
Chapter 20.2

“Can you really not move her at all?” asked Fey

“Oh, erm, yes, but like I said it has to be physical, let me just-”

Lily concentrated and another flash of purple became visible. Then she moved the doll to the side and Kayla stumbled as she was physically dragged. Then again as Lily moved the doll in the opposite direction. This time however Kayla was able to resist the motion and stayed where she was, digging her feet in and leaning in the opposite direction like she was swaying into the wind.

“Wow, that's weird it’s like being pulled at but all over my body.”

“Mhm, I’m not sure it would work on a larger person though, not unless I level up a bit anyway.”

“Can you lift her up into the air?”

“Oh yes,” said Lily moving the doll. Kayla yelped as she slowly lifted off the ground and into the air, her small legs kicking at nothing, her otter tail flailing.

“Y-you can p-put me down now!”

Flora suddenly appeared by the desperately out of her depth Kayla, a hand on her chin.

“Welcome, welcome to the world of float,” she nodded wisely.

Kayla snatched a glance at the smoothly drifting gnome

“I don’t want to be in the world of float!” she wailed.

Lily slowly lowered the doll and Kayla came back down, her feet patting down on the marble with a sigh of relief. 

“Hmpph. Don't know what you’re missing out on.”

“I’m not made for floating! Not that kind anyway…”

Flora examined the otterkin up and down. “You’re small like me, of course you are. But nevermind I suppose, it takes time to ease into the lifestyle.” She turned to Lily.

“This power of yours, what would happen exactly if Kayla say, for example, sat on her own doll?”

Lily opened her mouth, paused, then slowly closed it, blinking in confusion.


“She wouldn't be able to get up right?” Said Fey. “She would have her own weight on top of her and she wouldn't be able to lift her own weight, she would be trapped yes?”

“That was what I was thinking, but think about it one step further Fey, her weight would be on top of the doll, which would be transmitted back onto herself through Lily’s power and then her original weight plus her transmitted weight would be pressing down on the doll, both of which would then be transmitted back onto herself doubling her weight again and so on.”

“What are you suggesting?” said Lily staring at the gnome

Flora raised her hands nonchalantly. “Oh, you know, either Kayla here gets squished into a pancake, or-”


“-Or her sudden impossibly infinite weight tears a hole in the fabric of reality destroys the entire universe and kills all existence.”

The girls stared at Flora. Then Kayla took an abrupt step back from her own doll.

“I don't want to kill the universe!” said Lily clearly distressed.

“F-Flora that would never happen, right? right??” said Fey.

“Hmm who knows,” said the gnome with an annoyingly knowing smile. 


The gnome rolled her eyes. “I’m just kidding, I have no idea what would happen, but probably not that, probably.”

“You make me want to not use my power anymore,” muttered Lily.

“Oh don't be like that Lily. Look, you just need to carefully learn your limitations through experimentation, just like any other Class.”


“Well, you tested fire, right? Heat goes through? and the flame?”

She hesitated, “Yes heat, I don't know if it would ignite anything on the other end though.”

“Okay, and magic? Could Fey’s healing go through it?”

The gnome and the otterkins turned curious eyes on the centaur who shifted on the spot nervously. 

“H-hey that requires someone being injured to test, I'm not having anything to do with that!”

Flora stuck out her tongue. “Boo.”

“It-it’s okay,” said Kayla. She held up her hand revealing a scratch. “I have a small cut you can heal.”

“Really Kayla? You should have told me!”

“W-well it’s only smol, and you can still heal it can't you?”

Fey hesitated then sighed. She trotted over to Lily and crouched down. Lily held out the doll and Fey touched her hands up against it. Green light and green glowing particles spilt out over the doll, and then after a moment, a flicker of green could be seen dancing about on Kayla’s palm. 

“N-needs rather a lot of my h-healing,” muttered Fey as the amount of green light and dancing particles spilling from her hands doubled.

After about thirty seconds the cut on Kayla’s palm was gone. 

Flora tapped her lip with her index. “Hmm, interesting. Clearly not very efficient.”

Fey massaged her sore wrists. “Terrible efficiency!” 

“M-maybe it will get easier as I level?” said Lily, for some reason she was sweating, although the others had yet to notice.

“Perhaps.” Flora produced a small glass vial from her shorts. “Or perhaps it just doesn't like that it’s coming from another Class. Magic potions might be different.”

She swooped down on the Kayla doll in Lily’s hands and flicked off the cork of the vial.

“H-hey, w-wait a minute!” Said Lily as the vial began to tip, a droplet of potion about to slip over the rim.

“I said stop! I c-can't!” Lily grabbed for the vial and Flora, taken by surprise, jerked her hand. Their hands crashed together and the vial slipped from Flora’s grip. It turned end over end and then the entire contents poured over the doll.

The glass clattered against the marble in the abrupt silence. They all stared at the doll. Then, slowly, they all turned to look at Kayla.

Kayla opened her mouth to speak.



Kayla vanished into thin air.

“KAYLA!” shrieked Lily.

“Flora what did you doooo???”

“Huh.” Said Flora. “Guess it works. “

“S-sister! Oh no! What have I done! NUUU!”

“Uhm, it’s okay Lily, I’m standing right here…”

Lily looked around desperately but there was no one there.

Fey suddenly realised just what exactly had happened. She put her hands over her eyes.

“That was one of the potions you got from the potions shop, wasn’t it… an invisibility potion… I should have known.”

Flora looked a little guilty.

“And that's what you used to hide with when you were getting your revenge on Vivi with those purple rubber balls.”

Flora looked significantly more guilty.

“Goddam Fey, who died and made you the detective.” 

Fey set her lips in a line and put her hands on her hips. 

Lily was touching at the air in front of her, her hands pressing against something solid that couldn't be seen. 

She turned on Flora. “How long does this last?”

Flora scratched her nose. “Mmm, a while? It went through your voodoo stuff so less? Maybe? I only meant to test a drip until you messed it all up.”

“It's okay Lily, I feel fine, pretty much normal to be honest, just, uh, a little see-through, and hey at least we know potions work through your power now right? That’s good?”

Lily opened her mouth to reply but they were suddenly interrupted.

“And done!” said Vivi aloud. She flourished a pair of ink brushes which she had somehow acquired, one brush in each paw, flipping and twirling between her paw pads, flipping them up into the air and catching them then spinning them into her artcase.  She took a step back to admire her handiwork as the others moved forward.

“Uh.” said Fey, her eyes widening as she took it in, “This is…”

“Vivi did you really have to draw the entire night’s events step by step?”

Vivi nodded confidently. “It's the only way to express the real truth.”

“There’s like thirty goddam drawings here! Why is there a full on sex scene Vi! Oh my god why did you draw my face that way, I- I did not enjoy it that much! and Tami! Oh nonono, she didn't have her tongue stick out and her eyes rolled up like that! Probably, mostly, and why are there so many minotaurs and why do the minotaurs have so many swords? this one even has a sword in his mouth!”

Vivi coughed into her paw. “It's called artistic license Fey, I’m sorry if a layman doesn't get it, but trust me, it’s important.”

“Important for what?! Giving Tami’s dad a heart attack!?”

“It’s kinda hot, I’ll give you that,” said Flora, peering from drawing to drawing with her chin in her hand.

“Thank you.”

“It’s not meant to be hot!” cried Fey with her hands on her head.

A book clapped shut behind them and they turned to see Ellaria.

“I suppose it does illustrate your innocence more accurately and emphatically than just a note.” She raised an eyebrow at Vivi, “this is quite a lot of drawing even for you Vivi”.

“Well, I did have a little help, muttered the fox girl under her breath, her white-furred belly shifted slightly as she spoke, as though reacting, but that must have just been her hips moving. Obviously.

“In any case we have things to do today, we can't spend all morning or evening waiting for Tami's father to wake. So-”


“So now we are going to the AG and we are going to find a job.”


Fey trotted down the busy city street at the rear of the band.

There were two small weights on her back. One was visible, Lily sat cross-legged, an otterkin doll in her lap, and behind her a second weight, one that Fey could only feel as the owner of said weight was quite invisible. 

The crowd was busy around them, and Fey was distracted by having to concentrate and avoid any males touching up against her for fear of accidentally absorbing them. That she was quite a bit larger than she had been made this all the more difficult, it was taking time for her to get used to her new size. 

She was so distracted that she failed to notice the invisible weight lift off her back, that is until she felt something warm and soft touching up against the tip of her throbbing three-foot long horse cock. She flinched in surprise and a soft squeak came from below her barrel as her cock head pressed up harder against it.

She turned and glared at Lily who was holding the otterkin doll with an extremely guilty look in her eyes.

“Lily! What on earth are you doing?”

The otterkin nearly jumped out of her skin and clutched the doll to her chest causing more squeaks to come from below Fey’s barrel.

She turned big round watery eyes up at Fey.

“I- I just w-want to do- a - a- little m-m-milking…”

Fey hesitated at how upset the otterkin looked. Maybe she had underestimated just how addicted the otterkin girl had been to masturbating her, she looked genuinely upset.

This really wasn’t the time or place for this, she couldn’t- but then the puppy dog eyes that Lily was giving her were hard to resist. After a moment she sighed.

“No milking, okay, but… maybe you can sleeve her on me, just for a little bit.”

Lily’s eyes lit up like lanterns in the night and she jerked the doll. The pressure on her increased massively until with a sloppy wet Schl-pop! Her dick slid inside the invisible otterkin sleeve that was Kayla. She stumbled as she trotted, the sudden boiling hot tight wetness around her length was a stunning sensation and it took a moment for her to recover.

“oh gawd she's so much beeger!” came a soft voice from below.

“G-gods…” breathed Fey.

She glanced back at Lily who was staring at the doll, clearly fighting with her will power not to start jerking it up and down.

“Y-you're not moving it, But aren’t I still moving Lily?”

Lily blinked and looked up at her. “Oh, you mean why isn't your motion causing her to move? Uhm, I think it's the same as throwing, it’s relative and has to be touching a person. I'm not moving relative to you, so...”

“That- makes sense,” said Fey as she struggled to juggle the sensation of Kayla’s tight little pussy squeezing her on all sides with the difficulty of avoiding touching all males in the packed crowd.

She was on the verge of losing it and relaxing into Kayla when the crowd suddenly parted.

The roadway they were walking down was interrupted by a very large building, or rather a complex made up of many buildings connected by covered walkways and courtyards. The largest building was a mostly wooden construction with many arches. At four storeys tall it was like a small fort, but with a tiled roof, an overgrown tavern.

Ahead of her Ellaria swept her arm dramatically. “Bine’s Adventurers Guild, for what it’s worth. I believe It's one of the better rated ones.”

“So uh, do we just go inside? And Uhm?”

“Well, yes. Follow me.”


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