‘Final Battle for Survival’!

is the name of this copy,

According to the background of the copy,

This battle for survival is certainly between humans and Orpheenus

But it’s clear,

It’s the survival of mankind!

And this battle is destined to end in the defeat of humanity.

Even in the end, Su Tian and other players completed the quest


The vast majority of humans in this world have become Orphie

This cannot be changed.

Just like the Orphi Enochs who are slowly coming towards Su Tian now

They used to be ordinary humans,

And now, it’s ordinary Orphean Enoch!

Orphie Enoch, who sees humanity as an enemy!

“Everyone, if you kill this Kamen Rider, Lord Rhino will be able to let us join the cross-flower intelligence!”

“Yes, Shang, it’s just a Kamen Rider, there are so many of us, don’t be afraid of him!”

“You go up for close combat, I attack from afar.”

“Aren’t you Orphie Enoch the turtle? You don’t go up to the top of a meat shield, but hide behind and attack from afar? ”

Although these Aophi Enochs slowly approached Su Tian

But that speed is useless than the normal speed of walking

The shock that Su Tian gave them just now was really too great

No one wants to bear the brunt of this situation.

He could only cautiously fumbled to get close to Su Tian

And Yi Hongchang, who had been hiding on the edge, saw that almost all of Aophi Enoch had begun to besiege Su Tian

So he thought of escaping with Xiaoqi.

But Yi Hongchang just took a step

It was discovered by several of the closest Orphieenos

“Huh? That Kamen Rider wants to escape? ”

“Although they are all Kamen Riders, they can’t all be so strong, right?”

“Instead of messing with that Kamen Rider who pinched off the horns of Lord Rhino, it’s better to…”

The Orphionos looked at each other

Immediately turned around and rushed towards Yi Hongchang.

At the same time,

The rhinoceros Ofe Enoch also slightly recovered from the pain of the broken horn

Seeing these Aophie Enoch, he did not dare to attack Su Tian

Rhinoceros Offe was suddenly furious

Then he added another force and said:

“Everybody on together,”

“The man who killed this Kamen Rider, I recommend him to become a cadre of Cross-Flower Intelligence!”


As soon as the rhinoceros Offeno’s voice fell, the Offe Enochs became visibly agitated

Cross-flower intelligent cadres, that represents wealth and status!

In the face of this great temptation,

Death also seems to have become less terrifying

The Orphie Enochs roared and rushed towards Su Tian, who was among them.

“Huh… Moths to the fire! ”

Looking at the dense Orphieno around,

Su Tian said indifferently

After that,

Su Tian also held the grip of Degas’s giant hammer with his left hand

Holding the Degas hammer in both hands


The Degas Giant Hammer was lifted high by Su Tian

The fist-like hammer pointed far into the sky

“Boom… Rumble… Boom…”

“Zi… Multiply… Zi…”

In an instant,

Deafening thunder roared

Purple thunder and lightning were densely packed in the sky

The originally clear sky instantly darkened

“This… What is it? ”

Everyone stared blankly at the sky that was already dark night

and purple lightning whistling in the sky,

Rhino Offe Enoch was also shocked by these scenes in front of him

Obviously in the last second,

The weather here is still sunny

But almost in the blink of an eye,

It becomes shrouded in night.


And a full moon.

Rhinoceros Orphie Enoch looked towards Su Tian,

I saw behind Su Tian, who was holding the Degas giant hammer high

A huge full moon is hanging in the sky

It’s like a full moon

close at hand

As well as the body of Su Tian Na Wei’an, and the Degas Giant Hammer held high

Rhinoceros Aophi Enoch was stunned for a moment at this moment

But then he yelled in horror at the other Orpheenos

“Quick! Go stop him! ”

The other Ofe Enoch reacted from the stunned

Immediately pick up speed,

Countless attacks struck towards Su Tian.

But by now it was too late,

I saw the purple lightning flashing in the sky, constantly absorbed by the Degas Giant Hammer.

“Zi… Multiply… Zi…”

“Boom !!!”

Purple lightning was absorbed by the Degas Hammer

The Degas Hammer emitted a dazzling purple light

Immediately after, a huge purple lightning bolt seemed to destroy the heavens and the earth

Fiercely slashed at the Degas Giant Hammer in Su Tian’s hand

And at this time,

Su Tian also moved!

I saw Su Tian slowly exhale a cloudy breath

The Degas hammer in his hand fell quickly

With Wan Jun Thunder, he smashed on the ground in front of him


“Boom !!!”

At the moment when the Degas hammer hit the ground,

The huge purple lightning bolt in the sky also struck the Degas Hammer.

In an instant,

From where Su Tian was the ground began to collapse

Countless purple electricity flashes,

Mixed with the lifted ground,

Like the destruction of the heavenly thunder, it bombarded the surrounding Orphie Enoch.

These Ofe Enoch simply did not have time to react

It was flooded with purple electricity!

In the blink of an eye,

Everything around was affected by purple electricity

The originally flat road has become a ruin

Above the ruins, the smoke of the explosion and the ashes of Orphieno’s death filled the air.

“Ahem… Cough… Ahem…”

On the edge of the ruins, the rhinoceros Orphionus struggled to crawl out of the ruins

“What kind of monster is this?”

“Even those beings in the cross-flower intelligence will not have such destructive power, right?”

The rhinoceros Orpheno Enoch looked out into the ruins

At this time,

The smoke that blocked the view and the gray sand of Orpheenoch’s death had gradually dissipated

The rhinoceros Orphie Enoch was also able to see the whole picture in the ruins

This circular ruin is about twenty meters in diameter

If you look down in the sky,

You will find that there is a pattern in this ruin!

Kamen Rider Kiva’s knight coat of arms.

But Orpheno the Rhinoceros is not in the mood to admire the patterns in the ruins right now.

Because he saw the middle of the ruins


A strong figure is standing proudly

In his hand was a giant hammer.

Su Tian!

“All dead… So many Orphie Enochs were actually wiped out by him? ”

The rhinoceros Offe Enoch’s eyes were full of disbelief

Although the strength of those Orphie Enochs just now is very weak

But there are more than 100 of them

So much Orpheinoch,

It was annihilated by Su Tian in an instant.

“It’s good that I’m far away, otherwise…”

Rhinoceros Offe rejoiced in his heart

But what he didn’t know was that

If it weren’t for Su Tian’s deliberate control of the distance, the rhinoceros Aoife Enoch would not have escaped death

As for why control the distance?

Of course, because of that motorcycle!

Su Tian didn’t want his loot to be damaged

The location of the rhinoceros Offe is not far from the locomotive

So escaped,

But it just escaped the catastrophe just now.

“Next, it’s your turn!”

Su Tian slowly turned his head and silently looked at the rhinoceros Aoife Enoch

There was not the slightest emotion in the tone.

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