As Su Zhi said, City of All Saints is not far from Roc Realm. Two days later, Long Qingtian and Su Zhi came to the City of All Saints.

I saw the City of All Saints towering in the Primal Chaos Space, the palace is continuous, Long Qingtian can see that the City of All Saints is actually a huge primal chaos Divine Mountain.

This huge primal chaos Divine Mountain doesn’t know how many 100 Million Li, high hundred ten thousand zhang, and then was carved in it with Supreme magic power, building countless palaces.

Each and everyone is invisible in the mountains, each palace is a formation core, forming each and everyone defensive-type formation, the City of All Saints stands there, letting countless primal chaos hurricane, hail impact, stunned Do not move.

Long Qingtian had to admire when he saw it. This is definitely a method that is only available to Primordial Saint. At least he can’t do it now.

Long Qingtian and Su Zhi flew down in the huge mountain range of the huge primal chaos Divine Mountain. The highest mountain range is home to a giant city, which is bigger than the Immortal Realm 100 Great Prefecture. !

Long Qingtian looks at the giant city gate with four words: City of All Saints!

This is City of All Saints!

“Master, let’s go in?” Su Zhi asked carefully.

Long Qingtian nodded.

After the 200,000 primal chaos Celestial Origin Pill, Long Qingtian entered the City of All Saints.

Entering the City of All Saints, Long Qingtian found that not at all and the imagination was so noisy, even more so than Su Zhi’s previous city.

Seeing Long Qingtian’s doubts, Su Zhi explained: “Because every time you enter City of All Saints, you have to pay hundreds of thousands of primal chaos Celestial Origin Pill. So generally not necessary, few people come to this City of All Saints. However, the City of All Saints is extremely lively when it comes to the once-year-old trading congregation.”

Long Qingtian walked on the streets of the City of All Saints while listening to Su Zhi.

The streets of the City of All Saints are wide, all around buildings are large, shops are everywhere, and each store has a dusty aura, giving the impression that this shop is not a shop.

Long Qingtian walked on the City of All Saints street, feeling within the body Qi of Black and Yellow.

So, half a day passed.

Long Qingtian’s brows couldn’t help but wrinkle for a long time. The City of All Saints was half-shop, he had already visited but had no reaction at the body Qi of Black and Yellow.

Does this City of All Saints have no Black and Yellow Giant Egg pieces? !

Near the Black and Yellow Giant Egg shards, the Qi of Black and Yellow with his body will be inductive, even if the Black and Yellow Giant Egg shards are added to the restrictions, as long as within 100 million miles, he Can be sensed.

Su Zhi followed behind Long Qingtian. Although he didn’t understand Long Qingtian’s purpose of coming to the City of All Saints, Long Qingtian didn’t speak. He didn’t dare to ask.

After more than an hour, at this moment, suddenly, the Qi of Black and Yellow of Long Qingtian within the body boiled. Although it was very weak, Long Qingtian still sensed it. Long Qingtian’s heart was happy, within The body Qi of Black and Yellow is boiling in the direction, not to step forward to the front.

Not long after, Long Qingtian came to a big shop.

“Bright Chambers of Commerce!” Su Zhi See Long Qingtian came to this store, some surprised. This Bright Chambers of Commerce is the Chamber of Commerce founded by Primal Chaos World, eight Celestial Venerable.

Among them, the strongest Celestial Venerable of strength is the strongest powerhouse of Primest Chaos World’s many Celestial Venerables. Someone even compared this bright Celestial Venerable with Long Qingtian’s Great Luo Celestial Venerable.

Long Qingtian walked into the Bright Chambers of Commerce and walked straight to a corner of the shop’s front hall. When he reached a corner, he stopped in front of a black babar-sized stone.

This Black Baba’s ten zhang stone looks inconspicuous, but Long Qingtian knows that this is the Black and Yellow Giant Egg shard, but it has been restricted, and the restriction is not weak. It should be Immortal Emperor late-stage powerhouse arrange Of course, to now Long Qingtian now strength to break the above restrictions, just a random point.

“You are going to call the store Steward.” Long Qingtian spoke to Su Zhi.

The shops are deserted, not at all how many people, so Long Qingtian is coming, there are no shops to come to take care of.

“Yes, Master!” Su Zhi said respectfully, then turned and left. Not long after, Su Zhi came back, followed by an elderly dressed in a robe, the weak strength is not weak, it is Immortal Emperor late-stage, it looks like Is the manager of this shop.

Su Zhi returns to Long Qingtian, said respectfully: “Master, this is the Hu Ying manager of Bright Chambers of Commerce.”

Hu Ying hearing this , startled to look at Long Qingtian, Master? ! This Su Zhi, he knows, this person turned out to be Su Zhi’s Master!

Su Zhi not at all talked to him before coming.

Looking at the inscrutable, let him not see the black-haired youngster of cultivâtion bâse, Hu Ying hurry to pay respect: “Hu Ying met senior!”

Long Qingtian nodded, no nonsense, directly pointing to the piece of Black and Yellow Giant Egg, said: “How about selling this stone?”

Hu Ying heard it, hesitated, and said: “Senior, frankly, this stone, our Bright Chambers of Commerce is not sold.”

“What? Don’t sell?!” Su Zhi opened the mouth and said.

“Why?” Long Qingtian looked calm.

Hu Ying explained: “This stone was found by Celestial Venerable Cuihe, our Vice President of Bright Chambers of Commerce, but no one can know the origin of this stone, so our Vice President Celestial Venerable Cuihe put it out, hope People who come to the Chamber of Commerce can recognize this stone, our Celestial Venerable Cuihe said, no matter who can recognize this stone, reward 50 million primal chaos Celestial Origin Pill !”

“50 million primal chaos Celestial Origin Pill !” Su Zhi startled.

50 million primal chaos Celestial Origin Pill is not a small amount for Su Zhi.

Long Qingtian’s face is light, he knows that the Bright Chambers of Commerce vice president Celestial Venerable Cuihe, although I don’t know this is the Black and Yellow Giant Egg fragment, but also sees that the stone origin of the out of the ordinary, so it will be 50 million primal chaos Celestial Origin Pill offers a reward.

50 million primal chaos Celestial Origin Pill is a large number for Immortal Emperor, but for Celestial Venerable it is nothing.

“Then you know, where did your vice president Celestial Venerable Cuihe find the stone?” Long Qingtian asked.

Hu Ying couldn’t help but look awkward: “Senior, this.”

Long Qingtian flashed the light of the hands and threw a space immortal tool in the past.

Hu Ying took over, divine sense swept, I saw the space immortal tool, primal chaos Celestial Origin Pill piled up like a mountain, I don’t know how many miles, watching the primal chaos Celestial Origin Pill, Hu Ying in the space immortal tool Although I don’t know how much primal chaos Celestial Origin Pill within the space immortal tool, it is definitely more than one trillion!

“As long as you tell me, where is your vice president, Celestial Venerable Cuihe, where the primal chaos Celestial Origin Pill is yours.” Long Qingtian opened the mouth and said.

Hu Ying swallowed her throat, her face seyin clear, and finally opened the mouth and said: “I don’t want senior, this stone is our Vice President Celestial Venerable Cuihe found at Scarlet Demon Abyss!”

“Scarlet Demon Abyss !” Su Zhi face se!

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