Chapter 47 Degas Thunder Strike! Kill everything!!

“Joker! Maximum! Drive! (Ace!) Extreme drive)”

“Rider! Kick! (Knight kick)”


After Su Tianna annihilated the Orphi Enochs, Yi Hongchang’s side also used a knight kick to kill the few Orphie Enochs who surrounded them before,

“The strength of this new student…”

The movement caused by Su Tian’s hammer was so great that Yi Hongchang naturally noticed it.

What kind of terrifying power is this?

Is Kamen Rider Kiva that strong?

Yi Hongchang’s heart was full of shock and doubt, and just as Yi Hongchang was wondering, the voice of the rhinoceros Aoife Enoch suddenly sounded: “You… Don’t come over! I can warn you,”

“If you move, I’ll kill this human child!”

Human children?

Yi Hongchang’s pupils shrank, fixed his eyes, and found that the rhinoceros Aoife Enoch actually caught Xiao Qi.

When those few Aoife Enoch surrounded them, Yi Hongchang let Xiao Qi’s first hide aside, but he didn’t expect that as soon as those Aoife Enoch were solved, Little Seven was caught by the rhinoceros Aoife Enoch.

“As Kamen Rider, you won’t see death without saving, will you?”

“This human is still a child!”

The big hand of the rhinoceros Aophi Enoch grabbed Xiao Qi, who was constantly trembling, but his eyes looked at Su Tian tightly, he was not sure if Su Tian would really give up killing himself because of Little Seven.

But the rhinoceros Ofhienoch also knew that this was the last glimmer of possibility for him to live.

“Save… Save…”

The boy named Xiaoqi seemed to be scared, with tears and snot on his face, and wanted to utter the words for help, but could not say it because of fear.

“Su Tian, don’t be impulsive!”

“This human child is very important to us!”

“He can lead us to the place where humanity is in this world.”

“Where, maybe we can get useful information for the mission.”

On the side, Yi Hongchang also persuaded loudly.

Xiaoqi is an important medium for finding human strongholds, and Yi Hongchang does not want to hide in this city full of Orphieno and must find a foothold for human beings in this world.

Hearing this, Su Tian raised his eyebrows.

Threatening with hostages, the villain’s usual trick, but…

As soon as the thoughts in his heart flashed, Su Tian’s keen sense of hearing heard a sound effect.

“Clock! Up! (Ascending time)”

With the sound of the sound, Su Tian saw a red figure flash from the side of the rhinoceros Aophieenoch, and the next second, this red figure appeared beside Su Tian, the armor on the body was generally red, blue eye armor, and the iconic horn at the head of the 990 armor.

Kamen Rider Kabuto! Knight form!

This Kamen Rider Kabuto also carried a child in his hand, which was Xiao Qi, and the rhinoceros Offe Enoch not far away was already empty in his hand.

Throwing the little seven in his hand and still crying to the ground at will, Kabuto put his eyes on Su Tian’s body,

“I’ll just say, I’m afraid you’re the only one who can cause such a big movement!”

“Su Tian…”

Under the armor of Kabuto, a cold voice was heard, it was Bingyan!

Bingyan was also attracted by the battle movement here, when she first arrived, she just saw Su Tian’s hammer that disappeared the Aophi Enochs, and also saw the scene of the rhinoceros Orife Enoch holding Little Seven hostage, after hearing Yi Hongchang’s reminder, Bingyan knew that the boy named Xiaoqi was a human, so she used Clock! Up saved Little Seven, “I… Saved? ”

Xiao Qi’s face still had tears and snot remaining, feeling the pain coming from his butt being thrown to the ground, making Xiao Qi understand that this was not a dream, just in an instant, he came to the side of the knight from the hands of the terrifying strange man, Xiao Qi, looked at Bingyan gratefully, and was not dissatisfied at all because Bingyan threw herself on the ground, after all, compared to life, what is the pain in the butt?

“Are you all right?”

At this time, Yi Hongchang also quickly came to Su Tian’s side and pulled Xiaoqi up from the ground.

After seeing Xiao Qi shake his head, Yi Hongchang put his eyes on Su Tian and Bingyan, and asked cautiously, “You… Also the human camp? ”

In fact, Yi Hongchang already roughly had the answer to this question in his heart, Su Tian killed so many Aophi Enoch with one hammer, and Bingyan also used Clock! Up saved Xiao Qi, so in Yi Hongchang’s opinion, these two are likely to be from the human camp.

None of Bingyan nor Su Tian answered.

No one can be sure what the other party’s camp is, and naturally they will not give up their camp completely.

And at this time, the rhinoceros Offe Enoch was also confused, he didn’t react at all to how the human child in his hand disappeared Rhino Offe Enoch only felt that just a breath time, the human child in his hand had disappeared, and with a red Kamen Rider appeared in front, “No, I have to slip away…”

Not to mention the three Kamen Riders, Rhino Offe Enoch doesn’t want to face even one now.

Quietly turning around, the rhinoceros Aoife Enoch wanted to slip away while Su Tian and the others were not paying attention, but the rhinoceros Aoife Enoch was discovered by Su Tian as soon as he took a step.

“Want to go?”

Under Kiva armor, the corners of Su Tian’s mouth rose slightly, he couldn’t be sure that the identities of Bingyan and Yi Hongchang were fine, but what Su Tian could be sure of was that as a side of the human camp, it would definitely not be wrong to kill the rhinoceros Aoife Enoch!

The contribution value will also increase!

Rhinoceros Orife Enoch heard Su Tian’s voice, and immediately quickened his pace and ran towards the locomotive he had borrowed.

However, Su Tian’s movements were faster, and I saw Su Tian holding the Degas Hammer in both hands, and put the grip of the Degas Hammer in front of the mouth of the Kivat bat Ш World at his waist, Kivat Bat III opened his mouth, showing his teeth, and then bit the Degas Hammer, purple energy was injected from the Kivat Bat Ш World, and a sound effect sounded: “Dogga!” Bite! (Degas bite)”

After the sound sounded, behind Su Tian, the full moon appeared again, “Bang!” ”

Then I saw Su Tian thrust the Degas hammer in his hand to the ground! And pull the iron handle behind the Degas hammer.

“Zi… Multiply…… Zi…”

Purple lightning began to flicker around Su Tian.

These purple lightning bolts continued to converge towards the fist of the Degas Hammer, and because of Su Tianna’s action of pulling the iron handle, the originally clenched fist of the Degas Hammer slowly opened, revealing the Eye of Truth in it!

The Eye of Truth is a huge eye, after revealing it, purple oscillating demon emperor power gushes out, these purple demon emperor power envelops the rhinoceros Aoife Enoch who wants to escape, and in an instant, the rhinoceros Aoife Enoch stands still in place, not moving! After the rhinoceros Ofhienoch was stilled, Su Tian raised the Degas hammer inserted in the ground again, “Oh! Swish! Swish! ”

Above the Degas Hammer, a larger Degas Hammer Energy Body (Purple Giant Fist) composed of purple Demon Emperor power appeared, and this Degas Hammer energy body was connected to the Degas Hammer in Su Tian’s hand by purple lightning.


Then I saw Su Tian’s arm wave, the Degas heavy hammer began to rotate with Su Tian, and the connected Degas heavy hammer energy body also began to rotate, and after Su Tian rotated the Degas heavy hammer, it smashed forward from top to bottom!

And the Nadegar hammer energy body also often smashed forward, and the direction of the smash was exactly where the rhinoceros Ofhienos was.

“Dogga! Thunder! Slap! (Degas Thunder Strike)”

A huge purple fist slammed into the body of the rhinoceros Ofe Enoch.


In an instant, the entire heaven and earth seemed to be shaken by Su Tian’s hammer, and the rhinoceros Orphie Enoch that was hammered directly turned into ashes. And where the rhinoceros Orphie Enoch exploded, a huge Kiva coat of arms appeared there.

Rhino Orpheno! Soldier!

“That Orpheno just now… Is it fixed? ”

“What is Kiva’s ability?”

Yi Hongchang didn’t know much about Kamen Rider Kiva, but just now he saw the scene where the rhinoceros Orphi Enoch couldn’t move when Degas’s Hammer of Truth appeared.

Degas Hammer!

This is Kamen Rider Kiva’s exclusive weapon in Degas form, after Degas Hammer releases the Demon Emperor Power stored in the Eye of Truth, enemies bathed in the Demon Emperor Power in Degas form will be paralyzed and unable to move for a period of time.

In addition, the Eye of Truth possessed by Degas Hammer also has the ability to parse the weaknesses and memories of enemies it sees.

And Su Tian, with the [All Knights Adaptation Physique], the strength displayed in the Degas form is even more terrifying. Just like the hammer that destroyed Orpheus Enoch just now.

“Too strong! Worthy of being a savior! ”

“This time I came out and actually met three saviors, if Sister Shi knew,”

“Will definitely reward me!”

At this time, the boy named Xiaoqi said excitedly, he raised his head, his eyes lit up and looked at Kamen Rider Kiva, Kabuto, and Joker beside him,


“Who told you we were saviors?”

Yi Hongchang frowned lightly and asked inexplicably.

Before, he heard Xiaoqi say that he was the savior, and now after seeing Su Tian and Bingyan, he said that they were also saviors…

“Who didn’t tell it!”

“It’s the legend that there will be five saviors to save us!”

“You must have come to save us.”

Xiaoqi explained.

Yi Hongchang still wanted to ask, but Bingyan on the side suddenly said, “Let’s leave here first,”

“The battle movement just now is really too big, if more Orphie Enoch surrounded him,”

“Then it will be troublesome!”

When Su Tian heard this, he nodded, for Bingyan, for Yi Hongchang, Su Tian could not be 100% sure that the two of them were really a lineup, and he would still keep a heart eye in his heart, so without withdrawing from the transformation, Su Tian returned to his own trophy (the first locomotive), “I have a car with Su Tian,”

“You take him, you go first and lead the way.”

Bingyan said to Yi Hongchang, while pointing to another locomotive (borrowed by Rhino Aophieno)

Without waiting for Yi Hongchang to reply, Bingyan followed Su Tian to Su Tian’s loot and waited for Su Tian to go up, and Bingyan also lifted her right foot, also went up, and sat behind Su Tian.

Seeing this, Yi Hongchang knew that the most important thing now was to leave here, so he did not refuse Bingyan’s proposal, and took Xiaoqi to ride on another locomotive,

“Then you can wait for us to go to your stronghold!”

Riding on the locomotive, Yi Hongchang said to Xiao Qi.

But Xiao Qi, on the other hand, shook his head and replied, “You can’t go directly to the main stronghold!” ”

“The identity of the new companion needs to be confirmed by Sister Shi first, and only after confirming that it is correct can you enter the main base.”

Although in Xiao Qi’s heart, he has regarded the three of Su Tian as saviors and companions, but Xiao Qi also remembers the explanations of the people in the stronghold, if you meet a new companion and encounter the remaining humans, you can’t directly bring them into the stronghold, you need to determine the true identity of the other party before you can let them join them, and it is precisely because of this that this general stronghold of human beings has not been exposed.

Yi Hongchang was not surprised by Xiao Qi’s answer, in today’s apocalyptic world for human beings, caution is a necessary condition for survival, so the four of them rode two locomotives and left towards the outside of the city.

A locomotive located in the rear, behind Su Tian is Bingyan, at the beginning of the journey, Bingyan sat in the back, but there was still a distance between Su Tian, and at this time, Su Tian suddenly felt that the figure behind him seemed to be a little closer to him, and then he stuck to the armor behind him, and Su Tian even felt the feeling of his back being pushed.

“Huh? Did you quit the transformation? ”

Su Tian raised his eyebrows, and the touch behind him didn’t look like it was separated by two layers of armor, “Shhh… Sorry, I didn’t sit firmly just now! ”

Bingyan in the back did not answer Su Tian’s question, but said in an apologetic tone.

Immediately after that, Su Tian felt the touch behind him disappear, and obviously, Bingyan stepped back a little.

Su Tian: “…”

I don’t know why, Su Tian felt that Bingyan seemed to be deliberate, just now Su Tiankai’s speed did not change, nor did he press any stones, did not pass through the steep slope, sat firmly before, and now suddenly sat unsteadily?

“What’s your mission?”

After being silent for a while, Su Tian asked again.

The best way to distinguish the camps is to determine through the content of the task, and the tasks will not be the same for different camps,

“Tsk… What a vigilance! ”

“Su Tian, you are worthy of being a man who has obtained S+.”

Seeing Su Tian, who was completely indifferent to the action she had just made, Bingyan couldn’t help but smack her lips.

The action just now was indeed intentional by Bingyan, and it was the first time she made such an outrageous move, if Su Tian turned her head now, she would find that Bingyan’s pretty face, which had been frosty, had a clear blush.

For Bingyan’s collision with the ball, Su Tian will certainly not be indifferent, but Su Tian doesn’t want to show it, when getting along, sometimes the active side is often the passive Su Tian who changes direction.

“So, what’s your mission?”

Su Tian repeated the question just now, and when Bingyan heard this, she leaned forward a little further again, and said in Su Tian’s ear in a softer tone that was almost useless: “Or do you say it first?” ”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course…”

Bingyan was about to say the word OK later, when she suddenly felt that the speed of the locomotive seemed to be a little slower, and couldn’t help but change her words: “If I don’t say it, you won’t throw me down, right?” ”

“Probably not!”


Bingyan accurately grasped these two words, thinking of the first day of meeting, Su Tian did not pity Xiangyu’s character, Bingyan doubted the authenticity of Su Tian’s words, and hesitation filled Bingyan’s heart, if it was normal

Until she is sure whether this player’s faction belongs to humans or Orphie Enoch, Bingyan will definitely not expose her faction.

But when this player was Su Tian, Bingyan was surprised to find that she actually hesitated, and after being silent for tens of seconds, Bingyan still said slowly: “Kill the founder of the mysterious organization!” ”

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