“Master ?!”

All around All eyes stunned at Immortal Emperor Su Zhi who crouched in front of the black-haired youngster!

In particular, Chen Xuan, who had previously wanted to watch the show, and the guards behind him almost fainted. The black-haired youngster who had ridiculed him for not even a green onion was the Master of Immortal Emperor Su Zhi!

Immortal Emperor Su Zhi is the strongest powerhouse of Roc Realm in addition to the master of Dapeng! It is also in the entire Primal Chaos World, there is also a great reputation, no one has heard that Immortal Emperor Su Zhi even has Master!

Long Xing, who came to Su Residence with Long Qingtian, was even more shocked there.

At this time, a pretty, cute girl from Su Residence came out and saw Su Zhi crouching in front of Long Qingtian.

This pretty girl is Su Zhi’s daughter Su Rudie.

“Father, you, what is this?!” Su Rudie blurted.

Su Zhi sees the daughter coming out, his face is anxious, saying: “Die’er, hurry, have seen you Ancestral Master!”

“Ancestral Master?!” Su Rudie couldn’t believe it, she never heard from father that Father had a Master.

“impudent!” Su Zhi sees the daughter standing still, not angered: “I haven’t seen you Ancestral Master yet!”

Su Rudie saw Father’s anger, and this came back. She couldn’t help her think too much. Hurry up, Long Longtian crouched down: “Su Rudie sees Ancestral Master!”

Long Qingtian nodded , opened the mouth and said : “You get up.”

“Xie Master (Ancestral Master)!” Su Zhi, Su Rudie, stood up.

“Let’s go inside,” Long Qingtian said.

“Yes, Master!” Su Zhi hurriedly said.

Long Qingtian took a few steps and looked at Long Xing, still behind him like a piece of wood, and said, “Go!” Long Xing returned to the soul, followed Su Rudie, walked into Su Residence, followed Behind Su Rudie, Su Rudie scented a faintly discernible scent from time to time into his nostril Long Xing face seslightly red.

Into the great hall, Su Zhi retired everyone, the great hall, only Su Zhi father and daughter, Long Xing and Celestial Star City City Lord Lin Peng.

“Master, this is Celestial Star City City Lord Lin Peng.” Standing under His Highness Su Zhi, said to Long Qingtian.

At this time, Celestial Star City City Lord Lin Peng hurriedly salute: “Lin Peng has seen senior!”

Long Qingtian nodded, let it get up.

This Lin Peng strength right is the Immortal Emperor late-stage Peak. He is only weaker than his Second Junior Brother.

In fact, Long Qingtian was after entering the Roc Realm, and divine sense swept, only to discover Su Zhi. After discovering it, he came to this huge city. When he was Immortal Emperor, he came to Primal Chaos World and then met Su Zhi. Its innate talent right, then guidance a bit and passed a set of cultivation technique.

Su Zhi is his honorary disciple…

At this time, Long Qingtian pointed to Long Zhi on the side of Su Zhi: “His name is Long Xing, innate talent right.”

Su Zhi startled looked towards Long Xing. Just now he wondered how the Master brought a small Nine Celestial Profound Immortal to Long Qingtian. He heard it.

“Long Xing, would you like to worship me as a teacher?” Su Zhi smiled at Long Xing.

Long Xing was stayed there by this huge happiness, looked at Long Qingtian, looked at Su Zhi again and pointed to himself: “I, I, Su Zhi senior, you are willing me as a disciple? You, you Ken receive me as a disciple ?!” Long Xing said that behind, excited.

Su Zhi nodded ,said with a smile : “Yes.”

Long Xing eyes red, crouched down: “disciple Long Xing willing to discipline” willing!”

Su Zhi laughed, let it get up.

Although Su Zhi received Long Xing as a disciple, Long Qingtian still saw his doubts. On the surface, Long Xing innate talent was flat, while Long Qingtian said his innate talent right? Su Zhi is puzzled, but he dare not ask.

At this time, Long Qingtian raised his hand to the Long Xing void palm, Long Xing’s rays of light suddenly ten thousand zhang, a path of magic light appeared behind him.

See Long Xing, Su Zhi and Lin Peng both startled: “Dao Demon Body ?!”

Dao Demon Body, myriad realms among the top bodies!

Long Qingtian expected Su Zhi to be surprised, so not at all accidents, this Dao Demon Body is myriad realms top body is right, but some Dao Demon Body is hidden xing, just like Long Xing, only wake up its within The body’s magical bloodline, its Dao Demon Body can be revealed.

Long Xing’s Dao Demon Body was awakened by Long Qingtian, and the Anncestral Master of Long Qingtian was naturally earnestly thanked.

Long Qingtian let it up, then turned to Su Zhi Road: “Su Zhi, you tell me about Primal Chaos World now.” Long Qingtian had been to Primal Chaos World once, but only hurried.

Immediately, Su Zhi will report the situation of Primal Chaos World known to Long Qingtian.

According to Su Zhi, Primal Chaos World’s strongest influence is naturally Seven Great Sacred Realm, Seven Great Sacred Realm is the seven Primordial Saint Three Purities, Cundi, picked up, Fuxi, Nuwa opened.

Of course, it does not include Hongjun’s Purple Firmament Palace.

In addition to the Seven Great Sacred Realm of the seven Primordial Saints, there are dozens of small worlds created by Celestial Venerable. The world where Su Zhi is located is the name of the master of Dapeng, called Roc Realm.

The owner of Dapeng is the Celestial Venerable middle-stage Peak. Among the large Celestial Venerables in Primal Chaos World, the strength is very strong. Even if there is no top ten, it is not much different.

After Su Zhi finished, Long Qingtian thought about it and asked: “Where is Primal Chaos World’s biggest trading market?”

“The biggest trading market?” Su Zhi and Lin Peng look at each other, Su Zhi said: “Returning to Master, Primal Chaos World is now the biggest market for the City of All Saints!”

“City of All Saints?” Long Qingtian said.

“Yes, this City of All Saints is built by Seven Great Sacred Realm and our Dapeng community, not far from Roc Realm. Every 10,000 years, the City of All Saints will have a grand trading congregation. There are a lot of good things to do in the trading sacred, but now the Master is going to the City of All Saints, I am afraid it is hard to run into something good,” Su Zhi said.

Long Qingtian nodded: “It doesn’t matter, I know, good, then I am going to the City of All Saints.” Long Qingtian wants to go to the City of All Saints, naturally has his purpose, Black and Yellow Giant Egg is of great importance, he is sure Can’t ask Su Zhi directly, and even if asked, Su Zhi also has an impossible to know the whereabouts of Black and Yellow Giant Egg.

Since City of All Saints is the largest trading market for Primal Chaos World, Long Qingtian may be able to find Black and Yellow Giant Egg fragments in the City of All Saints to inquire about the Black and Yellow Giant Egg subject matter.

Listen to Long Qingtian. Go to the City of All Saints, Su Zhi hurriedly said: “Master, discipline with you?”

Long Qingtian pondered and said : “Alright.”

At the moment, Su Zhi gave a few words to daughter Su Rudie, and with Celestial Star City City Lord Lin Peng, he led the way and led Long Qingtian to the City of All Saints.

Long Xing and Su Rudie sent Long Qingtian and Su Zhi to watch Long Qingtian leave his back. He stood for a long time not budging.

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