Long Qingtian See Xu Yuyun, five people came out, and each gave five people each. Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit, Xu Yuyun, Murong Qian, Purple Heaven, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat, four people, Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit, but Flame Emperor naturally knows that seeing Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit, Flame Emperor’s reaction was astonished by the previous Pan Xiaoer, Huo Gang, and Cheng Jiao.

When I heard Long Qingtian want to give Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit to herself, Flame Emperor was evenly thanked.

See the Flame Emperor reaction, Xu Yuyun four people know the preciousness of Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit.

Finally, the five people also accepted Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit, entered Supreme Void Divine Residence, and again seclusion absorbed refining.

Primal Chaos Five Thunders Tree This time matured 49 fruit, Pan Xiaoer, Huo Gang, Xu Yuyun, five of each, used 40, and nine.

With Long Qingtian innate talent, naturally there is no need to swallow this Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit, because the swallowing effect is not great, and Primal Chaos Five Thunders Tree has merged with him, Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit matures Every moment, every day, the primal chaos is circulated, and the body of Long Qingtian is constantly tempering.

This is better than swallowing Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit.

Refining the Extinguishing Star Immortal King Armor, and then collecting it into the body, Long Qingtian said to himself: “Look, look for a Primal Chaos Immortal Cauldron!”

Long Qingtian Although there is Flame of Primal Chaos, but after all, strength is still weak, not the Celestial Venerable strength, and the Extinguishing Star Immortal King Armor is refining again. It is extremely laborious and consumes too much. The effect of refining is not very good.

It would be different if there was a Primal Chaos Immortal Cauldron.

Thanks to Primal Chaos Immortal Cauldron, Long Qingtian refining Extinguishing Star Immortal King Armor This Primal Chaos Immortal Armor is much easier, and with Primal Chaos Immortal Cauldron, the refining of the Extinguishing Star Immortal King Armor formidable power will improve a lot.

Of course, Long Qingtian now also needs a Primal Chaos Immortal Cauldron to refining Primal Chaos Immortal Pill.

Previously, Long Qingtian obtained from Chen Fei Du Shi and the others, Ancestral Dragon Pill, Myriad Waters Primal Chaos Pill and Stone Flame Defying Yang Pill were only lower-grade Primal Chaos Immortal Pill, if Long Qingtian had a Primal Chaos Immortal Cauldron The material, with his now strength, can be refining out the middle-grade Primal Chaos Immortal Pill!

The middle-grade Primal Chaos Immortal Pill is ten times better than the lower-grade Primal Chaos Immortal Pill.

In this way, Long Qingtian can recover the previous incarnation strength faster.

Among the Extinguishing Star Treasury collected by Long Qingtian, there is a primal chaos spirit medicine that is known by Long Qingtian previous incarnation. There is a primal chaos spirit medicine that is needed by Long Qingtian X. .

Three months passed.

Pan Xiaoer, Huo Gang Cheng Jiao and Xu Yuyun and the others all came out of the Supreme Void Divine Residence. Eight people have completely absorbed and refining Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit.

After refining Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit, the eight people have different upgrades, especially Pan Xiaoer, which broke through to Realm of Immortal Emperor!

Immortal Emperor Immortal Realm’s Emperor !

Although Pan Xiaoer used to be Immortal Monarch late-stage Peak, it can also strike to kill Immortal Emperor, the status is not lower than the general Immortal Emperor, but after all, Immortal Monarch late-stage Peak, now promoted Immortal Emperor, status is different.

Huo Gang Cheng Jiao Two people look towards towards Pan Xiaoer’s eyes are even more fearful, and Flame Emperor is more no need to say, but Flame Emperor still does not know that Pan Xiaoer is Immortal Realm’s Life Seizing Immortal Monarch, and I don’t know Long Qingtian identity. .

Of course, Pan Xiaoer is now promoted to Immortal Emperor, and will no longer be Life Seizing Immortal Monarch, but Life Seizing Immortal Emperor.

Everyone congratulated Pan Xiaoer.

Long Qingtian also said with a smile : “right , finally promoted Immortal Emperor.”

Pan Xiaoer crouched down and said: “Pan Xiaoer can be promoted to Immortal Emperor today by Master.”

Long Qingtian nodded, took the Pan Xiaoer gimmick and let it get up.

“Qingtian, then we are leaving Black Water Forest now, where are you going?” After a while, Xu Yuyun asked, everyone looked towards Long Qingtian.

Long Qingtian sighed and said, “Go to Jing Prefecture City.”

“Jing Prefecture City ?!” Pan Xiaoer, Huo Gang, Cheng Jiao and the others look at each other.

Jing Prefecture City, the center of Jing Prefecture!

Jing Prefecture has a billion billion continents, and Heavenly Origin Continent is just one of the middle-grade continents of Jing Prefecture. Jing Prefecture City is located in the center of Jing Prefecture. From Heavenly Origin Continent to Jing Prefecture City, at the speed of everyone, so flying, One year, of course, if you use transmission formation, you can be much faster.

Just Pan Xiaoer and the others wondered how Long Qingtian suddenly went to Jing Prefecture City.

Long Qingtian saw every doubt and said: “I want to buy a Primal Chaos Immortal Cauldron and Purple Monkey Fruit, Spiritless Flower, Thousand Leaves Grass and other primal chaos spirit medicine.”

Long Qingtian wants to refining middle-grade Primal Chaos Immortal Pill, 9th layer Dan, Extinguishing Star Treasury Most of the materials are available, lacking Purple Monkey Fruit, Spiritless Flower, Thousand Leaves Grass, three kinds of primal chaos spirit medicine.

Purple Monkey Fruit, Spiritless Flower, Thousand Leaves Grass These three primary chaos spirit medicines are easy to get, but Primal Chaos Immortal Cauldron is extremely difficult, and only Jing Prefecture City can auction Primal Chaos Immortal Cauldron.

Therefore, Long Qingtian was planning to travel to Jing Prefecture.

Pan Xiaoer and the others Listen to Long Qingtian to buy Primal Chaos Immortal Cauldron, which is relieved.

“Let’s go!” Long Qingtian said, and after he finished, Pan Xiaoer and the others followed closely from behind, and soon everyone left the Black Water Forest.

After leaving the Black Water Forest, Long Qingtian took everyone to the Five Emperors Continent.

Five Emperors Continent has transmission formation. Although transmission formation is extremely expensive, Long Qingtian does not care about this cost. Of course, Five Emperors Continent transmission formation not at all is directly transmitted to Jing Prefecture City, Long Qingtian. To Jing Prefecture City, you need to transfer it a dozen times.

Generally, the Great Principle Golden Immortal passed through a continent for a year or so, but Long Qingtian and the others were much faster. A month later, Long Qingtian and the others passed through Heavenly Origin Continent and came to Five Emperors Continent.

Returning Void Palace is located in the north of Heavenly Origin Continent, while the Living Emperors Continent is in the south.

Enter Five Emperors Continent, Long Qingtian and the others to Five Emperors City, and the transmission formation is in Five Emperors City.

Five Emperors Immortal Sect is headquartered in Five Emperors Continent, the Five Emperors City and Five Emperors are born in the name of Five Emperors Immortal Sect, but the Five Emperors Immortal Sect is not located in the Five Emperors City, but Five Emperors City is above a mountain range outside a hundred billion miles.

After paying Immortal Pill, several people from Long Qingtian entered Five Emperors City.

This Five Emperors City is ten times larger than the Extinguishing Star King City.

Not to mention a continent, it is an imperial city. Generally, the Great Principle Golden Immortal will fly from the south gate to the north gate for one month.

After entering Five Emperors City, several people in Long Qingtian found that Five Emperors City was very lively, there were many other continent powerhouses, and the city was festive.

“Five Emperors Immortal Sect Young Sect Master Lin Jiang is seen by Black Dragon Great Emperor, to receive as disciple, and later Five Emperors Immortal Sect influence is even stronger!”

“Black Dragon Great Emperor is the best Immortal Emperor, one of the strongest disciplines of Celestial Venerable Minghe under tutelage strength. Who will dare to move the Five Emperors Immortal Sect? The Five Emperors Immortal Sect? ”

On the street, other continents came to congratulate the powerhouses to discuss, marvel, envy, and the Emperor Immortal Sect Young Sect Master Lin Jiang was seen by the Black Dragon Great Emperor, later the Celestial Venerable Minghe’s grand disciple, one Celestial Venerable Grand disciple, this is the good thing that Immortal Realm envied.

Long Qingtian listened to the powerhouses in the streets, and the eyes were cold.

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