In fact, this time, the biggest joy of Long Qingtian seclusion is not the breakthrough Nine Celestial Profound Immortal, but the fruit of Primal Chaos Five Thunders Tree among the dantian is finally ripe!

Within the Supreme Void Divine Residence for decades cultivating, Long Qingtian absorbs refining primal chaos and primal chaos, Primal Chaos Five Thunders Tree is also absorbing primal chaos and primal chaos gas.

In this primal chaos water and primal chaos stone fire constantly feeding, plus Long Qingtian has Innate Breathing Soil, Primal Chaos Five Thunders Fruit on the Primal Chaos Five Thunders Tree branch of one of the world’s most beautiful trees Another mature.

These Primal Chaos Five Thunders Fruit are hung on the branches, some exudes platinum beautiful rays of light, some exudes ray of light, some exude ice blue rays of light, some exudes turquoise Rays of light, some emit fiery radiance.

Primal Chaos Five Thunders Fruit !

Five Thunder, five innate primal chaos Thunder Fruit, divided into Primal Chaos Innate Earth Thunder Fruit, Primal Chaos Innate Metal Thunder Fruit, Primal Chaos Innate Water Thunder Fruit, Primal Chaos Innate Fire Thunder Fruit, Primal Chaos Innate Wood Thunder Fruit.

Long Qingtian came out from the cave mansion and went to Long Qingtian for Pan Xiaoer, Huo Gang and Cheng Jiao of Long Qingtian protect. He quickly greeted pay respect to.

“You all get up.” Long Qingtian spoke with a smile to the three people, this time not only broke through the Nine Celestial Profound Immortal, but also the Primal Chaos Five Thunders Fruit finally matured, making Long Qingtian feel good.

鈥淐ongratulations to Master to restore Nine Celestial Profound Immortal!鈥?Pan Xiaoer stood up and respected Long Qingtian with a smile, Huo Gang and Cheng Jiao. But they also had a long time compared to Pan Xiaoer. Qingtian was very cautious in front of him.

Long Qingtian said with a smile : “These days, you have worked hard, I have good things for you.” Finished, the hands of the rays of light flashed, a strange fragrance filled all around, primal chaos congenital torpedo rich Pan Xiaoer, Huo Gang, Cheng Jiao The three people were shocked to see.

“This is, Primal Chaos Innate Earth Thunder Fruit?!” Pan Xiaoer’s knowledge is higher than Huo Gang and Cheng Jiao. After a surprise, he quickly recognized the Buddha Fire in the hands of Long Qingtian.

Huo Gang, Cheng Jiao, both of them, this was shocked.

Although they have never seen this Primal Chaos Innate Earth Thunder Fruit before, they have heard of this kind of heaven and earth’s strange fruit. Of course, they know more about the magical effect of this heaven and earth’s strange fruit.

Long Qingtian said with a smile : “right , it is Primal Chaos Innate Earth Thunder Fruit !”

I heard Long Qingtian confirm that the three eyes are hot.

Long Qingtian saw three people expression, laughed and then flashed their hands, then Pan Xiaoer three people in front of the rays of light flashing.

鈥淧rimal Chaos Innate Metal Thunder Fruit !Primal Chaos Innate Water Thunder Fruit !Primal Chaos Innate Fire Thunder Fruit !Primal Chaos Innate Wood Thunder Fruit !鈥?Pan Xiaoer screams and screams louder.

Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit Gathered!

Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit, one has already had the magical effect of transforming the human body’s innate talent, and five people gather together. If one person swallows five Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit together, from flesh and blood From Divine Soul to Immortal Symbol, even the fur will be transformed. It can be said that even if a pig swallows five kinds of Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit, the ontology talent will reach a horrible height.

Such as Cheng Family Old Ancestor Cheng Jiao If there is no accident, his life is impossible and then breakthrough to Emperor-level, because innate talent is limited, but if you swallow five Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit, refining then 90% Opportunity breakthrough to Emperor-level!

This is where the defying heaven of Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit.

“Small two.” At this time, Long Qingtian opened the mouth and said: “You have been following me for so many years, these five Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit, for the teacher to reward you.”

Pan Xiaoer hearing this The body is ecstatic: “Master, you, this!” He was so excited that he was incoherent, this is Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit, his innate talent is very strong, if you can swallow this again Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit, innate talent is stronger, and I hope to reach the Immortal Emperor late-stage Peak in the future. Like the eldest senior brother and the second senior brother, I will become the ultimate Immortal Emperor!

However, this Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit is too expensive, he hesitated for a moment, afraid to accept.

“Master said that the reward will be given to you, don’t worry, hold!” Long Qingtian continued.

“Yes, Master.” Pan Xiaoer didn’t hesitate any more, respectfully took it, and then crouched earnestly thanked Long Qingtian, and began to stand up.

Huo Gang and Cheng Jiao both looked at Pan Xiaoer enviously, but the two were simply envious and dare not dissatisfied. After all, Pan Xiaoer is Long Qingtian’s direct disciple, Long Qingtian rewards Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit Pan Xiaoer It is also a matter of reason.

At this time, Long Qingtian turned to look at towards Huo Gang and Cheng Jiao, opened the mouth and said: “You don’t have to envy, you also have.” When Huo Gang and Cheng Jiao did not react, they only saw the air in front of them. Among them, ten Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit appeared again.

Ten, two each!

Huo Gang, Cheng Jiao each have five.

Long Qingtian with both hands, five Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit appeared in front of each other.

Huo Gang, Cheng Jiao They looked at Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit, swallowed their throats, and looked at each other. Finally, they bowed down and squatted and smashed three heads: “earnestly thanked Celestial Venerable (Master)!”

Long Qingtian nodded, then said: “Huo Gang, Cheng Jiao, I accept you as honorary disciple, are you willing?”

Huo Gang, Cheng Jiao, the two men’s body shocked, and then the face was ecstasy, again earnestly thanked: “disciple willing, recognize willing!” Can become Long Qingtian’s discipline, which is more than the Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit that is awarded by Long Qingtian Let the two ecstasy.

Especially Huo Gang, my wish for many years has finally come true!

Although Cheng Jiao listened at the Great Luo Heavenly Palace, it was only a half honorary disciple of Long Qingtian. Now Long Qingtian personally accepts him as a honorary disciple, and his joy is no less than Huo Gang.

Long Qingtian sees the two people ecstatic, nodded a smile: “You are all up.”

The two men thanked each other again and respectfully stood up.

鈥淐ongratulations to the two Junior Brothers!鈥?At this time, Pan Xiaoer said with two smiles.

The two quickly thanked them.

The two are just honorary disciple, and Pan Xiaoer is a direct disciple. Although the two are ecstatic, they know the size, and who is Pan Xiaoer? But Immortal Realm’s fiercely impressive Life Seizing Immortal Monarch.

鈥淕ood, you are now starting to refining Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit,鈥?Long Qingtian said, then let Pan Xiaoer enter the Supreme Void Divine Residence.

The three did not dare to disobey, and after respectfully agreed, they entered the Supreme Void Divine Residence and began to refining Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit.

Long Qingtian saw the three people entering the Supreme Void Divine Residence. They did not take it anymore and took out the Exttinguishing Star Immortal King Armor. With a wave of hands, a group of Flame of Primal Chaos appeared, re-introducing the Extinguishing Star Immortal King Armor refining Something.

So, it has been another two months.

Within the Supreme Void Divine Residence, Xu Yuyun and Murong Qian came out and the five men were sentenced to the Great Principle Golden Immortal.

In particular, Xu Yuyun made the most progress and reached the Great Principle Golden Immortal early-stage Peak.

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