
Chapter 18.3

Flora? Can you here me? You might need to uh, drain some more if you want to get out,” said Fey

The lamia looked down at her belly and then bit her lip as it moved and shifted, a few soft bumps moving across its surface.

“I, I don't think she can hea, oh f-ffffuck I can feel her moving, ohfuckohfuckohfuck she’s coming out! I'm gonna give birth to a gnome hnnggg!”

The lamia was struggling, her tail failing to keep her up she slowly sank down to the ground. Fey looked at her in shock not knowing what to do, she was a healer, but she didn't know how to deal with something like this.

As she watched the spot where the lamia’s cunt was bulged outward, the scales parting to reveal her soft pink pussy inside, her clit already pushing free of its hood as the internal pressure pushed it free.

“D-do something healer Fey! I'm just a nurse I don't know what to dooo!”

“Uhm uhm, just breath Rina! stay calm and breath!”

The lamia grabbed hold of Fey’s hand, interlocking her fingers and squeezing down hard, her hips thrusting into the air as her pussy parted and stretched, gaping wider and wider, a spraying gush of cum spurting into the air as her lips yawned wide pulled by an invisible force.

A flash of neon pink could be seen for a moment amongst the cum and then the gnomes head pushed free, the lamia’s hips thrusting higher and higher into the air as her tail lashed the air. A small pink haired head coughed and pushed free amongst a slurry of cum that spilt down the lamia’s scaled and skin.

“Hnnyaa!!!! NYAAA!!! Oh gawdd it feels so geewdd!!” squealed Rina as she was stretched.

The lamia screamed as Flora slowly pulled her self free, dragging and roughly stimulating the lamia’s stretched wide insides. As she tugged her shoulder free the lamia squirted, a powerful clear stream of fluid spraying down Flora’s head and washing her head free of cum. She sputtered and a solid flood of cum poured from her mouth, her lungs and stomach emptying of the stuff as she pulled her self free.

Fey darted forward and grabbed hold of the gnome, pulling and tugging on her as the lamia’s voice rose higher and higher, her clit becoming a pulsing oversensitive thing poking out from its hood as Flora accidentally placed a small hand on it, using it as leverage to slowly pull herself free.

The gnome spat free the last of the cum in her and glanced Fey’s way.


“...H-hey, welcome back?”

Flora grinned. “Good to be back. Yah miss me? Took a little va-cay, I learned why that slime monster wanted in me so bad, you would not believe how warm and comfy it is.” Fey believed her, the gnome looked incredibly healthy and chipper, better looking and more rosy-cheeked than she had ever seen.

“Hnnnn! g-get out of meee already!” whined Rina, desperately squirming her hips in the air.

“Yeah yeah,” said Flora, who then lifted her hands into the air.

The gnome’s body moved upwards, slipping more and more from the lamia’s yawning cunt until her breasts slipped free in a rush. Her normally proportionally large breasts had grown significantly larger, each nipple spraying milk as they touched the open air, Flora gasped and clutched at them trying to hold back the hosing liquid that gushed from her nipples but to no avail, the stuff simply spraying around her hands.

“Hooboy, forgot about these, didn't get a chance to milk myself in there.”

Fey looked down with concern at the gnome’s belly, it was also significantly larger which was a problem because it was clearly stuck, trapped inside the lamia’s pussy.

She couldn’t help but think of the eggs inside of her, she hadn't told anyone what she had discovered yet. Had they grown larger since? She felt bad for Rina, this was going to be rough on her.

Flora set her arms and pushed down against Rina’s body, pushing herself upward as well as using her power to haul on herself. She began to lift into the air, the lamia howling and thrashing beneath her, to Fey’s shock the lamia started to lift upward along with the gnome. Being dragged skyward by her over taxed cunt alone.

“AAAAAAIIIEEEEEE!!” Screamed the lamia as she was lifted, her whole body dangling from where her pussy ringed the gnomes torso just below her breasts stretching wider and wider and wider as it agonisingly slowly strained down over the enormity of the gnome’s pregnancy.

“Hnnnf, I'm, I'm a little stuck,” muttered flora. 

Fey glanced between the gnome and Ellaria beside her.

“Well, it’s not like she can stay in there. It’s a good thing your magic makes people so stretchy.”  The elf stepped forward along with Fey and together they grabbed hold of the thrashing floating lamia and leaned in, pulling her down with their body weight.

The paper thin ring of Rina’s pussy around Flora strained wider and wider, pulling the pregnant mass downward from Flora’s abdomen until with a sudden dramatic SCHLURPOP! Her pussy went over the horizon and Flora’s belly exploded free in a sudden rush, a burst of cum gushing out with it, washing over her scales.

Riona howled as she fell to the ground, rolling around as her tail and arms thrashed at the air, her clit swollen larger than it had ever been sticking straight upward, a constant spraying squirt fountaining straight up into the air. Her tongue lolling from her mouth her eyes rolled fully upward


She screamed all the louder as she came, her massively gaped open pussy visible to everyone, the twitching clutching walls open nearly a full eight inches, and deeper her puckered cervix opening and closing as her body went mad, the inside of her womb momentarily visible, touching the outside air.

The crowd of people around her stared at the lamia’s spasming gaping pussy in shock, her sloppy pink trembling folds a spectacle that the eye could no look away from, even as the lamia misted the air with her squirting emissions dampening the skin and clothes of everyone around her.

At last the lamia slumped to the ground limp, her chest rising and falling with heavy breaths as her massive breasts wobbled back and forth, her pussy slowly closing up from its ridiculous stretching, Fey’s magic gradually returning her to her original unstretched state.

Rina looked up blearily as a pink haired gnome face appeared above her.

“That was fun, want to go again?”

“Hell Ye-...” she glanced at the crowd, “Ahem. No, no thank you Flora. Nurses aren’t patients.”


The band made their way to the front gates of the city along with the caravan. The huge carved wooden doors were swung wide, a steady stream of traffic entering and leaving the city in a continuous flow, the guards smoothly and efficient checking each person who entered or left.

The caravaneers pulled up and the guards began moving amongst them, peering inside the caravans and asking questions. 

One guard with a drooping moustache peered at Fey, then his eyes ran down to Fey’s lower half and widened in shock seeing her still throbbing boner, although it had at least been cleaned of the layer of white it had been covered in.

“Miss centaur I’m not going to allow you in like that. Please… s-soften yourself.”


The guard gave her an uncomfortable look, unhappy he had to explain such a lewd thing.

“Please un-erect your penis.”

Fey tilted her head to the side questioningly.

“He’s saying you need to get rid of the dick you stupid centaur.” A younger more muscular man to the moustached man’s side stood forward, tapping his spear on the ground and giving Fey a cold look.

“Erm, I’m not sure I can, unless you have a… guard of the night?”

Now it was the guards turn to look confused.

Flora piped up helpfully, “She’s saying she can't take it down unless you let her fuck you in the ass.”

The moustachioed guard turned a deeper shade of red and the jaw of the younger muscular guard flopped open.

“N-not quite what I meant Flora…”

The younger guard slammed the butt of his spear and spat to the side. 

“You were already on thin ice centaur and you just broke through to the waters below. A night in our cells while we decide what to do with you I think would sort you out.”

The younger guard reached forward and grabbed hold of Fey’s arm.

“Come on, come with me.”

“N-no! You don't understand! Let go of me! Quickly!”

The guard hauled on Fey and finding that the centaur didn't move even a fraction of an inch turned back to her, even angrier than before. This female centaur was so much stronger than he? No!

“Listen girl, if you don't want to have a really bad night in the cells, and I can very much ensure it’s the worst night of your life, you're going to come with me, right goddam now. Right n-now- wait, what’s happening!?”

As the guard spoke his voice was gradually getting higher and higher pitched and his body was shrinking down, becoming skinnier and weaker and softer, quickly losing height. 

Fey quickly grabbed hold of the guard’s hand and managed to rip him from her forearm before it went too far. She had already gained a solid half-inch of height however to her dismay.

The guard stumbled back, his armour and clothes now comically far too large for him.

What did you do! Screamed the young man looking over his body. He blinked and then a look of blind panic crossed his face and he yanked his trousers forward and stared down at what remained of his manhood. He let out a blood-curdling scream as he saw his new nub.

The moustachioed guard stared at his now suddenly de-masculinised comrade then slowly turned on Fey a look of fury causing his moustache to waggle out of control. He opened his mouth to begin shouting when a lash of pink scales appeared and a tail tip slapped across his mouth silencing him.

The very large lamia woman looked down at the guard and he paled slightly under her gaze.

“Is there a problem here?”

The guard managed to remove the tail with difficulty and cleared his throat.

“M-miss Rina! Ah, we were just seeing to our duty, a problematic-”

“Fey here is one of my most important customers, what precisely is it you think you are doing with my precious person?”

The moustachioed guard gave her a blank look then swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down. 

“We-... we were just letting her pass by, a friend of Miss Rina is clearly a friend of the city, of course!”

The guard abruptly backed up pulling the near gibbering younger guard with him. They scuttled away, the younger guard desperately holding his trousers up to prevent them from falling.

Fey gave the lamia an appreciative look, suddenly made a lot more aware of the powerful merchant’s importance.

“... thank you, that could have been bad…”

“It’s no problem, really.” the lamia smiled warmly. “Although I do wonder how you managed such trouble.”

It wasn’t long before the rest of the caravan passed through the city gates and soon the band was passing through crowded streets the caravaneers slowed by the massive caravans trying to filter through the crowd.

“That was a close one,” muttered Fey. She glanced at Rina who was slithering by her side. “I didn't know you had that much influence.”

“Hmm, well more than most would think, I have to keep my tail dipped in city politics, or rather my wallet. Oh, it seems you are about to see the reason why that is, here comes the legionaries and the city’s leading lady.”

Fey looked around in surprise seeing that the caravans had ground to a halt behind her. Why what was was soon made obvious by the tramping of many feet.

Through the crowd, which was desperately trying to make way, came a hundred mounted cockatrice caballus, iron lances held high and feather pennants flapping in the breeze, all marching past in formation. Then behind them came heavy horse cavalry, bridle bits rattling and chargers snorting, their metal-shod hooves striking a beat on the stone, an impressive sight, the singing voices of the soldiers rising above the hubbub of the crowd.

Wind may blow and rain may squall!

Far from home and hearth and hall!

From Foe and wild we guard you all!

For here we stand or here we fall!

Oh woe The Legions! The Shining Shield of Bine! 

By Sword and Arm! By Brawn and Might! it’s here we Draw the Line!

Bang the drums and fight the fight!

Hold the line Segmentata Knight!

Ware the wild and ignite the light!

The Legion ain’t comin’ home tonight!

Oh woe The Legions! The Sharpest Spear of Bine! 

Then came, to the crowd's enthusiastic approval, the First Cohort. The ultra-heavy infantry, wearing enchanted Repletus Segmentata Lorica, a type of armour that covered every inch of a person’s body. Atop their helmets mounted longitudinally was an arced crest with short plumes of pitch-black horsehair. Double in number of a regular legionnaire’s cohort and likely double the skill, they were Bine’s finest and most veteran warriors, according to Rina’s murmured commentary anyway.

Fey looked on in amazement at the sheer military might on display, then, at the back, something else caught her attention, which was somewhat inevitable considering the size of the person. It was a bipedal dragoness standing at a stunning nine and a half foot tall, her body eye-catchingly curvy, her hips flared and her chest astonishingly large, breasts large enough that Fey suspected that a short human could curl up inside the mass of just one. Immense was an understatement.

Her near-white cream scaled front side contrasted with her dark-violet scaled back, her long thick tail swaying behind her, her massive partial plate lorica armour clanging with each step of her clawed feet which near cracked the cobble underneath. She exuded extreme immutable dominance and power with every singular stride. A gigantic sword was set across her back, although it could barely be called a sword, more a rough slab of brutal looking iron sized to her immensity, it looked enough to cleave a carriage in two with a casual blow.

Fey stared up at her as she passed her jaw hanging open.

Then, to her horror, the dragoness paused, her nostrils flaring as she sniffed the air, then slowly, time feeling like it had frozen over, the dragoness turned and stared at Fey.

Fey swallowed nervously.


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