treasure Divine Sect can not escape a discipline!” After that, the palm snapped over.

“You protect the young lady, go!” Black Dragon raised his hand and greeted him, and yelled at all around Myriad Treasure Divine Sect.

“Yes, Changchun Pharaoh!” all around Myriad Treasure Divine Sect. The people are too old and respectfully agreed, and they have come forward to protect Xu Yuyun.

“courting death!” absolute beautiful youngster flipped his hands and shook the Black Dragon, and then shot the Myriad Treasure Divine Sect. The Territory Lord Residence Residence Lord Ke Jin also attacked.

At this time, Xu Yuyun knew that it would be useless to stay there again, turned and flew away, tears in his eyes.

Absolutely beautiful youngster Looking at Xu Yuyun’s departure, his body flashed and grabbed Xu Yuyun’s claws, but suddenly the silhouette flashed, and several Myriad Treasure Divine Sects were too long to block him.

“Scram!” His eyes are cold light flashed, right hand is palm, vertical, straight, Myriad Treasure Divine Sect, those who are too long and old, like a heavy blow, all fly back, no worries.

However, at this time, Xu Yuyun’s figure flashed and disappeared in front of everyone.

“Damn!” Absolute beautiful youngster Seeing, eyes raging, seeing a few Myriad Treasure Divine Sect too long and old and attacked him, his hands suddenly voided.

“God Rendering Purple Crystal Claw !”

Several giant claws with amethyst rays of light appeared, and then they disappeared into the Myriad Treasure Divine Sect. Several people were in the old body, and several people stopped, and then the head was completely blown up. .

In the distance, Black Dragon, who is fighting with Territory Lord Residence Residence Lord Ke Jin, saw this scene, heart startled, what is this martial skill? ! Under a claw, strike to kill several names Ancient God 6th layer, 7th layer powerhouse, and all the head explosion, so surprised!

However, under the attack of absolute beautiful youngster, the arrogance of the whole body is also faint, and obviously consumes a lot of True Qi.

After the number of Myriad Treasure Divine Sect was too long and strike to kill, he did not look at it, his body flashed and disappeared in place, apparently chasing Xu Yuyun.

Absolutely beautiful youngster left, Myriad Treasure Divine Sect Headquarters slaughter continues, Myriad Treasure Plane City is constantly being destroyed, murderous aura, bloody smell pervades every corner of Myriad Treasure Plane.

Black Dragon See absolute beautiful youngster Chasing Xu Yuyun, Xin Yuyun is at risk, palm will be the Territory Lord Residence Residence Lord Ke Jin repel, flying and flashing, also chased the past.

“Residence Lord, we?!” At this time, a middle-aged man wearing a black brocade robe flew to the Territory Lord Residence Residence Lord Ke Jin, the middle-aged man eyes, the Territory Lord Residence Mysterious Chief Steward Huo Yuan.

“You stay here, completely kill Myriad Treasure Divine Sect disciple!” Ke Jin pondered and said, then flew and disappeared.

Huo Yuan and the others sent the Residence Lord Ke Jin to leave and then turned around.


Slaughter continues.

Half a day later, Myriad Treasure Divine Sect disciple joined forces with Territory Lord Residence, Burning Extermination Divine Sect, Chamber of Commerce, Truthless Church, etc., little by little, and countless deaths and injuries.

At this time, a large ball of light is coming to the Myriad Treasure Plane at a horrible rate, in addition to the Myriad Treasure Plane number of billions of starry sky.

“What is that?!” The demon race’s soldier siege the Myriad Treasure Plane looked over and exclaimed.

Long Qingtian’s eyes are cold and control, and Sky Wilderness Plane directly hits the past.

In the distance, within a huge magic palace, hundreds of astonishing aura skyrocketed, headed by people, the momentum is like a rainbow, straight into the starry sky.

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