Originally, Golden Dragon Old Ancestor, who had retreated to the side, heard the words of Child of Buddha Realm. It was anger and anger. If it wasn’t for Long Qing’s command, the three entered the palm and smashed the brat.

Long Qingqi looked calm and looked at the Child of Buddha Realm indifferently. He said, “Looking at the face of Buddha, I will not let you die very painfully.”

The emperor was startedled, and then the eyes cold light flashed, and laughed: “Would I still want you to thank you?” After that, he flew up and suddenly palm swooped to the dragon: “Myriad Buddhas Returning to Ancestral! ”

This palm, he used all his strength, Myriad Buddhas Returning to Ancestral, is one of the Buddha Realm High Invincible Divine Ability.

I saw thousands of Buddha statues appearing everywhere, the Buddha shines everywhere, everywhere, and all the steps near around some of the strength of the weak disciples are illuminated by this Buddha, and there are even signs of being buddha.

Long Qingqi looked at the other party palm indifferently, until the palm force came to him, and Long Qingyi lifted the right hand, suddenly palm, palm shot, including everything, to accommodate everything, interpretation all.

The thousands of Buddha statues all exploded, the Buddha light disappeared, all the Buddha sounds stopped silently, and the Emperor Fan looked at the dragon in the horror, and the palm was photographed to himself. He was scared to find that he was under this palm. There is nowhere to escape, except that there is no other way under the hard connection, he panicked the palm and greeted him.

The two palms collided together, and then, the right palm of the dragon smashed the right palm directly into the other’s chest.

The two bodies were parked in the air and motionless.

Everything is still.

The powerhouses of all parties looked at the scene with shock.

Some of the disciples looked at their chests unbelievably. They saw that their right hand was photographed back, and they pierced through their chests. A horrible force slowly covered him. This body seemed to belong to him.

“I!” Emperor Van Gogh opened his mouth. At this time, Long Qingyi right hand pulled back, then took a shot on Mount Head with Mount Tai, and instantly turned the head of Divan from top to bottom. Shot into the body.

Numerous contaminated Buddha xing, golden light The splendid Buddha blood bursts from the body of the emperor, and falls everywhere. The Buddha blood of the emperor is carrying a scent of yu drunk.

From the numerous 100 Million Li’s Buddha Realm in the court, suddenly and violently, the entire height of the Buddha Realm, a kind of gold se Buddha blood, Buddha Realm grief.

This is a sign that Child of Buddha Realm is in great danger and wants to fall.

“Bodhisattva !”


At this time, all the powerhouses of the stage all around, the powerhouse reacted, and they violently roared and violently attacked the dragon.

More than 100 Bodhisattva, Arhat, Fo Guangsheng, palm shadow, fist imprint.

Looking at these suddenly attacked Buddha Realm, Long Qingyi eyes cold, one finger pointed out that countless finger shadow also greeted the Buddha Realm.

Then, countless screams screamed, I saw Buddha Realm, many Bodhisattva, Arhat all flew back, countless Buddha blood drifted again and again, all in, I saw these Bodhisattva, Arhat was pierced every time into the chest Giant holes, these Bodhisattva, Arhat fell to the ground, and the Buddha’s blood in the mouth was sprayed again.

When you see it, you don’t want to suck cold.

Move , a serious injury more than 100 Immortal Emperor , Immortal Monarch powerhouse ? ! These Buddha Realm Bodhisattva, even two entries are Immortal Emperor late-stage Peak!

Arhat, the weakest is Immortal Monarch late-stage Peak.

Move , just just move ! What is this strength? !

The crowd looked at Long Qingyi stunnedly. Some of the previous ones were only Immortal Emperor late-stage Peak. Like Jade Emperor, there is no powerhouse in the eyes of Longyue. The heart jumped wildly and my eyes changed completely.

Even the Golden Dragon Patriarch Ao Beixing was not too scared.

All around Quiet again, Long Qing looked coldly and looked at the emperor who was himself photographed into the body with his head. He said, “I said, look at the face of your Buddha Realm’s Buddha, I won’t It makes you very painful to die.”

“No, I am Child of Buddha Realm, I am impossible and degraded!” Divan said in horror.

“Is it?” Long Qing’s face is indifferent, and the power of destruction in his hands is like a chao water. It instantly spreads over every corner of the body, including the Soul Sea and the other Immortal Symbol.

Originally, Divan was a Child of Buddha Realm. It was integrated with Buddha Realm. It was flesh-and-blood, and Buddha Realm was immortal. He would not die, but now he feels that the power of Long Qing’s hands completely cuts off him and Buddha Realm. He is him, Buddha Realm is Buddha Realm, he can no longer sense all the origins of Buddha Realm. At this moment, he feels that death is so close.

“No, no, Great Luo, don’t kill me!” he cried in horror.

Long Qingyi looked at the Child of Buddha Realm who begged for himself, coldly said: “It’s already late!” The power in his hands is completely bursting, and the voice of the screaming screams is simply Child of Buddha Realm, fallen!

At this time, the entire Buddha Realm Buddha’s blood poured down like a storm, and the Great Buddha, Bodhisattva, Arhat cried.

Sitting on the golden lotus, the smiling smile of the billion-year-old smile disappeared, and all showed a sad expression, his eyes closed.

And the stage, all the children watching the Buddha Realm will not be destroyed, the Child of Buddha Realm will not be defeated by the dragon 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭fear.

This is the method of Great Luo? !

Immortal Realm was rumored that all the impossible things in the hands of Great Luo will become everything possible!

Now, the rumor is confirmed!

Long Qingqi killed the emperor, and his face was indifferent. It seemed to be a trivial matter. He looked to the Jade Emperor on the chairman stage. Jade Emperor was facing the dragon and his face changed. A change, there is still no fear, he is now watching Child of Buddha Realm killed by the face of Long Qing, and can not help but panic.

“Hey, it’s up to you!” Long Qingqi volleyed slowly to Jade Emperor step by step, and coldly said: “This is my private vengeance with you, nothing to do with you, all who block me, dead!”


A chilling killing intent swept everything, such as myriad blades, and the powerhouses were not shocked and then retired.

“Kill, kill me for him!”

“Who killed him, I rewarded a thousand top-grade primal chaos spirit vein !”

One thousand top-grade primal chaos spirit vein !

The original powerhouse of the original retreat was not stopped, the eyes were hot, and a thousand top-grade primal chaos spirit vein o! Don’t say a thousand top-grade primal chaos spirit vein, that is, a thousand lower-grade primal chaos spirit vein is a huge treasure for all parties!

However, despite this, but the powerhouse of all parties is still wisely rushed to the front, Bi Jing, the previous dragon 夭 夭 easily strike to kill Child of Buddha Realm, the stunned scene of the emperor, also deeply imprinted in their minds .

Although the powerhouses did not dare to do it, many Immortal Emperors in the courts shot.

An Immortal Emperor late-stage Peak powerhouse suddenly flew up and took the lead. The huge palm shot from Long Qingyi: “Giant Spirit Divine Palm !” palm concealed ri.

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