
Chapter 18.2

The otterkins’ hands rolled up and down the floppy length, the rubber wobbling back and forth as their hands pressured and pushed and squeezed, pulling at the length, giving it an enthusiastic two person hand job.

“Oh, oh gods, g-girls I’m about to- to-!”

Kayla’s and Lily’s motions became furious, their hands jerking up and down the length sending it flailing in their grasp. Fey groaned and gasped under their ministrations, her hips whipping back and forth until she suddenly froze up, her body stiffening and her back arcing. 

Fey unthinkingly grabbed hold of the red-headed elf at her side and clutched her close, smooshing her face against her bare upper abdomen to the elf’s shock. Ellaria struggled for a moment then relaxed into her as she felt Fey’s warm body against her head, pressed up against the immense physical power of the centaur, her body trembling and jerking as she reached an incredible peak, Ellaria could literally feel the tense clenching up of the centaur’s body as she came.

Fey’s dick became more rigid than ever, battering up against her barrel roughly as it surged in girth and the head flared wide, semen exploding down its length in massive roping surges, once, twice, three times, four, she came and came and came, blasting her prodigious unending virility over and over into the Dimensional Bag ejaculating thick glue-like white into its hidden depths.

Fey groaned and gasped, barely holding herself together, practically leaning on Ellaria who stumbled desperately under the centaur’s immense weight.

“Oh g-gaawwwdddd!”

The centaur’s hips continued to buck, her throbbing ejaculating cock waving madly as more and more of herself streamed outward and into the bag.

It was as she was spurting for the ninth time that she felt something different, wetness around the tip of her dick. This was different from Lily’s ability, it felt much more direct and as another powerful rope of cum forced its way inside the wetness washed over her length and she realised what was happening. The sound of fluid spattering against the ground filled the air confirming her fears.

“Oh no, it’s overflowing!” Shouted Kayla leaning over the side of Fey’s barrel. By this point the centaur’s unusual movements were starting to draw eyes from the other caravaneers around them.

Kayla was correct of course, the Dimensional Bag on Fey’s cock head was round and taut, seeming somehow overly full. Cum was washing from around Fey’s dick in greater and greater amounts as the bag overloaded with Fey’s increasingly powerful ejaculations.

“I- I can’t stop!” groaned the centaur trying to clamp down on her groin muscles, performing desperate kegels but utterly failing to stop the flow, in fact, it only seemed to make her ejaculations grow all the greater. 

The bag made a creaking groaning sound and the cum pouring from around her dick tripled in quantity spraying back along her length as the enchantment started to unravel. A constant booming explosion of cum, a backblast of white that coated the centaur’s back legs in a thick heavy layer and out between, spraying out meters and meters behind her,  leaving a river of cum in her tottering trotting steps that caused the other people in the caravan to cry out in surprise as a wash of white inches high flowed over their feet, the bofos making bird like caws of alarm.

Fey groaned as the high pressure fluid massively stimulated her cock, massaging her turgid balls,  rolling down her length, fighting to enter her urethra that continued to force more and more cum into the bag, the violent rough stimulation pushing her to ever-higher heights of pleasure in a positive feedback loop.

Kayla scrambled to the back of Fey to see the sheer amount of cum blowing out in a huge stream behind her.

“She’s gonna break the bag! We- we need to get it off before it explodes!”

“I've got it!” cried Ellaria.

The elf slipped from Fey’s desperate grasp and ducked down between her front legs where she found the bag, bouncing around on Fey’s rigid cum coated length. She could see the seams of the bag breaking apart before her very eyes.

How many times had Fey cum inside the bag over the last few days? A dozen times? More? It would be bad if it broke, very bad, maybe even dangerous. All this passed through Ellaria’s mind in a moment.

Without hesitation, she reached out and grabbed hold of it and with a grimace set her feet and heaved backwards.

With a shriek from Fey the bag ripped free, stopping the stream, and Ellaria was left holding it while facing the cum-coated length of Fey’s dick. She only had a moments glance before a thick rope of cum exploded from Fey’s urethra and slapped across her face and chest. She stumbled backwards in surprise as more and more heavy ropes of cum struck her with shocking force until she lost her footing on the cummy ground and fell over, the bag coming with her.

She hit the dirt hard, and the bag came down atop her chest, slapping down against her breasts, and because the bag was still open the motion and the impact combined together to abruptly dump a small lakes worth of cum over the elf, exploding from the bags opening like a full on geyser. 

“Oh no! Ella!” cried out Fey as the elf vanished in a blizzard of white before her very eyes.

Fey dove forward, her cock still spraying long ropes at such high velocity that the straight lines of white barely arced through the air.

She awkwardly dropped to her knees, desperately ignoring her spasming body, and reached out for the elf who was layered in white inches thick. She clawed with her hands heaving away layers of her own cum, unburying the elf beneath until Ellaria responded, sitting up suddenly, a sloppy white moving mass. The elf coughed and spluttered beneath her heavy frosting, clumsily wiping at her mouth, desperately clearing her throat until at last she managed to heave a free breath.

The ridiculously gorgeous elf looked around, a little frazzled from being so overwhelmed with cum. She looked at Fey, then looked down at herself, then she licked her lips, tasting Fey.

“Uhm. I saved the bag,” mumbled the elf holding up a white blob.

“That’s okay Ella,” said Fey looking at the thing that was probably the bag in Ellaria’s hands.  “At least it didn't fully break.”

“How do you know?”

“Because we’re not literally swimming in my stuff right now. I uh, might have gone a little overboard these last few days, my uhm, balls have slowly been getting bigger and bigger no matter how much I cum and I didn't know what else to do...” 

“They are?” Said Ellaria, her voice a little shocked, there was a hint of interest there too. She licked her lips again and Fey couldn't help but notice the elf surreptitiously take some of herself into her mouth.

“Y-yes Ella, we might need to find another lady of the night when we get to the city.”

Ellaria’s eyes were laser-focused on Fey’s hindquarters.

“Y-yeah, someone else, an expert, t-totally what we should do, once we get to Bine, yes.” 

The elf swallowed distractedly, eating that small part of Fey that she had taken into her mouth.

“What on earth have you done to my Dimensional Bag?” said a voice.

Fey turned to find Rina. The lamia was, large, very large, her belly a huge thing that she rested atop of. The strange thing was that she was also floating, her tail drooping over her massive smooth stomach to drag along the ground behind her as she hovered. 

She began to drift to the side and Rina slapped her stomach twice.

“No stop moving, stay still.” 

She stopped drifting.

Fey gave her a peculiar look. She had expected Flora and Rina to, well, separate… but they just hadn't, and several days later Flora was still inside the snake girl. Apparently the water breathing potion she had drunk was a very powerful one, it must have been for the gnome to still be doing well in there. Fey wondered what the gnome was eating and drinking during all this time… she didn't have to wonder far, she could guess, a certain white substance.

“I filled the bag, m-maybe a little too much, I think.”

Rina stared at her. “You… over filled it? But the capacity! I got one of the largest sizes they make!”

“Yes erm, Lily might have gotten a little over enthusiastic, I found her ahem milking me in my sleep several times.”

Rina eyed the blob of cum which was held up in Ellaria’s hands, the Dimensional Bag. Just how many lakes worth of cum had it been filled with? She struggled to imagine.

“Was there something that you came to see us about?”

Rina blinked. “Oh yes,” she gestured behind her and Fey turned to see where she was pointing. 

Above, the vast sky was an azure gradienting up to a royal blue. Towering cloud scapes, cumulus cloud mountains, moved languorously in the gentle summer breeze. 

Below, they had passed by a break in the trees and in the distance could be seen a city, the walls constructed from bright white stone, tall and vast, over the tops of the walls could be seen the City of Bine spreading out, a wash of ancient stone buildings that spilled up against the distant city walls. 

A white stone palace with scattered golden domes and towering squared belltowers stood in the center of the city, drawing attention. It was truly beautiful in the summer sun, the gold practically luminous, and Fey gasped at the sight.

“We’ve arrived at our destination, I came to get the Dimensional Bag, not because I want the uh, material you produced, but because how the hell else am I going to get this damned gnome out of me?”

Ellaria slowly climbed to her feet, cum sloughing from her body in sheets.

“I'm sorry but I wouldn't trust this bag for the moment, it has been rather overtaxed and the enchantment stretched to its limit. I'm sure it will repair itself given a little time, but in the meantime, I’d recommend using something else.”

Rina pursed her lips. “I was afraid you'd say something like that. No matter, I do have another smaller Dimensional Bag as a backup.”

The lamia plucked a green leather bag from her hip. 

“This is just a regular Dimensional Bag not a preservation bag, but-”

The bag suddenly ripped from her hand causing her to yelp in surprise and she could only watch with round eyes as it orbited around her body to her rear and then suddenly slammed home under her tail.

“W-wait I haven't taken- Nuuu!”

The bag pushed up against her scaled outer muff and roughly forced itself inside the soft interior, disappearing into the lamia.

“Uh, do you need help?”

Rina was squirming atop her belly now, her tail lashing the air.

“Hnnng, I- I can feel it, oh, oh! N-not here please! There’s so many people watching!”

The lamia’s stomach suddenly lurched inward and began to shrink down, rapidly dwindling feet in size as the pink scaled lamia squirmed, her tail flicking against her stomach as it shrank and shrank until it was a mere three or so foot across leaving her upright on her tail. Fey stared at the lamia’s reduced tummy.

“G-gods so fast, I suddenly feel dreadfully empty.”


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