
Chapter 1311: respectively

The old parents want to sacrifice a heavenly magic weapon, and the defender asks Jianzong Anning, who dares to have an opinion?

Who dares to have an opinion, fearing that the real people of Qianyuan would be the first to fight against each other...

There is nothing to worry about...

As one of the ten major schools in the northern border, ask Jianzong to recuperate and accumulate resources over the years, and accumulate resources in many ways. It will never be weaker than the seven major schools in the world, even stronger.

"It's good luck."

Thinking of this, the more Lin Fei looked at this stone, the more satisfied he was.

Although this stone is stinky and hard, in addition to its extremely hard texture, it has no great ability, but as a magic weapon, it is a good blank drawing paper.

How Lin Fei plays on it and how to paint is all left to play...

In Lin Fei's mind, there are a lot of amazing magic weapons in the ancient times...

It can be said that just getting this stone in this trip is already a capital preservation.

The rest, as long as you find the remaining fragments of his free array, then his own trip from the world is considered extremely successful.

The stone didn't know that his future life had been arranged clearly. Only after seeing Lin Fei no longer pressing, he asked carefully: "Then, look, my chances will work..."

Lin Fei glanced at it and said, "I remember you said that something went wrong with the guardian? How did you know?"

"In fact, this is also simple..." The stone said without hesitation: "Do you remember the dragon and the white tiger?"


"In fact, no matter whether the monster family or ghosts in this ancestral demon palace, as long as there is an emperor-level existence, they are all controlled by the guardian. From ancient times to the present, there is no accident. Otherwise, these monsters will not care about what humans are not humans, Whenever a human monk violates the territory, it must be a big battle."

"It is precisely because of the guardian’s restraint that human monks will not be embarrassed by the existence of the emperor-level existence, and they are successfully looking for opportunities in this ancestral demon palace, but now, the two demon emperors are fighting, unless it is the one. The guardian’s brain suddenly entered the water and wanted to see the demon emperor fight, otherwise, how could the dragon, the white tiger, dare to be so arrogant?"


Lin Fei nodded, and it was indeed the same thing.

Don't look at the barbarism of the monsters, in fact speaking of the strict ranks, as long as there are strong enough constraints on the existence, these demon emperors have to be honest.

"And I think that the two demon emperors fought to fight for the treasure of the guardian." Speaking of which, the stone was a shock to the spirit: "I think we have to speed up, not let those two demon emperors. Be the first..."

"But you don’t have to worry. In front of the guardian, the two demon emperors are just servants. They are not seen by the guardian at all. They are rarely seen even in the face. I am different. From the beginning of birth, I was by the guardian until six thousand years ago, there was a problem with the guardian, and I took the opportunity to get out, not I bragging, to say that the entire ancestral palace knows the guardian best The situation around the person, I admit that the second will no one dare to recognize the first!"

"Got it." Lin Fei rolled his eyes. "Hurry and go."

"Okay, okay."

It seemed that the stone didn't even think of it, and he couldn't convince Lin Fei in front of him, and suddenly, Lin Fei made a decision.

After the overjoy, it was quickly ready to go.

It’s just that after the talk, the stone suddenly stopped, as if remembering something, hesitantly said: “Oh, that place is not suitable for too many people. In fact, at first, I think your companion is not bad, I want him to try Yes, but now..."


Although the stone was not finished, Lin Fei also understood its meaning.

Simply put, Stone doesn't want to carry the burden of Gu Fei...

If this is not the case, Lin Fei will not hesitate and just pulls away. After all, for monks, spiritual practice is only his own business, and he does not have to consider others.

Not to mention Lin Fei and Gu Fei, even if the Dragon Ghost Domain Master is here, Gu Fei must be dropped...

It's just that now, the Master of Dragon and Ghost Territory is not only a co-operative figure, but also not only cooperates with Lin Fei, but also catches another ancestral lotus of great value.

The purpose is just to take care of Gu Fei...

It’s just thrown away now, it seems too unreasonable.

When the stone saw Lin Fei hesitated at first, he was quite anxious, for fear that Lin Fei would suddenly retreat, but after Lin Fei said a little, the stone was relieved and said happily, "I should be It’s not a trivial matter.”

"Can you solve it?"

You know, the Dragon Ghost Domain entrusted Gu Fei, and his appetite was not so easy to satisfy. At least when Gu Fei left, the harvest on his body was comparable to the lotus flower he paid.

Originally Lin Fei was ready, but it was impossible, and it was a big deal.

But now, this stone looks as if it is full of confidence.

"Of course it can be solved, this is not a matter at all." The stone looks like a big bag: "I wander in this ancestral palace for thousands of years, I know it well, and there are a few places that are still resources. Rich, huh, look at your face, this kid is cheap."

After talking about it, the stone asked for a jade jade, a map was quickly portrayed on it, and a few resource sites were marked on it.

According to this map, Lin Fei secretly inquired about the silver rat, and confirmed the information on the map one by one, and finally it was inseparable.

It's just that when Gu Fei took over this map, it was a bit daunting.

"Where did this map come from?"

Looking at this map from left to right, Gu Fei is almost puzzled.

In the moment just now, Gu Fei only remembered that Lin Fei suddenly found something, followed by wielding his sword, erupted in infinite sword.

The sword was solemn and accompanied by the dazzling golden light, which covered Lin Fei within a hundred feet, as if the world of swords came out of thin air.

Anyway, at that moment, Gu Fei only felt a little closer, and he would have infinite sword intentions, and cut himself. Under the fear, Gu Fei did not dare to approach this golden light.

After a while, the golden light dissipated, and I didn’t wait to ask what happened just now. Lin Fei, like what happened, handed himself a map and said that the map was marked with treasures. place?

This map is taken over, but Gu Fei still has a lot of doubts in his heart, but he does not know where to start his mouth.

"What else to look at, go away, I still have something to do." Lin Fei said.

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