It is the first powerhouse that has been shot by Long Qing, the Giant Spirit War God!

There are Four Great War Gods in the court!

This Giant Spirit War God is twice as powerful as the Shu Lin strength that was killed by Long Qing, and his Immortal Emperor Law with the body Immortal Symbol has reached more than 25 billion!

More than two billion!

And each Immortal Emperor Law is like a prime chaos gold pillar, the roots exude the primal chaos sigh of anger, it can be said that this huge War God, every War God is more than the Dragon Realm Seven Great Dragon Clans patriarch To be strong, they are born in the primal chaos.

This Giant Spirit War God shot the Giant Spirit Divine Palm to the dragon, no stronghold one can overcome, fighting intent.

The other three big Wars have also been shot to Long Qingyi.

Four Great War Gods, the four primal chaos palm force, formed a side of Primal Chaos World, which separated Long Qing from the outer world.

When Long Qingyi saw it, coldly snorted, and did not move, the palm immediately took the past, and instantly smashed the Primal Chaos World formed by the other four primal chaos palm forces.

Four Great War Gods were shocked and retreated.

Long Qing’s figure flashed and came to the front of Giant Spirit War God. He shot directly and screamed, and countless ghosts screamed and screamed.

“Reincarnating Evil Spirit Startling God Finger !”

In the distance, Ancestor of Ghost Realm under tutelage disciple Zhao Wen saw Long Qing 夭 display this finger, can not believe the screaming, this Ghost Realm three Invincible Great Divine Ability, Long Qing 夭 夭 ?? !

Giant Spirit War God looked at Long Qingyi’s finger and panicked, palm shot to Long Qing, but then, the stunned finger strength passed through his giant palm and then hit his chest, then I pierced through the back of his back.

Long Qingyi pierced the other side, his body swayed, and the other three War Gods screamed and screamed.

Four Great War Gods serious injury !

The Court of Great God Gods, who has been guarding the court for hundreds of millions of years, has never lost. In the eyes of the powerhouses, it is simply an unbeaten god. Now, the four teams join hands and are eager to be swayed by Long Qingyi. beat!

The other courthouses that had been rushing to Longqingyu were frightened and could not stop at the moment.

Looking at the fallen ground, the Four Great War Gods, who was savage and bloody, spread their hearts in disappointment, and yelled at the powerhouse: “You are holding thousands of things and killing me!”

As soon as I drank, the powerhouses that had originally stopped their bodies were once again coming to Longqing.

Long Qingyi looked at the powerhouses that had come to him. He suddenly flew up, his body was like a gyro, and he continued to rotate. With the rotation of Longqing, numerous hurricanes formed. These numerous hurricanes contain a strip. Gold se and black seThunder Dragon, Thunder Dragon is violent.

This is exactly the Invincible Great Divine Ability that Long Qingyi realized in the past.

However, now he has added the amount of mine elemental force to make this Invincible Great Divine Ability formidable power stronger.

The hurricane formed by this reincarnation method is not an ordinary hurricane. I saw that all the innumerable powerhouses in the flooding were hit by Thunder Dragon, and they flew out, and numerous hurricanes swept through like invisible locusts. Powerhouse within the body, these courthouses feel that this hurricane is constantly stirring in every corner of their own, constantly destroying everything.

Under the constant turbulence of the hurricane, they felt as if their seven souls and six scorpions were shaken.

All of the hurricane volumes in the hurricane were not included, and all flew back.

Not long after, there were tens of thousands of Immortal Emperor in the court, and half of them were screaming. As the numerous powerhouses in the court were shaken, the original Immortal Emperor, which had been rushing up, stopped again in horror. Shape, have retreated.

However, Long Qing’s body shape is getting faster and faster, and countless hurricanes are getting bigger and bigger. Straight up to Jiuyi, they have swept in the Immortal Emperor powerhouse that was going to retreat.

“Retire, retreat!”

The patriarch, standing on the stage all around, looked at the huge hurricane that was constantly approaching, scared and screamed in horror. In fact, they simply ordered that the powerhouses had long since panicked back.

Some of the escaping Immortal Emperor, Immortal Monarch was stunned by the hurricane.

I watched each and everyone. The Immortal Emperor powerhouse was swallowed up by the hurricane, and it was scared to retreat. Queen Mother of the West was even more disappointing.

Hey, Queen Mother is a Hongjun under tutelage boy. Its strength is not weak, it can even be said to be extremely strong, but only relative to other powerhouses.

In front of Long Qing, the two entries are also slag!

It’s just a little stronger than the other Immortal Emperor late-stage Peak!

“Protect Jade Emperor !Queen Mother of the West !”

The monks and soldiers of the court will be surrounded and screamed in horror.

Seeing the dragon scorpion figure all around, the huge hurricane is getting bigger and bigger, and when it is swallowed up to the chairman station, suddenly, a coldly snorted voice comes from far away, then a huge palm print breaks open, suddenly to the dragon The huge hurricane that slammed the body all around was photographed.


A loud bang, the crowd only felt the roar of the mind, the hurricane shook, and the dragon squad collapsed. The powerhouses that had been swallowed up by the hurricane all fell from the sky and were thrown away.

Under the horrified eyes, a tall, elderly wearing a light blue war armor appeared in the stage at high altitude, and elderly stood with his hands, standing there freely, and his majesty was shrouded.

“Gonggong 夭尊!”

“Gonggong is coming!”

The sound of exclamations comes one after another.

When he and Queen Mother came to see Gonggong, the original panic face was not pleasantly surprised, and it was impossible to breathe a sigh of relief.

Long Qingyi and Gonggong stand tall, standing against each other, an invisible wave of qi in the two sides of the body all around constantly spread, collision, flying, above the sky, thunder cloud rolling, thunder and lightning flashing, windy.

There is no opening in both entries.

“didn’t expect you haven’t died yet!” After a while, Gonggong looked at Long Qing, slowly opened the mouth and said, Gonggong didn’t have a big voice, but listened to all around the powerhouse ears, but there was a penetrating soul. , shocking the soul.

Long Qingying coldly said: “You are not dead yet, of course I am not dead.”

Gonggong laughed: “Do you think that you can live this time?”

Long Qingying said indifferently said: “I only know that you will die earlier than me.”

Two old friends who haven’t seen each other for a long time are usually talking about their homework. If they don’t know, they think that the two entrances are reunited with friends.

Gonggong shaked one’s head ,said with a smile : “Look at what we have known each other, I can give you a choice of death.”

Long Qingyi had a cold face, no opening, and quietly fell down. Both of them entered the momentum constantly, and they were oppressed by the two momentums. All around the powerhouse was frightened and retired.

Suddenly, at this time, Long Qingyi and Gonggong both shot at the same time.

Long Qing’s palms suddenly swayed out, Great Luo Palm penetrated myriad realms, and Gonggong was a punch, and the fist imprint was layer by layer, spreading like a huge wave.

Two palm forces, fist strength collided together, and the entire 100 Million Li slammed the stage.

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