
Chapter 1310: dross

"Really, I’m telling the truth. In fact, in addition to the placement of many monsters, this ancestral demon palace actually detained several fragments of heaven-level magic weapons, including me, and left it to the guardian. Used to suppress the body and slow down the loss of Shouyuan."


"Those people just don't know what it is. I waited for a while, but after all it was a magnificent magic weapon. How could it be wronged to be with an old man for thousands of years. It happened that the old guy had a problem later. I looked for an opportunity to start with that old man. Escaped around..."

Lin Fei heard this. Believe it or not, I really felt that this stone's words were somewhat reliable.

According to the memory I have seen, there is indeed a mysterious stone platform behind the door, and several demon emperors bow their heads under the stone platform, as if there is a strong presence on it.

If it is above the stone platform, it is the so-called guardian of the Phaeus Boundary.

The most important thing is that the stone itself is quite extraordinary. It is actually able to fight against the nether earth, saying that it is a magic weapon of the heaven order, that is not a bragging...

Lin Fei raised his hand casually, and when he had just finished speaking, he grabbed the stone to his hand and checked it a little. Although he still didn't feel any restraining breath from his body, anyway, the real element was urged. Can't leave any trace on it...

However, it is a bit strange now?

If it is really a magic weapon of the heaven order, then the power should never be limited to this.

For example, Wanhunzhu has lost even its body, and has fallen to the point where only the magical spirit remains. When it encounters itself, it can still manipulate many demon corpses and exert no small power.

In addition to the fact that the body is solid, the stone does not show other characteristics.

When Lin Fei stopped his hand, the stone was relieved and he swiftly worked harder, adding strength: "And we are really lucky this time. The guardian has had a major physical problem since 6,000 years ago. The situation is getting worse, I think it is really unsustainable this time, this is the best time!"

Lin Fei did not answer, but pondered a little, and suddenly said, "I heard that the Heavenly Order magic weapon has its own origin. You said it, or did you say what you are, let me introduce it first?"

"I, that... is hard to explain, and I will tell you later."

"Then don't you say that?" Lin Fei frowned, and as he said, he was preparing to urge Zhu Tian Fu Tu...

"You, you, if you have something to say, don't move, just do it, I'll explain it to you." When the stone looked, he was anxious.

Lin Fei stopped a little bit now: "Speak, what the **** are you?"

"Actually, I really didn't lie to you..." After the refining of the Heavenly Buddhism, the stone didn't care at first. It had disappeared and disappeared. Speaking of it, I even felt aggrieved: "I'm really a magic weapon of Heavenly Order, only But my formation process is a bit special, it’s useless to say, if you want to know so, then I just said..."

"I have said before that, at the beginning of the establishment of the Ancestral Demon Palace, the monks who established the Ancestral Devil Palace did not know where to find the fragments of the Celestial Order magic weapon, and finally left it to the guardian , Used to suppress their own life yuan."

"Actually, this process has not been so smooth. Although the Heavenly Order magic weapon is only a fragment, it is still unwilling to be imprisoned in one place, so there was a war at that time..."

"The battle was frightened by the sun and the moon, and it shook the earth. It almost shattered the ancestral palace of the newborn, but in the end, the fragments of the Celestial Magic were still suppressed, and two of the most fierce fragments of the Celestial Magic It was directly smelted into scum by several monks, and it was considered to kill chickens and monkeys..."

"You are one of them?" Lin Fei gave it a weird look. Although it was smelted into dross, the Celestial Order magic weapon is ultimately the Celestial Order magic weapon. It has not been impossible to recover in the past 10,000 years.

"No." Speaking of which, even though the stone was still imprisoned, in the tone of begging for mercy, it could not help revealing some pride: "I am the sum of them!"

"What do you mean?"

"In the beginning, the two pieces of Heaven-level magic weapons were indeed smelted into dross, and they were smelted into one body, and the Yuanling was completely destroyed. At that time, I was originally a newborn ghost, just born between this dross, so I merged into it. …"

"Later, I didn't know what happened in the past thousands of years, and I completely blended in. Since then, I have two bodies of heavenly order magic weapons. The entire ancestral demon palace is free for me to come and go. Even those demon emperors can't embarrass me!"

"Really?" Lin Fei glanced at the stone detained in his hand.

Perhaps because of this glance, this stone reminded me of my situation and suddenly said reluctantly: "Your law is very special, there was nothing that could keep me in the past... In short, it is so, in short, I really I haven't lied to you."

"Got it." Lin Fei nodded. The stone was at most concealing some background information, but what he said was still true.

However, it is no wonder that it has always said that it is a magic weapon of the Heavenly Order, but it can't say more specific information.

After all, this stone formation process is too strange.

The wreckage of two heaven-level magic weapons is of a very high level, and even the underworld can't help it. Except for the heavenly burials, it can be said that all methods are inviolable, and it is also true that it is a heaven-level magic weapon.

However, there is no trace of it in itself, but only a very high-level stone body, which seems to have no other purpose except to take it out and smash people.

This kind of existence is a bit strange.

"It can be used as the first embryo of magic weapon..."

As the top master of refinery in the world, Lin Fei was thinking about the purpose of this stone in a flash.

Because it was born out of the scum of the fragments of the magic weapon, this thing itself does not have any prohibition. Even because it is born in the magic weapon of the heaven order, its level is too high, even if it falls into the hands of the monk, it is difficult to sacrifice the prohibition.

After all, the specifications and requirements of the sacrifice are calculated according to the level of the Heavenly Order magic weapon.

Regardless of the means of sacrifice or the required materials, for ordinary refining masters, that level is too high, it is too difficult to achieve...


This is not a problem for Lin Fei...

Speaking of refining means, Lin Fei, who has mastered the heavenly futurists, can be called the first class refining master from ancient times to the present.

As for the required materials...

Isn’t it possible to ask Jianzong...

After all, Lin Fei asked for the origin of Jianzong. It stands to reason that at the level of Jin Dan's nine-turn, returning to Wenjianzong, that would be the proper elder position.

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