CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 1111: Miyao will make her a karma

Chapter 1111, Palace Europe will make her a karma

It turned out not.

When Xiao Nian looked at him deeply, his tone was soft and messy, and he reached out and put down his rolled up sleeves. "Miyao, I don't care what you smoke, I have to remember to fill my stomach."

"How can I have a sigh!"

He remembered her words and was doing this seriously.

"Let's go, eat with you." When Xiao Nian took his hand.

Gongou tightened the eyebrows and decided not to leave.

"I did it myself."

"Go!" Miyao went to the outside and pointed to Feng Dedao. "You come over and give me this position. No other people are allowed to jump in."

"Yes, Master." Feng De bowed his head, and his smile on his face could not help.

When Xiaonian was taken out by Gong Ou La, he was puzzled and said, "Is it still necessary? End it or not."

I have tossed up all the people in the palace for so long.

"As soon as there is a musical, everyone has to wait in line to buy tickets, and this determines the order of the seats." Gong Ou Dao, Shi Xiao Nian inexplicable, "Maybe everyone does not want to see it?"

She said it was particularly euphemistic.

It is clearly a musical that he can read in one sentence, and you must let everyone line up.

Wen Yan, Gong Ou’s gaze immediately looked at the team with no end, and his eyes were sharp. “You don’t want to watch a musical?”

The audience was silent.

No one dares to answer.

After a few seconds, someone bravely stood up and said loudly, "I especially want to see this musical, so I will be here for so long, and enjoy the fruits of my labor!"

Gong Ou's lips twitched.

Everyone woke up like a dream, and quickly replied loudly. "Yes, yes, we like to watch musicals."

"You see, they are all voluntarily waiting in line!" Gong Ou turned to a small thought, "You are right, queuing is also an interesting thing."


When I was a little sorrowful, this group of people was too charming, and she could not save them if they wanted to save them.

Then line it up.


Through the kitchen window, you can see the endless sea outside, and the vast blueness makes the whole person involuntarily comfortable.

Miyao sat at the table and waited for dinner. The slender fingers fiddled with the small ornaments on the table. From time to time, I looked into the open kitchen and looked at the beautiful figure. The eyes were full of joy and joy.

Recently his mood is getting better and better.

"Don't eat any more in the future." Shi Xiaonian took a plate of fried shrimp and came forward, and then broke his mind to abuse his stomach.

Miyag Ouzheng was on the table, and when he heard this, he sat up and nodded as a student. "Know it."

When Xiao Nian smiled, he turned and went to other dishes.

Miyao can wait for all the dishes to go up, pick up the chopsticks and start it. The familiar taste is opened in the mouth, and the mood is better.

"Miyao, you are asking everyone to travel around the world is a good thing, but you force everyone to queue up is a bit disappointing? Right?" Xiao Nian while cooking, but also want to convince Gongao to give up the queue.

"They are very happy."

Gong Ou Li straight and strong, put a piece of shrimp into the mouth, the eyebrows are all satisfied.

“Is it voluntarily happy that the president of the palace should be divided?” Shi Xiao Nian bites the words “voluntarily happy” into stress.

Miyao looked up at her, and she licked her lips and raised her chopsticks at her. She was not annoyed. "You can ask your daughter."


She was really happy, she didn’t know why she was excited when she lined up.

When Xiao Nian was attacked, there was nothing to say, but he shook his head helplessly. "Where are you, I dare to mention what I want in the future, and I will toss others."

She poured the dish into the pot and slammed loudly.

Miyao eats happily, and the brow suddenly picks up. "What are your wishes? Say it, I will help you."

At the end, I was afraid that she would hide her mind and add another sentence. "My palace needs to rely on the help of others, and I will do it myself!"

“Really?” Xiao Nian immediately put the dish on the table and sat on the opposite side of Miyao, and his eyes glanced at him.

The sea blue outside the window is clear.

Miyako sat there, black eyes stared at her, and the speed of chewing slowed down. "You don't seem to want to say a wish."

I am afraid that he will not agree.

His palace Europe actually entered the routine of her little thoughts.

When Xiao Nian smirked, he pushed the dish in front of Miyao and then said, "In fact, I want to know what happened after everyone was arrested at Lancaster Manor."

After the incident that day, everyone was silent about what happened to them. Even the twins and the two children were, so she couldn’t get a little bit of a small age.

When Miyao put down the chopsticks in his hand, he knew that she was not dying and asked these questions.

"I have told you that after you were in a coma, they were tied to a special bomb, which I solved." He underestimated the authenticity.

"I know this, but before that?" Xiao Nian especially wanted to know this. "I saw some small pieces of suffering in those images. I want to know what they have experienced, especially two children. They have shadows and I want to untie their knots."

"Do you see how both of them look like shadows?"


When Xiao Nian remembered the cold frost of the palace, he thought about the excitement of Gong Kui’s jumping down and down, and it really didn’t look like a shadow.

"So, what do you have to pursue, they are trapped, nothing happened, George wants to deal with us two, he wants us to be crazy, want us to die, which is worthy of others." Gong Ou Dao, the voice is **** and magnetic.

Everyone said so, she admitted that it makes sense, but...

"But I always feel that after returning from Lancaster Manor, although everyone is okay on the surface, there are some subtle changes."

"What changes?"

"I can't say it, it's very subtle. I always think that something should have happened that day." When Xiao Nian looked at Gong Ou, "You know, tell me."

Saving her alone will always be a mess.

"How do you have so many people to manage?"


"Mother, big brother, Fengde, child, r palace, and that Mu Qianchu." Gong Ouyu pointed her to the last piece of shrimp. "I don't care about me. I don't even know if the shrimp is old." What can I feed me now?"

“Fried old?” When Xiaonian stood up and greeted him and wanted to eat it, Gongou directly threw the shrimp into his mouth. “Why did I give you something to eat?”

After saying this, Gong Ou ignored her and only looked at the meal.

"..." when the little thoughts are speechless.

Eat vinegar again?

This time, I can vinegar out a series of lists. If I don't want to say it, I won't say it. Anyway, this is a global trip. She can observe the past one by one. She can definitely find out what happened in the Lancaster Manor. .

When Xiaonian silently cooked another soup he loved, he sat down beside him and reached out and grabbed his sleeve. "When you finish eating, let's go to the musical?"

"Do you have time?" Gong Ou asked coldly, his face was not so good.


"You have to care if the r palace has been found, whether the child has a shadow, whether the big brother and the Fengde are abused." Gong Ou interrupted her words and spoke coldly. "Yes, you still have to care about whether there is any Wake up, you are so busy, unlike me, I can force the palace to go all the way up and down, just for someone who wants to see me line up for her to buy a ticket."


Miyau Ou Yue said that the colder, "Since you are so busy, don't waste time on me, my palace is worth..."

When Xiao Nian relied on the past, he directly attached his thin lips and kissed all his voices.

Miyau’s back was straight, and she dropped the chopsticks directly into her arms, pinching her jaws and mastering the absolute dominant control. He kissed deeply and one arm would She is getting tighter and tighter.

When Xiao Nian pushed his chest away, he smiled. "Is it not for me to waste time on you? The body is very honest."

She learned the tone of the network and deliberately spit him.

Miyau stared at her kissed red lips, and the beautiful breath was still on his nose. He raised his eyebrows and held her up. His voice was hoarse. "I still have more honesty, I don't know." Can you eat or not eat?"

Fighting with him, she lost.

When Xiao Nian would not understand what he meant, she was throwing herself into the pit, and she was struggling to get down. "Isn't it a musical show?"

"Don't watch today! Let them line up tomorrow!"


When Xiao Nian was desperately struggling with black lines, the more struggling he was, the tighter he was, the more he couldn’t escape. He could only watch the direction of Gong Ou holding her to the room...

Two days later, Shi Xiao Nian became the "eye in the eye" of the entire ship.

Because once Xiao Nian accidentally "cared" about the situation of others, the president of Gongda felt that his honeymoon trip was destroyed and he was ignored.

The president of Gongda is unhappy, and the whole family will queue up to buy tickets, whether it is day or night.

The queue became a special punishment on this cruise.

Even Luo Qi, who has always been noble and elegant, quietly chose to wear a pair of flat shoes in the past two days, lest he should accompany this group of young people to go crazy.

When Miyao did this, he couldn’t lift his head on the boat.

"Mrs., little lady, tea." The maid brought a cup of tea.

When Xiao Nian was accompanying Luo Qi to trim the flower branches, he smiled and smiled. "Thank you."

The maid turned back with a frightened look. "Don't, don't thank me, don't care about me, little lady, you don't know my name, don't ask me to rest, don't ask me to go to the deck, thank you... ..."

After that, the maid ran away.

When Xiao Nian sat on the sofa with a sullen look, the headache was incredible. Does this palace Europe want to make her karma do it? Others are not here, and everyone is afraid to talk to her.

"Isn't this very interesting? Young people have to have the energy of young people, and it's fun to play." Luo Qi said with a smile, a flower cut and put it aside, "The palace has not been so lively for a long time."

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