Chapter 60 Degabaki Form! Knight who can be called king!!

“There are not only two Kamen Riders who can be called emperors!”

Su Tian’s words sounded in the battlefield, Kamen Rider Olga (Earth Emperor) and Kamen Rider Psyga (Heavenly Emperor) are indeed transformed with imperial belts, and the two are also known as Kamen Rider Earth Land King and Kamen Rider Heaven Emperor! But these two Kamen Riders are definitely not the only ones who can be called God Kings!

Not to mention the Demon Time King who is powerful enough to manipulate time, such as the emperor form of Kamen Rider Blade, such as Kamen Rider Kiva’s Demon Emperor form, etc… can be called an emperor!

“Oh? Do you also ~ have an imperial belt? ”

Xiao Qi hesitated and looked at Su Tian.

Su Tian took the initiative to withdraw from Kabuto’s transformation, coupled with what he said, Xiaoqi guessed that Su Tian also had an imperial belt.

Su Tian smiled, did not speak, but slowly stretched out his left hand!


With a bang, the familiar mechanical bat appeared in the sky above Su Tian, it was the Kivat bat Ш World!

Kivat bat Шshi flapped its wings and came to the tiger’s mouth in Su Tian’s left hand, opening its mouth!

“I bite! (Tear bite)”

“Whew… Whew…”

The sound sounded, Su Tian’s left hand, neck, and face were covered with colorful and enchanting patterns, and at the same time, around Su Tian’s waist, chains appeared, and together they became a scarlet belt!


Su Tian let out a low sigh, and Kivat Bat III, who bit on his left hand, immediately released his mouth, took the initiative to flap his wings, flew to his belt, and hung upside down.

The scarlet energy fluctuated, and the Kiva armor attached to Su Tian’s body.

“Huh? I remember you used this knight! ”

“Could it be that this is the power of the emperor in your mouth?”

Xiao Qi’s eyes looked at Su Tian suspiciously, when Xiao Qi saw Su Tian for the first time, it was the scene where Su Tian turned into Kamen Rider Kiva, and at that time, Su Tian also changed into the Degas form that was extremely perverted in strength and defense! Xiao Qi admitted that Su Tian was indeed handsome but not difficult to kill the Orphie Enochs with one hammer at that time!

Little Seven with Kamen Rider Orga’s power can also do it easily.

“That’s right!”

“The power of the emperor I am talking about is Kamen Rider Kiva!”

“After all, Kiva is also a knight made especially for King!”

This is not Su Tian’s fabrication, Kiva’s armor is originally made for Fangire’s King!

It belongs to the third generation of armor built for King!

The first generation is Kamen Rider Saga (snake teeth), and the second generation is Kamen Rider DarkKiva!

And the third generation is Kamen Rider Kiva, to be precise, Kiva’s Demon Emperor form! Demon Emperor Kiva is the original form, and the other forms are temporary forms that control the power and thus use the chains to enhance stability!

“Built for King?”

Little Seven’s eyes narrowed slightly, King? In this world, only the king of Orpheus Enoch can be called king!

Seeing Xiao Qi’s appearance, Su Tian knew that the other party had misunderstood, and did not explain, and took out the Garuru flute whistle, Pasha flute whistle, and Dega flute whistle on his waist,

“Although not Kiva’s real gesture!”

“But come to think of it, if you use this against you, it should be enough!”

After Su Tian muttered in a low voice, he put the three flute whistles in his hand into the mouth of Kivat Bat III in turn, and Kivat Bat III also blew the three whistles in turn: “Garulu!” Saber! (Garuru Saber)”

“Basshaa! Magnum! (Pasha Merlin gun)”

“Dogga! Hammer! (Degas Hammer)”

As three whistles and sound effects emanated from Kivat Bat III’s mouth, Su Tian slowly spread his hands, and the next second,

“Oh! Swish! Swish! ”

I saw countless chains begin to appear on Su Tian’s body, first at the left arm, Su Tian’s left arm was wrapped by chains, and the next moment the chain exploded, and the armor at the left arm also changed to blue Garuru form armor, followed by Su Tian’s right arm, the same chain, the same explosion, revealing the green Pasha form armor of the right arm, and finally the breastplate, with the chain surrounding, when the chain exploded, the purple armor symbolizing the form of Degas was revealed! Kamen Rider Kiva! Degabaki form!


The Degabaki form is a fusion enhancement form that has been transformed into after Kivat Bat III blew three whistles!

Officially known as the Dhagarubasha Kiva form, it has been greatly improved in terms of strength, speed, and defense.

However, although this form is strong, it is quite a burden on the shapeshifter, of course, for Su Tian, who has the [All-Knight Adaptation Physique], this burden is not worth mentioning!


After Su Tian changed into Degabaki form, a powerful air flow visible to the naked eye centered on Su Tian and vibrated towards the surroundings.

This air flow is extremely powerful, when it spreads around, you can see that every ground that is passed by the air flow is lifted, and the air flow goes straight forward until it reaches Xiao Qi, and Xiao Qi also feels the strength of this air flow and knows that it cannot be underestimated.

Mobilizing the energy in the body,


In an instant, Xiao Qi’s eyes on his huge wings suddenly widened, and they looked forward in unison.


Like a cut wave, the air flow dispersed towards Xiao Qi’s sides.

“So strong!”

“Is this the power that belongs to King?”

The airflow crisis was lifted, and Xiao Qi sighed secretly in his heart, staring at Su Tian with his eyes tight!

“It’s Kiva’s Degabaki form!”

“Oh my God, Su Tian actually obtained the power of this form!”

Bingyan, who was in the distance, was also shocked when she saw Su Tian entering the Degabaki form! As the Heavenly Girl of the Ice Family, Bing Yan naturally knows that the player who claims to be the strongest Kiva is a foreigner named Dracula!

Rank 10,000th in the arena! However, now Bingyan knows that Dracula’s strongest Kiva is no longer worthy of the name! Because the reason why Dracula is called the strongest Kiva is because Dracula can become Kiva’s strongest form (what Blue Star players think) – Degabaki form!

And now, Su Tian can also change into Degabaki form!

Bing Yan believes that if Su Tian and Dracula are in the same form, Su Tian will definitely be able to defeat each other! No suspense!

There is no basis, but Bingyan believes so in her heart, she always has an inexplicable blind confidence in Su Tian!

“Su Tian, maybe you are really the king?”

“Maybe it’s just that you don’t know.”

Xiao Qi’s eyes became brighter and brighter as he spoke, a smile pulled out of the corner of his mouth, and he whispered in his mouth: “You are definitely the king!” ”

“It’s just that you’re still asleep.”

“It’s okay, wait until I wake you up, in this case,”

“Sister Shiyu is saved!”

Xiaoqi said and took out a dark gold flip phone! Olga phone!

Open the phone cover and press 0 three times in a row and press Enter once.

“Standing! By! (On standby)”

Compared with the sound effect when Faiz transformed, Orga’s sound effect sound was more low, Xiaoqi closed the Orga mobile phone, and looked at Su Tian with a firm look, “Transform!” ”

The Oga phone was embedded by Little Seven into the Orga belt that was already staying on his waist.

“Complete! (Done)”

The golden photon blood began to spread from the Orga belt on Xiao Qi’s body, and after it was spread, the golden light emitted was extremely dazzling, and after the light dissipated, what appeared in front of everyone was a Kamen Rider who was mainly black and had golden photon blood on his body.

Kamen Rider Olga (Earth Emperor)

The most conspicuous part of Olga is his head, and the armor of his head is super hard metal? Made of Luna metal, it takes on a fan shape. In the head armor, there are jewel-like eyes, and in the middle of its chest, shoulders, and back, there is also a red jewel-like structure, which is an energy tank that allows photon blood to clot and stay.

With the exception of these two places, Kamen Rider Orga’s overall presentation is roughly made of black luna metal.

And there is the skirt that symbolizes the strong!

“It’s getting taller…”

“Sure enough, Kamen Rider has an increased height effect!”

Looking at Kamen Rider Orga, who was already at the same height as himself in front of him, Su Tian silently complained in his heart.

For this, Su Tian easily accepted it, after all, in his previous life, Su Tian had seen many children become Kamen Riders in the play and then rode eleven height with the Kamen Riders that adults had changed!

“Come on, Su Tian!”

“Let me see your strength!”

“My dear… Savior! ”

Kochi takes out a short sword, which is the exclusive weapon of Kamen Rider Olga (Earth Emperor).

Olga Splitting Sword!

“Huh, savior?”

Su Tian chuckled, seemed to have thought of something, and blurted out and asked, “Then what do you think the salvation mainly does?” ”

Xiao Qiyi was stunned, he didn’t expect Su Tian to ask this question at all.

Seeing that Xiaoqi was silent, Su Tian also knew that the other party didn’t know how to answer, “The savior will break through the darkness and bring light to the world!” ”

Su Tian answered his question for Xiao Qi, but then Su Tian sighed softly and said faintly: “Unfortunately, I am not a savior. ”

“The world has also been shrouded in darkness, and the light of mankind has been eaten away!”

In this quest world, there are not many humans left, and everything else is Orpheenoch! With the existence of Orphie, human living space is extremely limited.

One day, it will go extinct, just like those animals in Su Tian’s previous life who went extinct because of the reduction of living space.

Even if Su Tian killed the culprit who created all this now, it would not change the situation of this world.

The past is irretrievable.

“So, let’s start the battle!”

After Su Tian finished speaking, his steps stepped out, and he walked unhurriedly to Xiao Qi,

“Oh, human light or something… I don’t care! ”

“I only need the King of Orphie Enoch now!”

“I just need Sister Shiyu to live!”

Xiao Qi let out a low roar, holding the Oga Splitting Sword and rushed towards Su Tian, and in a few breaths, Xiaoqi rushed to Su Tian, and the Oga Splitting Sword slashed at Su Tian from top to bottom.

Seeing this, Su Tian’s mind moved, and Garuru Saber appeared in his left hand, quickly lifting forward.


Garuru Saber and Olga Splitting Sword collided with a crisp sound!

Su Tian and Xiao Qi stared at each other.

“What a big explosive power!”

Xiao Qi secretly said in his heart, if Xiao Qi hadn’t increased his strength just now and used all his strength, I am afraid that he would have been directly shocked by Su Tian’s slash.

“However, he shouldn’t be easy now, right?”

Xiao Qi looked at Su Tian, due to the presence of Kiva armor, Xiao Qi could not see Su Tian’s expression, so he could only guess,

“So strong!”

Su Tian did say these two words in his heart, but he didn’t say Xiao Qi, but himself! 【All knights adapt to physique】So strong!

“This force… It’s so comfortable! ”


Feeling the continuous sense of power coming from his body, Su Tian was also a little excited at this time, this was the first time Su Tian had changed into the form of Kiva Degabaki!

And the power brought by this form is completely beyond Su Tian’s expectations, and Su Tian knows that this is due to the bonus of [All Knights Adapt to Physique].

“Bang! Bang! Bang! ”

Su Tian and Xiao Qi continued to attack each other, and every time Garuru Saber and Oga Splitting Sword collided, a powerful air flow could burst out.

Xiao Qi also gradually felt that he didn’t seem to be Su Tian’s opponent, he was his strongest strength just now, and Su Tian didn’t use all his strength at all.


“It seems that you can only reach so much!”

After the weapons of the two sides collided again, Su Tian said in a flat tone.

Kamen Rider Olga (Earth Emperor) is very strong, but the gap between Xiaoqi and Su Tian itself is too big!


“Su Tian, you are really strong.”

“Although you don’t admit it, I’m more and more sure…”

“You are the king! King of Orpheenoch! ”

Xiao Qi’s face under the Orga armor was full of excitement, and he didn’t feel unhappy at all because he was pressed and beaten by Su Tian.

“It’s really not!”

Su Tian didn’t expect Xiao Qi to be so obsessed with the king of Orphieno, and his right hand slowly stretched out,


With a sound, the Pasha Merlin gun appeared in Su Tian’s hand, and then Su Tian pressed the Pasha Merlin gun against Xiao Qi’s chest.

Pull the trigger!


Countless sparks burst out at Xiao Qi’s chest, and Xiao Qi was also beaten and retreated, but Su Tian did not stop attacking because of this, throwing the Garuru saber and Pasha Merlin gun in his hand to the side at will, and with a thought in his heart, a huge war hammer appeared in Su Tian’s hand! Degas Hammer! In the form of Degabaki, Kiva’s strength was even stronger, and Su Tian easily raised the Degas hammer high and smashed it straight down!


The heavy Degas hammer smashed on Xiao Qi’s body, smashing Xiao Qi’s body to the ground, Su Tian saw this, the Degas hammer in his hand turned, and he actually waved the Degas hammer to turn under Xiao Qi, just against the chest of Xiao Qi, who fell,

“What about Orga’s true power?”

“Didn’t you say let me see?”

Su Tian said, forcefully pushing the Degas hammer up, and Xiao Qi, who was resisted by the Degas hammer, was also picked up and flew into the air because of Su Tian’s pick, and then fell rapidly.

Looking at Xiao Qi, who fell rapidly, the corners of Su Tian’s mouth rose slightly, and he waved the Degas hammer in his hand again to make a tennis smash posture.

After Xiao Qi fell to the right position, Su Tian suddenly swung out the Degas hammer in his hand.


Xiao Qi’s urine was like a black tennis ball, smashed by Su Tian’s hammer, until it flew out of tens of meters, it fell down, “Little Seven!!! ”

Shiyu, who was fighting on the side, exclaimed, changed into Dandelion Orife Enoch, and immediately flashed to the place where Xiao Qi’s fall and gently helped Xiao Qi into his arms, calling out worriedly: “Little Seven… Little Seven? ”

What made Shiyu desperate was that no matter how she called, Xiaoqi in her arms was as if she was dead, without a trace of response!

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