Golden Dragon Old Ancestor Ao Yi and Pan Xiaoer heard Long Qingtian mention Heaven’s Court War of Talent, not startled, look at each other, Golden Dragon Old Ancestor Ao Yi replied: “Yes, Master, next Heaven’s Court Wannian War Of Talent, there are less than two years in a year.”

Less than two years in a year!

Some of the far-reaching influences from Immortal Realm have already begun to leave for Immortal Realm. Of course, Dragon Realm is not far from Immortal Realm and is going from Dragon Realm to Immortal Realm at the speed of Long Qingtian for up to one month. enough.

Listening to Golden Dragon Old Ancestor Ao Yi said that there is still less than two years from Heaven’s Court War of Talent, Long Qingtian nodded.

“Master, you want to participate in Heaven’s Court War of Talent?” Pan Xiaoer asked carefully.

Long Qingtian said: “Okay.”

“Is it?” Ao Yi and Pan Xiaoer seem to have guessed Long Qingtian’s intentions.

Ao Yi said with a smile : “This Heaven’s Court War of Talent, with the Master going, will definitely be more lively than before. When Hao Tian sees the Master, it must be more ugly than crying.”

Long Qingtian smiled heartily: “You said the right, this time is definitely more lively than before.” A terrible aura emerged from Long Qingtian, stirring the Golden Dragon Immortal Country, a huge vortex appeared.

Golden Dragon Immortal Country All of them are too long and old, long and old, and the sense of this aura is sensed.

Even Golden Dragon Old Ancestor Ao Yi was shocked. He swallowed Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit, the injury has completely healed, and even recently cultivating, but also promoted a lot, but now under the Long Qingtian aura feel oppressed.

Golden Dragon Old Ancestor Ao Yi So, Pan Xiaoer said that Pan Xiaoer has retreated backwards and finally stabilized his figure.

Just a single aura, forced to compare immortal Emperor late-stage Pan Xiaoer unbearable, think Long Qingtian now strength.

Pan Xiaoer’s throat swayed and he was surprised and delighted with Golden Dragon Old Ancestor Ao Yi.

After a few breaths, Long Qingtian completely converges aura and turns around. Asked Golden Dragon Old Ancestor Ao Yi: “Dragon Realm where Immortal Emperor late-stage Peak has the most monster beast.”

“Immortal Emperor late-stage Peak’s monster beast!” Golden Dragon Old Ancestor Ao Yi and Pan Xiaoer startled, does the Master want to hunt Immortal Emperor late-stage Peak monster beast? !

“Master, Dragon Realm Heaven’s Passage Valley and Evil Sea have the most Immortal Emperor late-stage Peak monster beast.” Ao Yi said with surprise: “Heaven’s Passage Valley is far from Golden Dragon Continent, Evil Sea is very close to Golden Dragon Continent It’s not far from the past.” Ao Yi said this, hesitantly said: “Just, the Evil Sea is extremely dangerous in the depths. Those Immortal Emperor late-stage Peak monster beast strength is very strong, and some even live in groups, that is, the discipline and the Black Dragon. Big Old Ancestor didn’t dare to easily enter the depths of the Evil Sea.”

Long Qingtian nodded: “I know.”

Ancestral Dragon Palace, Dragon Island competition, he hunted a lot of Immortal Emperor-level monster beast got a lot of Immortal Emperor’s Immortal Symbol, but most of them are Immortal Emperor early-stage, the strongest is only Immortal Emperor middle-stage He is now strengthening, refining Immortal Emperor, and the middle-stage Immortal Symbol is not very useful, so Long Qingtian focused on the Immortal Emperor late-stage Peak monster beast.

Heaven’s Court War of Talent For more than a year, Long Qingtian is not in a hurry to get back to Immortal Realm, and he is now strong though strong, but it is still difficult to compete with Minghe, Gonggong, so he still needs to upgrade in this year. Within the range, raise the strength to a height again!

“Master, or else, does the accompanying you go?” Ao Yi saw Long Qingtian really want to go to the Evil Sea, could not help but say.

Long Qingtian Now strength has recovered to the Immortal Emperor middle-stage, but the Evil Sea is too dangerous.

“No need.” Long Qingtian waved his hand and said, “You and Xiao Er stay here, no need to follow me. These days, you have to work hard to improve strength. Then we will return to Immortal Realm.”

Ao Yi and Pan Xiaoer saw it and didn’t dare to say it. They only had to respectfully agree.

“And, Ao Yi, these days, you let Golden Dragon Clan help find some materials for the division.” Long Qingtian said, and then tens of thousands of materials were said.

Ao Yi and Pan Xiaoer were surprised to see the tens of thousands of materials that Long Qingtian said.

“Master, these materials, some, we have Golden Dragon Treasury!” Ao Yi smiled bitterly: “But it’s hard to find it,”

Many of these materials, even his Golden Dragon Old Ancestor, have only heard of it.

Long Qingtian nodded: “I want to refining Primordial Chaos Myriad Saint Ultimate Immortal Pill, so I need these materials. It doesn’t matter if you can’t find them. How much can you find?”

“Primordial Chaos Myriad Saint Ultimate Immortal Pill!” Ao Yi and Pan Xiaoer were shocked.

Only Primordial Saint with the Flame of Primordial Chaos can refining Primordial Chaos Immortal Pill, can you say? !

Moreover, Primordial Chaos Myriad Saint Ultimate Immortal Pill, but upper-grade Primordial Chaos Immortal Pill!

“Master, are you?!” Ao Yi only felt a little thirsty.

Long Qingtian raised his hand and said: “good, this matter, you both know, don’t talk to others.”

“Yes, Master!” Ao Yi and Pan Xiaoer quickly said respectfully, and the two naturally knew the importance of this matter. If Long Qingtian would reprime Primordial Chaos Immortal Pill, I was afraid that myriad realms would vibrate.

Then, Long Qingtian told the two of them, then flew and disappeared, and the Evil Sea position as described by Golden Dragon Old Ancestor Ao Yi rushed over.

In less than an hour, Long Qingtian came out of Golden Dragon Continent and in three hours came to the Evil Sea by Golden Dragon Old Ancestor Ao Yi.

Long Qingtian stood over the Evil Sea and saw it at first sight. I saw the Evil Sea. The sea was extremely blue and blue. It looked calm and calm from above. However, this Evil Sea is Dragon Realm, an ominous beast Evil Beast. World.

Long Qingtian flew in and went deep into the Evil Sea.

Half a day later, Long Qingtian gradually approached the depths of the Evil Sea. At this time, the night was over, the whole Evil Sea was dark, strange and dead, a path of the sound of the beast from time to time from the seabed and some sea Desolate Island. .

Long Qingtian flew over a Desolate Island and planned to rest on the Desolate Island for a night. Long Qingtian had not been alone for a long time, and he was not in a hurry to rush to the depths of the Evil Sea.

After falling to Desolate Island, Long Qingtian came to an open space, and the eyes swept away. On the open space, a bunch of matches appeared in the air, and the bonfire ignited.

In this way, Long Qingtian sat next to the bonfire, took out his own brewed wine, and sipped it in a sip of water. Long Qingtian couldn’t help thinking of some days when he was at Sky Blue Continent, when he was on the road, at night, He often sits alone by the campfire and sipping.

“young lady, and the Evil Sea is deeper in the future. We really can’t go any further. Otherwise, Old Ancestor knows that we have to be punished!” Just when Long Qingtian was drinking and thinking about Sky Blue Continent There is a helpless voice coming from afar.

“Good, good, I am no longer going deeper, you are really embarrassed, you are bothered, you are not bothered, this young lady is annoying!” A beautiful, beautiful woman voiced.

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