Golden Dragon Old Ancestor is faced with everyone, nodded indifferently, opened the mouth and said: “Get up.”

Everyone respectfully agreed, this is standing up.

“What happened?!” Golden Dragon Old Ancestor Ao Yi turned around and immediately asked Golden Dragon Patriarch Ao Beixing.

Ao Beixing was in a tight heart and quickly said things in detail.

“Roar of Ancestral Dragon.” Golden Dragon Old Ancestor listened, pondered and said, watching Ancestral Dragon Palace look meditation, after a while, flew, came to the Ancestral Dragon Palace, volley, did not speak, stand Waiting there.

Everyone sees, look at each other in dismay.

However, due to the arrival of Golden Dragon Old Ancestor, no one would dare to talk about Dragon Race every clan powerhouse, guessing the situation of Long Qingtian, while Black Dragon Clan Patriarch Ao Bubai looked at the Golden Dragon Old Ancestor silhouette and his eyes flickered.

Suddenly, he had a strange black ripple that spread to the Golden Dragon Old Ancestor.

However, just as this strange black ripple came to Golden Dragon Old Ancestor, suddenly, a horrible force broke out from Golden Dragon Old Ancestor, world-shaking, this power is full of hegemony, wild, awkward, Sweep everything.

A sigh of relief, Black Dragon Patriarch Ao Bubai swayed and his heart was lost.

At this time, Golden Dragon Old Ancestor coldly snorted, coldly snorted like thunder, fried Ao Bubai ears screamed.

“father, you, what’s wrong?” Ao Lu saw Ao Bubai shaking his body and feeling strange.

“I, it’s nothing, it’s nothing.” Ao Bubai’s throat swayed and his voice hoarse.

Just now, Ao Bubai tested the Golden Dragon Old Ancestor and Golden Dragon Old Ancestor. The people at the scene did not know, and only Ao Bubai and Golden Dragon Old Ancestor knew it.

Ao Lu listened to the father voice, and asked again: “father, are you?”

Ao Bubai complexion sank: “I said it’s nothing.”

Ao Lu sees father’s face, although the heart is strange, but dare not ask again.

Golden Dragon Old Ancestor still stands at the the Azure Dragon Palace, but the Black Dragon Patriarch Ao Bubai looks again towards Golden Dragon Old Ancestor’s eyes completely changed.

Previously, he hadn’t put the words of Black Dragon Old Ancestor in his heart, and he felt that his strength could be a battle with Golden Dragon Old Ancestor. Didn’t expect just a look, Golden Dragon Old Ancestor strength was so horrible.

The plaza is silent.

Just as the Dragon Race every clan powerhouse waits outside the Ancestral Dragon Palace, within the Ancestral Dragon Palace, Long Qingtian is still madly absorbed in the Ancestral Dragon Sea, refining the golden energy of the Ancestral Dragon Sea.

Absorbing, the golden energy of the Ancestral Dragon Sea, Long Qingtian is constantly changing from the inside out, even the Flame of Primal Chaos, which originally produced the mutation on the Immortal Symbol surface, has begun to change.

The Purple of Primal Chaos, which was originally dark gray, is constantly rich and constantly born. This Purple Qi, through a Great Dao Law, reveals a momentum that is perfect for the world.

As Purple Qi continues to grow, the Flame of Primal Chaos rays of light is endless.

In the end, the original dark gray Flame of Primal Chaos completely turned into a purple. When the Flame of Primal Chaos was completely transformed, Long Qingtian’s entire Soul Sea was huge, and the Golden and Black Thunder Dragon also doubled. These golden And the black thunder and lightning formed by the dragon body table began to produce a piece of dragon scale, yes, it is the dragon scale.

When the dragon scale is completely covered, the Golden and Black Thunder Dragon over the Long Qingtian Soul Sea is like two real live dragons.

Every day passed.

Long Qingtian The whole person is immersed in the Ancestral Dragon Sea, as if asleep.

A month passed.

Long Qingtian has been in the Ancestral Dragon Palace for a month. Outside the Ancestral Dragon Palace, Dragon Race every clan powerhouse is still waiting outside, including Golden Dragon Old Ancestor Ao Yi.

Dragon Race every clan powerhouse See Long Qingtian Entering Ancestral Dragon Palace has not come out for a month, and my heart is even more alarming. Everyone wants to know what happened to Long Qingtian, and whether it is still alive now!

Originally, Golden Dragon Old Ancestor Ao Yi knew Long Qingtian’s identity, but his heart was still calm, but after a month passed, he could not help but worry and worry.

After all, even Celestial Venerable, it’s hard to stay in the Ancestral Dragon Sea for a month, and the energy of the Ancestral Dragon Sea is not a joke.

Time continues to pass.

Another month passed, Long Qingtian entered the Ancestral Dragon Sea for two months. At this time, the Dragon Race every clan powerhouse had a sound transmission.

“That brat, I see, 100% is already dead in the Ancestral Dragon Sea!” Golden Dragon Puníshment Hall Supreme Elder Ao Jing is taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

When he thought that Long Qingtian died in the Ancestral Dragon Palace, he was much looser in his heart.

“It’s still early on.” Golden Dragon Supreme Elder Ao Yuan frowned said that he always felt that things were not that simple.

“Even Immortal Emperor late-stage Peak powerhouse will die in two months.” Ao Jing said: “This brat is just Immortal Monarch, how could it still be alive!”

Soon, two months passed for another ten days.

Golden Dragon Old Ancestor Ao Yi is getting more and more anxious: “Master doesn’t really do anything?!”

At the Dragon Race every clan powerhouse, almost all of them were determined that Long Qingtian had died in the Ancestral Dragon Sea. Suddenly, the Ancestral Dragon Palace rays of light shook and shone everywhere.

Everyone couldn’t help but stop talking and watched Ancestral Dragon Palace with shock.

“this is?!”

Under the look of all the powerhouses in the Dragon Race, over the Ancestral Dragon Palace, the Divine Dragon reappeared and entangled, and then a silhouette appeared.

“Yes, that Young Master Long?!”

“He is still alive!”

All Dragon Race powerhouses are shocking and incredible.

The Golden Dragon Puníshment Hall Supreme Elder Ao Jing looks ugly.

“He, actually, how is it possible, Immortal Emperor middle-stage ?!”

“Rely, how come, before he went in, it was just Immortal Monarch late-stage Peak, which became Immortal Emperor middle-stage in more than two months?!”

Then, Dragon Race every clan powerhouse found that Long Qingtian is now strighth, all shocked, commotion, can’t believe it.

Golden Dragon Old Ancestor Ao Yi saw Long Qingtian coming out, and his face was happy. He came to Long Qingtian and said, “Master!” However, just said this, he suddenly re-entered: “Young Master Long!”

However, this is the case, Dragon Race every clan powerhouse heard the Golden Dragon Old Ancestor’s name for Long Qingtian, but they are still shocked.

What is the identity of Golden Dragon Old Ancestor, even Golden Dragon Old Ancestor called the other Young Master Long, what is the identity of the other party? ! Isn’t it the direct disciple of Golden Dragon Old Ancestor? !

Long Qingtian laughed at Golden Dragon Old Ancestor, nodded, this time, he accepted Ancestral Dragon Sea baptism, strength not only breach Immortal Emperor, but also reached Immortal Emperor middle-stage, but this is not the most important, the most important is his Soul Sea’s Flame of Primal Chaos has completely changed and become the Flame of Primordial Chaos.

Flame of Primordial Chaos that even Celestial Venerable can’t have!

Also, his previous incarnation guessed his true identity. This time Ancestral Dragon Sea baptism, absorbing Ancestral Dragon Sea’s energy, awakened him with some power. He seemed to understand his true identity, an astonishing identity. !

Long Qingtian said to Golden Dragon Old Ancestor: “Let’s go back first.” After that, he flew up and left Ancestral Dragon Palace, Golden Dragon Old Ancestor.

Everyone watched Long Qingtian and Golden Dragon Old Ancestor leave their backs, look at each other in dismay.

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