Chapter 58 Grandma said that the sun is great because dust can also be illuminated!!

The way of heaven, all the people of the general division!

Bu Rundong was shocked by Su Tian’s words. To be precise, it was shocked by Su Tian at this time, Su Tian’s actions, and what Su Tian said, and most importantly, when Su Tian said this sentence and pointed to the sky with one finger, the dark night that fell before actually dispersed directly, and the rising sun rose into the sky with Su Tian’s fingering action.

The night disperses, and the sun rises in the east!

“I was actually chosen by the power of Kabuto!”

“I knew… I knew that Su Tian would definitely be recognized by Kabuto! ”

Looking at the battlefield, Kamen Rider she was very familiar with, Bingyan’s usually cold and pretty face was full of excitement, even when she first became Kamen Rider Kabuto, Bingyan had never been so excited!

But after the excitement, it was full of doubts.

“Grandma once said?”

“Su Tian… Did he live with his grandmother before? ”

“But that’s not the information I investigated!”

After the copy of the martial arts examination ended, Bingyan asked the female secretary to check Su Tian’s information, just to know more about Su Tian, when Bingyan clearly remembered that in Su Tian’s information, Su Tian had lived in an orphanage since he was a child, and came out of the orphanage after high school, usually working and studying, until the time of the martial arts examination, the two of them met in the copy.

“Huh? Wrong! ”

Suddenly, Bingyan seemed to think of something,

“I remember that the former director of the orphanage seemed to be an old grandmother.”

“It’s just that he seems to have died three years ago…”

“Therefore, what Su Tian said is actually what the grandmother and Su Tian said.”

“It must be so, Su Tian and that grandmother must be very close,”

“After the death of the grandmother, that is, when Su Tian was in high school, Su Tian left the orphanage.”

“It’s all right!”

The more Bingyan thought about it, the more she felt that she was getting closer and closer to the light that represented the truth

Su Tian must have been too sad after the death of the former director of the orphanage, that is, the grandmother, and then came out of the orphanage and went to school, numbing himself through part-time work, thinking of this, Bingyan seemed to feel Su Tian’s heartache at that time, and Bingyan’s heart had a little more sympathy for Su Tian.

And on Su Tian’s side, Su Tian, who slowly lowered his finger, didn’t know that in that short moment, Bingyan’s mind had already made up so many things.

“The way of heaven, all the people of the general division?”

“Huh… Then I will destroy the way of heaven you have done!” ”

In the battlefield, a trace of fierceness flashed in the eyes of Bu Rundong, who slowed down, and after saying coldly, he immediately pressed the button of the flying attacker!

“Whoosh! Sou! Sou! ”

The light bullets came out smoothly, but this time, the number of light bullets was several times that of the one just now.

“I don’t believe it, you dare to carry it hard!”

This time, Bu Rundong learned wisely and directly released the maximum firepower of the flying attacker, Bu Rundong did not believe that this time Su Tian could block these light bullets just like the one just now, just with the armor on his body.

Facing the sky full of light bombs coming at him, Su Tian just gently pulled the horn of the Kabuto insect instrument on his belt.


The horn of the accompanying Kabuto insect instrument was triggered, and lightning-like faster-than-light particles began to flicker on the armor on Su Tian’s body, the armor of the hand, the armor of the chest, the armor of the back, and the armor of the head, the heavy armor on Su Tian’s body

All bulged slightly as faster-than-light particles flowed by.

“Cast! Off! (Burst armor)”

Su Tian let out a low sigh and violently pulled the corner of the Kabuto insect instrument to the other side!

“Cast! Off! (Burst armor)”

A mechanical sound sounded on the Kabuto insect instrument.

The next second, I heard a bang! With a bang, the armor on Su Tian’s body instantly exploded, and these burst armors just rushed towards the light bullets that shot towards Su Tian!

“Boom! Rumble! Rumble! ”

The exploding armor and the light projectiles fired by Burundong met in the air, and a large number of explosions sounded as the two met.

After the armor on his body burst open, Kabuto’s giant horn slowly fit on Su Tian’s head armor, and a ray of light flashed from his blue compound eyes!

“Change! Beetle! (Beetle deformation)”

Kamen Rider Kabuto! Knight form!



After the explosion in the air dissipated, Bu Rundong, who was in the air, saw Su Tian, who was different from before, and his heart was suddenly shocked.

“Since the burst mode is useless,”

“Then let you taste the flying attacker’s single-shot mode!”

Bu Rundong muttered, switching the flying attacker’s shooting mode to single-shot mode.

Then press the button!

“Zi… Multiply…… Zi…”

After Bu Rundong pressed the button, no light was ejected, but countless blue-white rays of light condensed at the muzzle of the flying attacker.

The energy grows more and more until it shoots out.


Those blue-white rays of light condensed into a blue-white beam of light, and shot towards Su Tian, the volume of the beam was not large, just a little slender, but the power contained in it was extremely amazing, not at all comparable to the light bullets shot before.

The main thing is that this time Bu Rundong aimed his muzzle at Su Tian’s head! He didn’t believe that Su Tian could carry this trick hard with the armor of his head.

The speed of the beam was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, it came to Su Tian, and when it was about to hit Su Tian’s head, I saw Su Tian quickly twist his head to the side, “Oh!” ”

Beams of light whistled past Su Tian’s ears!


The beam hit the ground behind Su Tian, and a violent explosion occurred!

“Actually hidden?”

Bu Rundong’s eyes were slightly glared, just now he had been watching Su Tian, when the beam shot out and flew in the air, Su Tian didn’t even move, only when he was about to shoot, he tilted his head and then dodged?

Just dodged like that? Bu Rundong didn’t want to believe it, but looking at Su Tian who was intact, and the explosion that occurred behind Su Tian, Bu Rundong had to believe it.

“Then it’s my turn now!”

“Just let you feel…”

“The radiance of the sun!”

As soon as Su Tian’s voice fell, he patted his waist with his hand, “Clock!” up! (Ascending time)”

The Kabuto insect instrument emitted a sound full of mechanical sensation The next moment, Su Tian’s figure.


With a sound, disappeared from Bu Rundong’s field of vision,


“Nope… It’s not disappearing, it’s super high-speed movement! ”

“But you know, I’m in the sky now!”

Bu Rundong instantly reacted, Su Tian used an ability similar to super-acceleration, after knowing it, Bu Rundong followed with disdain, you know, he has a flying attacker is now in the sky, no matter how fast you are, can you still fly?

Then in the next instant, Bu Rundong’s face changed instantly!

Because he heard a heavy bang!

And the source of this roar is below Burundong, below the ground!

Bu Rundong looked down, and there was no one on the ground below him, but the ground there had collapsed like a spider web-like crack.

“In the back!”

Bu Rundong is also one of the strong people of Cross-Flower Intelligence, and his strong combat experience allows Bu Rundong to guess what happened! It’s Su Tian!

Su Tian is entering Clock! up! After that, he quickly came to the ground below Burundong, and then a powerful jump, causing the spiderweb-like crack in the ground to jump up, where Su Tian would appear, was in the rear!!!

Bu Rundong’s pupils shrank, and he instantly guessed the possible location of Su Tian in his mind, and immediately turned around to look, Bu Rundong just saw Su Tian who appeared in shape, but at this time, Su Tian had already raised his right leg, and after Bu Rundong turned around, Su Tian kicked Bu Rundong’s chest with one leg, “Bang!!! ”

The powerful force exploded at Bu Rundong’s chest, and at the same time, Bu Rundong also fell uncontrollably towards the ground!

“So fast!”

“The power is beyond imagination!”

“This is… The so-called radiance of the sun? ”

The sight of Bu Rundong, who was falling down, was looking from the bottom up, and the picture that Bu Rundong saw at this time was Su Tian, who had just kicked him, and the radiant sun behind Su Tian at this time!


In the sky, Su Tian’s figure disappeared into Bu Rundong’s sight again, and then Bu Rundong felt another heavy blow from his back, “Boom!” ”

With a sound, Bu Rundong went up from the falling state again, but this time it was not Bu Rundong who flew, but was kicked by Su Tian!

“Nope! It can’t be like this! ”

“If this continues, I will definitely lose!”

Bu Rundong’s eyes froze, he knew that he had no possibility of victory in this way.

He will only be injured by Su Tian’s attacks again and again until he dies.

“Fight, this is the last chance.”

At this moment, a plan flashed in Bu Rundong’s heart.

Endured the severe pain in his body just now, Bu Rundong forcibly turned around.

Make yourself facing the direction directly below.


There was another muffled sound, and Bu Rundong once again felt a heavy kick from behind.

Bu Rundong’s body smashed under the ground again.

“It’s now!”

Resisting the pain in his back, a determined light flashed in Bu Rundong’s eyes.

I saw him quickly switch the flying attacker in his hand to the rotary stick blade mode, then open the Psyga mobile phone on his belt and press enter.

“Exceed! change! (Energy filling)”

Accompanied by the sound effect, blue photon blood flowed from the Psyga mobile phone and flowed along the photon blood on Bu Rundong’s body, and finally left on the flying attacker in Bu Rundong’s hands.

“Give me!!! death”

Bu Rundong roared angrily, and the flying attacker in his hand rose high.

And smash in the direction of his own fall.

And in the direction where Bu Rundong fell, a red figure had appeared at this time!

“Sure enough, I guessed right!”

“Boy, even if you are fast, but the combat experience is too poor!”

After Bu Rundong saw Su Tian appear, and still turned his back to him, he suddenly sneered in his heart.

But what Bu Rundong didn’t know was that Su Tianzheng, who was facing away from him at this time, was pressing those three buttons: “One!” Two! Three! ”

Mechanical sound sounds emanate from the Kabuto insect instrument.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Su Tian put his hand on the horn of the Kabuto insect instrument, and said in a deep voice: “Rider!” Kick! ”

After speaking, Su Tian violently pulled the corner of the Kabuto insect instrument to the other side.

“Rider! Kick! (Knight kick)”

The Kabuto insect instrument repeated what Su Tian said with that mechanical sound effect,


In an instant, lightning-like faster-than-light particles began to spread from the Kabuto insect instrument on Su Tian’s waist, and in the blink of an eye, they spread to the huge unicorn on Su Tian’s head armor.

At this time, the Burundong in the sky was already approaching.

The flying attacker in his hand (rotary stick blade mode) was only a short distance away from Su Tian, and under the Psyga armor, a smile unconsciously appeared at the corner of Bu Rundong’s mouth, which was the joy of victory.

But in the next second, Bu Rundong found that Su Tian moved! I saw Su Tian’s body quickly turn, and at the same time, Su Tian’s right foot also quickly lifted.

Under Bu Rundong’s shocked gaze, Su Tian’s right foot carried a faster-than-light particle and kicked at Bu Rundong’s waist armor!

After kicking, Su Tian turned back and returned to the previous appearance of facing Bu Rundong with his back.


The huge explosion carrier blue-white flame was generated behind Su Tian.

And Su Tian just raised his head slightly, looked at the golden sun hanging high in the sky, and slowly said: “Grandma once said…”

“The sun is great!”

“It’s because even dust can be illuminated!”

Kamen Rider Psyga! Burun Dong!

Under the light of the sun, slowly dissipate!

“Is that the true power of Kabuto?”

Bingyan, who had been watching the battle, muttered to herself, using Clock in Su Tian! up! At that time, Bingyan could only see the beaten Bu Rundong, but at that time, Su Tian’s roundabout knight kicked, and Bingyan could see it clearly!

“Even Kamen Rider Psyga is such a powerful existence,”

“Su Tian can easily defeat it…”

Although Bingyan has not fought with Bu Rundong, Bingyeon knows that she will definitely not be Bu Yundong’s opponent, even if she becomes Kabuto and uses Clock! When Up, you can achieve the effect of slower defeat at most.

The main thing is, use Clock! Up requires a lot of physical strength Bingyan can’t be used for a long time, and Bingyan is shocked by Shiyu.

Shiyu looked at Su Tian blankly, and muttered in her mouth: “Such a powerful existence, only the king should be possible…”

“Why does Su Tian say that he is not a king?”

Whispering, Shiyu found that Su Tian was slowly walking towards her.

Sorting out her mood, a gentle smile reappeared on Shiyu’s face, “Su Tian, I remember when I met you yesterday. ”

“You guys seem eager to find someone who created cross-fertilizer intelligence?”

Shiyu not only knew that Su Tian and the others wanted to find the person who created the cross-flower intelligence, but also knew that Su Tian and Bingyan wanted to kill them!

“Alas, I didn’t expect me to hide for so long!”

Suddenly, Shiyu sighed and said faintly: “In the end, I actually exposed myself!” ”

“Although you are very strong…”

“But I’m not going to just get caught like that!”

After speaking, the pattern of Aophi Enoch appeared on Shiyu’s face, and in the next second, Shiyu turned into a gray-white monster, with a hideous face and leather armor full of patterns.

At this time, Shiyu could no longer be associated with the gentle girl before.

The most distinctive part of the Orife Enoch that Shiyu became is the neck, where there are a lot of white hair fires, Su Tian and Bingyan found that these white hairs did not seem to be stable, a breeze blew, the white hairs were blown away, floated in the air, and finally fell to the ground, turning into gray sand!

Dandelion Orphieenoch!

After revealing the form of Orifeno, Shiyu elegantly stretched out her right hand to Su Tian and said softly, “Come on, Su Tian!” ”

“Let me see if you are the savior!”

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