Watching Long Qingtian and Golden Dragon Old Ancestor leave, Golden Dragon Patriarch Ao Beixing reacted and quickly flew up. Following Golden Dragon Old Ancestor, Ao Xiaoyang and Golden Dragon were too old and followed Ao Beixing. .

Golden Dragon Clan everyone left, the other ever clan stayed for a long time, and they all flew away.

In the end, only Black Dragon Clan is left.

“father, are we?” Ao Lu started asking.

Ao Bubai looked at Long Qingtian and the others and left the direction, his eyes flashing: “Go.” After that, he flew up and left the Ancestral Dragon Palace with Black Dragon Clan everyone.

The Ancestral Dragon Palace has completely restored calm.

However, Dragon Race every clan powerhouse not at all found that some changes have taken place in Ancestral Dragon Palace. These changes cannot be discovered without careful experience.

Ancestral Dragon Palace has thousands of absolutely divine dragon-shapes and some different shapes.

After Long Qingtian and Golden Dragon Old Ancestor returned to the Golden Dragon Immortal Country, they said to Golden Dragon Old Ancestor: “I want to seclusion for some days, so please don’t bother me.” Then, go out out Buddha Dragon Golden Cauldron and enter Buddha Dragon Golden Cauldron, direct seclusion.

This time, Ancestral Dragon Palace baptism, Long Qingtian’s mysterious power in the body, gave him a Great Dao clear comprehension, just like when he reached the Celestial Venerable late-stage Peak and broke through the Primordial Saint. Like the Great Dao clear comprehension, this Great Dao clear comprehension opportunity, Long Qingtian naturally does not want to miss.

When Golden Dragon Old Ancestor saw it, he called Golden Dragon Patriarch Ao Beixing and said with a serious face: “Young Master Long is secluded cultivation. No one can interrupt Young Master Long without my permission!”

“Yes, Old Ancestor!” Ao Beixing was in a tight heart and hurry to respect respectfully.

Golden Dragon Old Ancestor nodded, waved his hand: “You go back, and, Young Master Long, those friends, you must entertain, they can do whatever they want, as long as they can get it!”

Ao Beixing startled, what requirements are allowed! However, Golden Dragon Old Ancestor’s order, he naturally did not dare to violate, respectfully agreed, and then retired.

Long Qingtian seclusion Not long after, Ao Beixing went to see Pan Xiaoer. Naturally, fellow apprentices met and felt a bit of emotion.

Just as Long Qingtian was secluded cultivation in the Buddha Dragon Golden Cauldron, within the Black Dragon Clan, Black Dragon Immortal Country great hall, Ao Bubai and Black Dragon Clan were all gathered together.

“What is the identity of this Young Master Long?! Even Golden Dragon Old Ancestor calls him Young Master Long? So, this Young Master Long is not the direct disciple of Golden Dragon Old Ancestor?!” Black Dragon is too long Ao Dong opened the mouth and said.

“But he is not the direct disciple of Golden Dragon Old Ancestor, but how is the Ink Thunder Mad Dragon Great Formation?! Dragon Island competition, he arranged the Ink Thunder Mad Dragon Great Formation to defeat countless Dragon Race disciple, and that’s it. There are more than 36 million points!” Black Dragon is another one who is too long and old.

Everyone can’t be lost in thought.

After a while, Ao Beixing said slowly: “This Young Master Long will be Ink Thunder Mad Dragon Great Formation, which should be taught by Golden Dragon Old Ancestor. As for why Golden Dragon Old Ancestor taught Ink Thunder Mad Dragon Great Formation to him, Still not clear.”

Everyone looks at each other.

“Good, this Young Master Long thing, don’t discuss it first.” Ao Beixing said this, turn around and talk to his son Ao Lu: “Lu’er, this time you enter Ancestral Dragon Palace by Anncestral Dragon Sea baptism, feeling how is it?”

“Returning father, child feels that the power of Dragon Soul in Dragon Vein has been awakened!” Ao Lu hurriedly said.

Ao Beixing hearing this, the smile on the face could not help but laughed: “Okay, that’s good, the power of Dragon Soul in Dragon Vein is awakened, and it is not difficult to promote Immortal Emperor late-stage Peak in the future. Heaven’s Court Once every year, War of Talent is coming. At that time, Father hopes that you can shine on the Black Dragon Clan in the Battle of Heaven’s Court!”

Ao Lu said respectfully : “Please father be at ease, I will not let father down.”

Black Dragon Clan everyone Guess Long Qingtian identity, Azure Dragon Clan, White Dragon Clan, Giant Dragon Clan, and even the Golden Dragon Clan all the disciples are also guessing Long Qingtian identity.

Dragon Realm every clan Guess and talk, Long Qingtian I don’t know, within the Buddha Dragon Golden Cauldron, he didn’t run [ Primal Chaos Great Luo Heaven ], just sitting quietly in Buddha Dragon Golden Cauldron void, constantly feeling Great Dao Law The whole person is in a state of mystery and mystery.

At this time, over the Long Qingtian Soul Sea, there is something more, an egg made of colorful gas!

That’s right, it’s an egg!

However, this egg is a gas. This Seven-colored Egg is opposite to the Long Qingtian Immortal Symbol. The Seven-colored Egg is pulsating and pulsating. Every time it moves, it causes the Buddha Dragon Golden Cauldron space. turmoil.

How this Seven-colored Egg was formed, Long Qingtian is not very clear, anyway, to absorb the energy of the Ancestral Dragon Sea, to awaken the mysterious power in the body, Soul Sea has this Seven-colored Egg.

Every time the Seven-colored Egg is fascinating, Long Qingtian feels wonderful – as if he were born in the Seven-colored Egg.

In the Buddha Dragon Golden Cauldron, one year passed.

Long Qingtian, who was sitting on the void, slowly changed his body. His body all around suddenly appeared a path of flame, and then flamed into a fire sea, but gradually, these fires slowly turned into water, and the sea fire became The sea water.

The sea water disappeared, and Long Qingtian’s body all around showed a piece of green. These green roots sprouted and became a towering forest.

After the towering forest, it was soil and soil, which formed each and everyone continent… and then on these continents, one animal after another was born.

In this way, Long Qingtian’s body space all around constantly changes.

In the end, Long Qingtian’s body is constantly changing, and sometimes it becomes a Divine Dragon, which is a void, sometimes becomes a dust, drifting in the wind, and sometimes turns into a hurricane, as if completely disappeared between the heavens and the earth.

Time passed, Long Qingtian sat quietly in the Buddha Dragon Golden Cauldron for thousands of years. For thousands of years, it was only a blink of an eye for the Immortal Emperor powerhouse. One thousand years later, Long Qingtian, who was sitting still, opened his eyes. His eyes are not fine, there is no power fluctuations in the whole body, and the whole person looks unremarkable, just like Mortal World is a mortal.

After thousands of years of silence, only Long Qingtian knows how to change how big.

If Long Qingtian before the meditation is likened to a child who is a beginner martial skill, then Long Qingtian is now the god of martial arts for thousands of years.

Long Qingtian is still the Immortal Emperor middle-stage, but it is a Immortal Emperor middle-stage that really touches the Realm of Primordial Saint. In the last life, he proved the Dao failed, not at all really touched the Realm of Primordial Saint. Now, realm is even higher than the previous one.

At the end of seclusion, Long Qingtian came out of Buddha Dragon Golden Cauldron.

“Master!” Waiting for Golden Dragon Old Ancestor Ao Yi and Pan Xiaoer outside of Buddha Dragon Golden Cauldron to see Long Qingtian come out and hurry up.

Long Qingtian nodded, asks: “Heaven’s Court is going to be a War of Talent?”

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