Chapter 59: The Real Dungeon Boss! Kamen Rider Land no Emperor!!

Hearing Shiyu say this, before Su Tian could react, Bingyan, who had been in the distance, couldn’t help it first, stepped on the battlefield, and said in a deep voice: “I’ll deal with you!” ”

When Su Tian heard this, his brows wrinkled and said, “Your injury is not good yet!” ”

“If you want to fight, I won’t stop you!”

“But if you die…”

After death, it is natural that the rewards obtained will be greatly reduced, which Bingyan also knows, and the reason why Bingyan jumped out and wanted to fight Shiyu when she was injured was because she was not used to seeing Shiyu always saying that Su Tian was their savior.

“I won’t fight you!”

Who knew that at this moment, Shiyu suddenly shook her head and said, “Su Tian is my opponent!” ”

Shiyu seemed to recognize Su Tian, unwilling to fight with others.

Eyes staring at Su Tian, about a moment of silence, Shiyu opened her mouth slightly and said, “Su Tian, isn’t your target me?” Why don’t you do it yet? ”

“Now everything in this world is my cause, and I have turned most of the human beings in this world into Orpheno.”

“That’s what it takes.”

With that, Shiyu gently placed her hand on the white hair on her neck.

With a slight force, a small handful of white hair was pulled off.

But amazingly, in less than a second, the white hair that had been plucked grew back.

I saw Shiyu put the white hair in her hand in her hand and blew lightly.


These white hairs float into the distance with the wind like dandelions.

Next to him, Su Tian and Bingyan looked at Shiyu with some doubts, and seemed to notice Su Tian and Bingyan’s doubts.

Shiyu explained softly: “This is my ability, and these white are my seeds.” ”

“As long as humans parasitize my seeds, they will successfully evolve Orphieenos.”

As soon as these words came out, Su Tian was a little surprised.

And Bingyan’s face changed, and she subconsciously took a step back to avoid those white hairs from staining her body.

Su Tian did the opposite, not much, but took the initiative to hold the white hairs floating in the air, these white hairs fell into Su Tian’s hands, and the next second, they were sandy!

“Sure enough, it’s the same as I thought!”

Shaking the sand in his hand, under the Kabuto armor, the corners of Su Tian’s mouth rose slightly.

Then I heard Su Tian say slowly: “Cross-flower intelligence should not be created by you!” ”

“Miss Shiyu!”

Hearing this, Shiyu chuckled in her heart, and then smiled: “Su Tian, what are you talking about?” ”

“You touched my seed just now, you should feel the energy in it.”

“That’s the energy that allows humans to evolve into Orphieenos.”

“It does have the energy to evolve ordinary humans into Orphie Enoch!”

Su Tian bowed his head and did not deny Shiyu’s statement, but then the words turned around and said, “But this does not mean that you are the founder of Cross-Flower Intelligence. ”

“That’s right, you established humanity’s last survival stronghold here.”

“It looks like you’re playing chess, and those ordinary humans are your pawns!”

“But in fact, you should also be a pawn under someone else’s hands!”

While speaking, Su Tian pointed to the white hair on Shiyu’s neck and continued, “Your seed seems to be able to regenerate. ”

“But every time you regenerate, your consumption is not small!”

“So with Miss Shiyu’s current state, even if we don’t have a war today.”

“Miss Shiyu won’t live long!”

As soon as these words came out, Shiyu suddenly fell silent.

Seeing that Shiyu did not refute, Su Tian secretly said in his heart that his guess should be correct! What Su Tian just said was Su Tian’s own guess.

Now it seems that the guess is also inseparable.

Poetry Rain!

This is Orphieno who created the last stronghold of mankind! In fact, not the one who created cross-flower intelligence at all!

It should be the same as Bu Rundong, belonging to the subordinates of the person behind it, and the reason why the alien flower intelligence can evolve the vast majority of humans in this world into Orphie Enoch in a short period of time may be according to the seeds of Shiyu!

The seed of Shiyu should possess the ability to increase the success rate of human evolution “into Orphie.


Shiyu as a dandelion Offe Enoch, each seed needs to consume her own energy, maybe Shiyu was very strong before, but now…

Su Tian roughly perceived, I am afraid that even the rhinoceros Aophie Enoch that he encountered for the first time can easily kill Shiyu!

Every time he releases his seed, Shiyu’s strength will be weakened.

“Su Tian, I really think more and more that you are our savior!”

“How nice it would be if you were really the savior…”

“In this way, I can get eternal life!”

Shiyu sighed faintly, but then changed her tone and said, “But,”

“You just guessed part of it correctly, my life force has indeed almost disappeared.”

“But! You seem to underestimate my identity! ”

“I’m not a pawn in someone else’s hand.”

“Cross-flower intelligence was created by me, and the current situation of this world is caused by me.”

“For this, I gave up my life!”

“In order to create a world that belongs only to Aophie-Enoch!”

In the end, the eyes of the poetic rain reflected by Dandelion Orphieno were full of madness.

But Su Tian could clearly see that Shiyu was pretending to be pretending to see herself, in order to make herself think that Shiyu was the founder of Cross-Flower Intelligence, and then let herself kill her! However, Shiyu didn’t know that if Su Tianzhen killed her and didn’t complete the quest, she would still go to the person behind the creation of cross-flower intelligence.


Su Tian looked at Shiyu, who was almost crazy, and just spat out a faint sentence: “It’s Xiao Qi, right?” ”

Shiyu’s movements paused, and then she heard Su Tian continue: “At the very beginning, I was a little confused in my heart! ”

“That city is full of Orpheenos, and the little eleven children can go to the center of the city?”

“And to be able to escape so long at the hands of the rhinoceros Offe Enoch,”

“And just happened to escape to Kamen Rider Joker, well, that is, our teammates!”

As Su Tian spoke, Bingyan on the side lowered her head slightly, and her lowered face was full of shock and panic.

Su Tian’s words continued to sound: “Where in the world is there such a coincidence, this is not in novels and movies.” ”

“How is it possible that we happened to meet a little human boy in the center of the city of Orphieno who needed help?”

“All coincidences are just premeditated!”

Of course, Su Tian did not speculate on this basis alone, but every time he fought, Shiyu would subconsciously protect Xiao Qi, whether it was in the temporary base or here.

A ruthless man who can turn the world’s humans into Orpheus Enoch cares about a human boy?

Even if you really care, you can just turn it into a powerful Aophie-Enoch, anyway, aren’t you used to turning humans into Orphie-Enoch? Therefore, there is only one possibility, and that is that this little human boy is actually Orphie Enoch a long time ago! Su Tian was speculating before, but now it is almost certain, because Shiyu’s attitude now says it all, “Snap… Syllable…… Snap…”

Just as Shiyu fell into silence, a clapping sound sounded, and when I looked at the sound, I saw that in the shocked expression of the guard Cheng Yuqiang, Xiaoqiyi next to him changed the innocent expression of the child before and clapped his hands and walked to the battlefield.

“Little… Little Seven, what are you doing? ”

“Go back!”

Shiyu looked at Xiao Qi blankly, and then pretended to scold and said.

But Xiao Qi just waved his hand and said in a condensed voice: “Sister Shiyu, I have been exposed!” ”

Then Xiaoqi looked at Su Tian and was silent for a while before saying, “Originally, Shiyu and I really thought that you would be our king.” ”

“Lord Savior?”

After Xiao Qi finished speaking, he frowned slightly, because Su Tian’s height is too tall, and Xiao Qi’s appearance is just a child, if he looks at Su Tian, he can only look up, and Xiao Qi doesn’t like to look up very much.

With a thought in his heart, the clothes on Little Seven’s back banged! With a bang, a pair of huge wings popped out, and the pair of wings were wrapped in gray-white energy, and with a slight opening, Xiaoqi flew up and came to a position where he was at eye level with Su Tian.

“This wing…”

Looking at the wings behind Xiao Qi, Su Tian frowned, this wing is not like the wings of an animal, although there are also feathers, but if you look carefully, it will make people feel chilling, only to see that on this pair of wings, there are countless dense little eyes These eyes look at Su Tian together with Xiao Qi’s sight.

If people with intensive phobias see this scene, I am afraid that they will spiral to the sky on the spot.

Su Tian could feel the completely different momentum on Xiao Qi’s body at this time, belonging to the momentum of the strong.

“What a shame!”

Xiao Qi glanced at the place where Bu Rundong exploded, and said with an expressionless face: “The power of the imperial belt was wasted by him like this!” ”

The imperial belt, which is naturally the belt of Kamen Rider Psyga (Heavenly Emperor), to be honest, Xiaoqi was still surprised that Su Tian could defeat Bu Rundong, who became Kamen Rider Psyga, so easily, but!

Just surprised!

“This… Is this really the same as what Su Tian said? ”

“That little boy turned out to be the boss of this quest?”

On the side, Bingyan’s heart was full of shock, because she thought that on the day she just entered the copy, she seemed to have saved Little Seven from the rhinoceros Offe Enoch, and casually threw Little Seven to the ground, giving this little ass a heavy blow to the butt, and on the first day of entering the copy, she randomly threw the copy boss on the ground

To be honest, Bingyan has had this experience for the first time.

“Little Seven, you… Why are you coming out! ”

Looking at Xiao Qi, who was flying in mid-air, Shiyu said unwillingly.


Xiao Qi looked at Shiyu and said softly: “Your life energy is running out anymore, and I don’t want to see you die because of the battle.” ”

Hearing this, Shiyu’s head shook violently, and she remembered her previous life with Xiaoqi, Shiyu and Xiaoqi were brothers and sisters!

It’s just that one day, after Xiaoqi and Shiyu evolved (died), they became Aophie Enoch, and after becoming Aoife Enoch, Xiao Qi’s mentality changed, he wanted to create a world that only belonged to Aophie Enoch, and it just so happened that the dandelion Orife Enoch that Shiyu evolved into had such an ability, so Xiaoqi asked Shiyu to help herself, although Shiyu evolved into Aoife Enoch, she didn’t want to hurt humans very much, but Shiyu finally couldn’t stand her favorite brother, so she caused the world to be like this, And the price is that Shiyu’s life energy is left, and Shiyu is about to dissipate.

Xiao Qi, at this time, also discovered that his dream would actually lead his sister to death, and Xiao Qi, who was difficult to accept, planned to find the king of Orphieno!

The idea of establishing the last stronghold of mankind was actually thought by Xiao Qi, who wanted to wait for the birth of the king and then let the king of Orphi Enoch grant his sister eternal life.

But until now, the king is still nowhere to be seen.

Therefore, after seeing Su Tian’s powerful strength, Xiao Qi and Shiyu were very excited, because they thought they had found the king! But this is not the case!

Moreover, the goal of Su Tian and the others is still Xiao Qi, the person who created cross-flower intelligence

So Shiyu plans to replace her brother and become the one who creates cross-flower intelligence.

“Anyway, I don’t have much life energy left.”

“Let my death make the last contribution to my brother!”

Shiyu thought like this, but what Shiyu didn’t expect was that her younger brother was still discovered by Su Tian.

Xiaoqi knew that Shiyu wanted to die instead of herself, and she also knew Shiyu’s heavy love for herself, but Xiaoqi didn’t want to see the scene of Shiyu’s death.

Now Shiyu doesn’t have much life energy, if she is allowed to fight, I am afraid that she will die immediately, if she does not fight, she can still live for a while, and this time is hope!

As long as there is still a glimmer of hope, Xiaoqi will not give up.

“Since you are not the king!”

“Then you don’t have to survive!”

Xiao Qi looked at Su Tian and Bingyan, and then said to Shiyu in a soft voice: “Sister, please stay away from the trouble a little.” ”

“After I settle them,”

“We’re looking for the king’s traces!”

Hearing this, Shiyu opened her mouth, but in the end she still didn’t say what she wanted to say, don’t look at her as Xiao Qi’s own sister, but in fact, everything has always been Xiao Qi’s words, and Shi Yu is also used to being arranged by Xiao Qi.

Silently regained his human form from Orphie’s form, and then retreated.

Seeing this, Bingyan, who was beside Su Tian, glanced at Su Tian worriedly, and reluctantly retreated outside the battlefield, Bingyan knew that she who was seriously injured would not help Su Tian in the battle with the copy boss, it would only cause a burden.

“No, I must become stronger when I go back this time!”


Looking at Su Tian, who was confronting Xiao Qi, Bingyan secretly decided in her heart.

In the battlefield, after Bingyan and Shiyu both withdrew from the battlefield, Xiaoqi said to himself: “The imperial belt represents absolute power!” ”

“And the imperial belt, there are two!”

While speaking, Xiao Qi’s hand already had an extra dark golden knight belt, this belt and the Psyga (Heavenly Emperor) belt that Bu Rundong took out

Some are similar, but this belt is mainly gold!

Kamen Rider Orga’s belt!

“Sure enough… The Heavenly Emperor has come out, how can the younger brother (Earth Emperor) be less? ”

After seeing the belt in Xiao Qi’s hand, Su Tian secretly said in his heart.

Kamen Rider Orga!

Also known as the Emperor of Kamen Rider Land!

It is the same two imperial knights as Kamen Rider Tenno, that is, Kamen Rider Psyga.

Like Psyga, Kamen Rider Olga has very high requirements for shapeshifters, and must be the best Ofi Enoch, obviously, Little Seven meets this condition!

“And the imperial belt, there are two!”

In the face of what Xiao Qi’s words, Su Tian’s mind moved, the Kabuto insect instrument on his belt flew away, and the Kabuto armor on Su Tian’s body also dissipated, Xiao Qi saw this, and was suddenly stunned, and then he heard Su Tian say in a flat tone: “There are not only two Kamen Riders who can be called emperors!” ”

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