
Chapter 20.3

The group crossed over to the main entrance and Ellaria swept through the huge double doors, more nervous members of the group in tow.

Inside Fey and Lily looked around wide-eyed. Even Flora perked up a bit. The lobby hall area had definitely been designed to impress, a tall triple-level galleried room filled with noise and movement. Every inch of wall was dripping with trophies and treasure. Huge skulls the size of wagons framed a broad staircase going up at one end, one skull some kind of plated lizard, the other a bird skull with three eye sockets, the great sword that killed it still embedded in its cranium. Overhead the body of a great winged bird had been pinned, it’s wingspan at least thirty feet, its multicoloured plumage sparkling like precious metals. At one end of the room a carved wooden bar rested, bending under the sheer weight of alcohol, above it the giant body of a black and white crab with a great surplus of seven claws of which each held a rough-iron giant hammer or a broken greatsword or a rusty looking mace.

The floor itself was stuffed with a hundred tables packed to the gills and the galleries above heaved with people clutching tankards and talking animatedly.

“I, uh, I didn't know it was uhm, this popular…” mumbled Fey.

“Oh this is just the front, there's more than just adventurers here. If you want to make a real coin or two you need contacts, people to sell and buy from, information brokers, private commissioners, that kind of thing, this is where you come to network… and to drink. Come on.”

Ellaria gestured at them and they followed her through the crowd somewhat overwhelmed. Fey didn't think she had seen such a marked variety of species anywhere before, Adventuring seemed to attract every species imaginable. It made the little town’s AG they had been in seem even more like a backwater. There was just so many adventurers crowded into the place of all kinds and species.

A group of minotaurs near the center of the great room were particularly raucous and were singing as they chugged back great tankards of beer.

A band of Adventurers, all bloody and bruised!

The strength of their spirits, In the fire was fused!

Each day they face danger, they stare it right in the eye!

And without hesitation, they howl a war cry!

These warriors are noble, and fierce, and true!

And will battle the wild despite all they’ve been through!

Fey knew the song, it was the Adventurers Verse and had been the first thing she had heard in the first adventurers guild she had ever walked into. Flora, Vivi, and Ellaria had all been there and all quite drunk and enthusiastically singing it, and somehow, somehow, new from the plains Fey had gotten hauled into their drinking. By the end of the night she had joined Magic Mog, sung more songs than in her entire life, and vomited multiple times into the alley out back after drinking more than she should have. The band hadn't believed her when she’d said not all centaurs had great stamina for alcohol. It had still been very much worth it in her opinion however.

Ellaria suddenly paused and turned around.

“Oh, I completely forgot, we will need to be registered here before we can take out any job notices.”

“Okay?” said Flora floating in the air on her back, her hands behind her head. “We can just go do that right? What’s the hold up?”

“… yes, but I will need our band plate.”

She turned to Vivi who had suddenly frozen up, a look of abject horror on her face.

“Vivi, I gave the plate to you and you said you were holding onto it.”

“ ...yes?” Vivi managed to squawk out after a moment.

“What do you mean yes, give me the plate,” said Ellaria holding out her hand.

“Yes, the plate,” said Vivi, still not moving.

“What are you doing fluff butt, I'm not waiting around all day,” said Flora from above.

“Oh gods, this, this-”

“Plate. Now Vivi. Don't tell me you lost the damned thing, I worked too hard for that.”

Vivi squeezed her eyes shut. 

“Okay, okay, I can do this- I- W-wummy, p-plate please!”

The fox girl’s stomach suddenly lurched as though dozens of tentacles were shifting around beneath its surface, bulging it out in long bumps. 

Flora and Ellaria stared at it in alarm, then Vivi let out a long lush moan as her shorts started to shift and move and certain sloppy wet noises could be heard from beneath her clothes. A few flashes of glossy white could be seen beneath the hem and then Vivi gasped as a hard shape pushed out the fabric, tenting it in the shape of a large rectangular plate that slipped down toward the hem. A spattering of fluids rolled down Vivi’s trembling wobbling thighs and then the plate appeared, held in a glossy white tentacle.

Ellaria stared bug-eyed as her band’s plate was lifted up in front of her in a long white tentacle, the metal dripping wet and shiny with Vivi’s fluids. The tentacle waved the plate in front of her as though waiting impatiently for the elf to take it.

After a moment of stunned silence Ellaria reached out and gingerly took the dripping thing between index and thumb. 

Vivi gave her a watery weak smile, “t-told you I had it.”


The tentacle flicked at Ellaria and some of Vivi’s juices splattered across the elf’s face, catching her off guard and silencing her out of shock.

“S-sorry, Wummy doesn't like loud noises.”

This proved to be the case as the group of minotaurs beside them suddenly broke out into song again and the tentacle flinched. It turned toward the minotaurs as though glaring at them, then a half dozen more thick glossy white tentacles slid out from beneath Vivi’s shorts.

“W-wait Wummy nuu!” gasped Vivi between heavy breaths, her knees going weak as the tentacles stretched her wide.

The tentacles didn't listen, instead they curled back and then flicked forward, the entirety of Vivi’s sloppy wet juices that they were coated in lifted off their surfaces and flung over the group of minotaurs, spattering them with wetness. 

The singing ended in a splutter of shock.

Before the minotaurs could turn to see what they had just been hit by however the glossy white tentacles all abruptly slipped back inside Vivi, so rapidly it caused her to let out a little shriek. Her stomach roiled with the mass inside her for a second before quickly settling back into place.

A particularly large muscular minotaur turned to stare at them. A droplet of Vivi’s lubricant dripped from his nose comically.

He stared at the elf who had her mouth still hanging open in shocked horror, to Vivi who was squirming her hips and biting her paw trying not to cry out as her fluids rolled down her inner thigh forming a spreading puddle on the ground. To someone unknowing it looked like she had wet herself, although in reality it was just her extreme stimulation.

“What did you just throw at us? What was that?”

“Vivi, why the hell do you have my slime baby in you?”

“Where the fuck were you keeping my goddam precious silver band plate? arrrgghhhhh!”

Vivi looked desperately between them. Then she nodded her head as though deciding who to answer first.

“You see, it’s like this.”

She turned around and swiftly ran away.

It took a moment for them to realise that the fox girl had just legged it into the crowd. Then with various cries of anger Flora, Ellaria, and most the minotaurs ran after her.

“Uhm. That’s- that’s probably bad, right?” said Lily watching them go atop Fey.

Fey pulled her hand down her face. She had been right, Vivi had been hiding something, a freaking slime monster in her pussy. Suddenly recalling the knowing looks the otterkins had giving Vivi she turned her head and glared at Lily.

“You knew, didn't you, and you didn’t tell us!?”

“I- I- Vivi said we shouldn't!”

“This isn't a great start to being part of the band Lily, hiding things like this.”

“I’m sorry!” Wailed the otterkin with tears in the corner of her eyes. 

Fey sighed. “Just learn something from this example, Vivi should as well, no I know she will, Ellaria is going to make sure she does. I wouldn't want to be Vivi right now, Ellaria is probably going to go full lecturer mode on her.”

“Oh no, she’s too adorable! My heart can't take it!” said a voice

Fey blinked and turned to find the remaining minotaurs. She almost took a step back, imagery of the night before with the minotaur Assassins flashing through her mind. After a moment she steadied herself however, these weren't the same, not even the same gender, all three of them were female, each a minotaur adventurer. The three of them wore tight fitted corsets, which Fey surmised must be the fashion for minotaurs, it pushed up and accentuated their already very large busts, which Fey thought also made sense. Minotaurs were a kind of cow or something right?

In character too they were much different. One blonde furred had a hand over her mouth and was staring at Lily on her back with worry and concern another was scratching her chin nervously; she had gold hoop earrings, the third one, with beige fur, had caught sight of what was beneath Fey’s barrel and was staring slack-jawed.

The one with her hand over her mouth and blonde fur moved her gaze from Lily to what was in Lily’s lap and her eyes widened still further.

“Is that a doll of yourself? Oh my gods this is too much, I’m gonna die of preciousness overload!”

“She’s so tiny and cute!” Whispered the earringed one. The third was still locked onto Fey’s length and hadn't looked up. The others hadn't noticed yet.

Lily rubbed a tear from her eye. “It’s not of me, it’s my sister.”

“D-does she think the doll is her sister? Oh that's so sad!” 

“N-no not that.” She held out the doll and pointed to one of the ears. “Look see the ears are one eighth of an inch smaller than me by proportion.”

The minotaur seemed to think Lily was offering the doll to her because she reached out and took it to Lily’s surprise. She held it up as the earringed minotaur peered over her shoulder.

“This is quite fine, work, it looks like something a rich merchant might have commissioned…” she mused. 

The blonde-furred minotaur turned and moved the doll suddenly and a loud shocked squeak came from below Fey’s barrel.

Fey and Lily froze up.

The two minotaur girls blinked in confusion.

“What was that?” The blonde furred minotaur moved the doll experimentally and the squeak happened again, along with a wet schlucking sound.

“Is- is there something wrong with this doll? Is it enchanted?”

She moved it once more and the result was the same, then she shook it a bit and the squeaking became a scream that ended muffled as what sounded like hands slapped over a mouth.

Fey let out a groan.

It’s- it’s coming from her- her ma-massive h-huge- it’s- ,” spluttered the beige furred minotaur who was staring below Fey’s barrel, now frantically pointing.

The two turned to her and then followed her gaze to beneath Fey.

“H-holy shit, what is that monster of a-”

“H-how is it so- b-big, it makes the guys look freaking t-tiny in c-comparison, and they’re huge! Even for minotaurs!”

The one who had been looking at Fey’s dick first reached out a hand and grabbed hold of the doll. She pushed it downward in the blonde furred minotaurs hands and Fey’s length shifted and bobbed as though something was moving it and the squeaking whimpering sounded again.

“Is… Is this a magic sex doll?” She muttered.

“It’s not a magic sex doll! It’s my sister!” Said Lily now standing on Fey’s back, her fists on her hips.

“It is?” said the minotaur holding the doll, experimentally moving it up and down some more.

“Yes, and you're milking Fey with her.”

“Milking? Milking is for breasts not, erm, well, that beast.”

The doll holder began to move the doll up and down, watching mesmerised as Fey’s dick waggled about as though something was roughly running up and down it. The muffled whimpering was slowly becoming higher in pitch and every other moment a little spritz of fine clear fluid was being sprayed onto the ground.

“No, milking can be done on p-penises too, I know because I’m very g-good at it.”

A cup of precum suddenly spurted from the tip of Fey’s cock. It didn't spatter on the ground however, instead forming a sphere of slightly white tinted clear liquid hanging in the air.

The minotaurs stared at it.

“Did she just cum? I think that's cum, jeez that's a lot, can you imagine? Why is it floating?”

“Hmmph, shows what you lot know, that's not cum that's pre-cum, her loads are way way way bigger than that,” said Lily, a little swagger in her hips. She was the expert after all.

“Th-they are?” said the minotaurs staring, a suddenly terribly thirsty look in their eyes.

The beige minotaur who had first been staring licked her lips, then she grabbed the doll and began furiously shaking it up and down.

Fey’s eyes went wide and she wailed as the invisible otterkin was roughly shoved up and down her dick, brutally slammed up and down with the incredible strength of a minotaur, a minotaur with a Class. Fey couldn’t help herself she let out a whinny at the rough treatment and had to bite down on her wrist to stop from crying out as her hooves tap danced on the floorboards.

The muffled screams from below her became increasingly loud and shrill, the sloppy wet sounds becoming louder and louder as Kayla’s invisible pussy was made to take and evacuate Fey, each time leaving a terrible vacuum on her insides, SCHLORK! SKLAK SLRTCH! Her pussy was going mad with the extreme stimulation, her walls fluttering and trembling as her invisible clit poked free from its little hood and stood tall.

Kayla was quickly losing her mind to pleasure, until with one final thrusting slam the invisible otterkin was hilted. And then Fey came.

The three minotaurs looked on with thirsty fascination as her three foot dick bulged outward and a river of cum rolled down her length to her flared cock head and then vigorously sprayed into the invisible otterkin in a hose of white, Kayla’s invisible womb walls deforming as the straight spray bulged her flesh out before sloshing back down with the precum to form a floating sphere of white. 

The three minotaurs stared, the doll going limp in the one that was holding its hands.

Then Fey ejaculated again and Kayla’s cries grew even louder, the only reason the people in the AG weren't taking more notice was because it was so crowded and loud and Kayla was a little too small to make too much noise. That was starting to change. The three minotaurs swallowed as they watched the cum balloon grow, their hips shifting as they drank in the sight of Fey’s impossibly massive dick throbbing hard into its invisible sleeve. Then she came again and again, and the orb of white rapidly grew, covering the tip of her cock as it surged past three foot, then four foot then five, dragging her shaft down with the weight as it neared the floor.

“I w-want that, I want that,” muttered the beige furred minotaur, involuntarily taking a step forward and reaching out a hand.

The white mass grew and hesitantly she touched up her hand against it. Warm, smooth dry, and just a fraction of an inch away more virile breeding batter than she had ever seen in her life. This centaur made the males of her band appear as nothing, their spurts like little flies compared to the river of cum this centaur was pumping out into an invisible container.

She huffed the air, drawing in air through her nose. She could smell the cum, seeping around the lips of its tight sleeve, incredibly virile and masculine, it hit her like a brick and she felt her panties become wet, no, drenched. She could feel a spot above her groin heating, an itchy core screaming to be scratched.

She had both her hands against the white mass now. It was still growing and was now pushing apart tables and chairs and finally drawing the attention of the drunk and raucous AG as a giant mysterious white sphere tended to do. Growing larger and larger, now the groaning centaur was being lifted up off the ground, her hooves leaving the floorboards as the mass just kept increasing and swelling

The minotaur glanced behind her to see the other two staring in stunned silence, why hadn't they joined her yet?

She gestured at them.

“Smell it, scent the air. Have you ever smelt such power, such breeding potential before?

The two glanced at her, then as one they drew air in through their nose, a moment of shock crossing their expressions before they two were moving toward Fey. 

Which would have been fine, except a small wet puddle was on the floorboards where Vivi had been standing having leaked from her tentacle stuffed pussy, and minotaurs having smooth bottomed hooves and only two legs were not exactly known for having a lot of tactile grip on the floor.

The earringed minotaur holding the Kayla doll slipped, her arms going up, and fell like a ton of bricks. Trying to catch herself she whipped her arm down, unknowingly with the hand holding the doll. The doll slapped down to the ground and then the enormous rear of the minotaur slammed down on top of it.

A scream ripped through the air and then Fey was blown backwards off her invisible cum dump, a solid geyser of white pushing her fully out of the otterkin’s invisible cunt. She was sent rolling across the floor as a foot thick stream launched into the air across the AG, a solid hose of heavy white cum.

A band who were celebrating some success or other had their tankards held high in the air, their mouths open, happily singing. They were abruptly covered in a solid layer of white inches thick, filling their tankards and anything else, singing choked off by a mouth full of horse cum.

The stream just didn't stop, and as the minotaur squirmed about on top of the doll, her hooves slipping around on Vivi’s juices it only made it worse, the hose spraying in fits and starts, coating half a hundred adventurers in sticky white.

Fey slowly climbed to her feet as the white ball of cum slowly shrank down to a few feet across, the hosing white turning to a sputter then an oozing river.

She looked around at the Frozen AG in dismay. It was like a snowstorm had suddenly blown through the room.

This was not how she would have preferred the bands introduction to the city’s AG to go, not one little bit.



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