CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 1112: Time to fight back

Chapter 1112, when Xiao Nian’s counterattack

"Hot?" When Xiao Nian felt that these two words were a bit ridiculous, Gongao this is to make everyone lively, it is clearly a chicken flying dog.

Is she still going out now?

Who dares to chat with her?

When I saw this, Xiaoqi smiled deeper and continued to cut the flowering branches. The beautiful eyes were full of smiles. "Small thoughts, you think about it, if Gongao does not make such a mistake, what will be on the ship now?" Look like?"

When Xiao Nian was asked a question, what would it be like?

What can be, nothing more than...

"Everyone just changed the place to continue the life of the palace, the silence of silence, the work of doing things, the cautious or careful, you will see this kind of excitement?" Luo Qi asked.

When Xiao Nian’s heart was hit by something, she turned her head and saw that the two maids were standing next to each other, and listening carefully was a resentment against Miyao.

Obviously it was resentment. When the two men talked and talked about the interesting things in the queue, they laughed.

The arrangement of Miyako has made everyone more contactless than work, and there is more fun.

This was impossible to see before, and the palace has always been strict.

When Xiao Nian looked at Luo Qi, "Do you mind?"

She is the nobleman who is used to seeing the highness of the family and his family. How can this behavior be accommodated?

"A breath." Roach said.

When you are young, you are confused.

Luo Qi put down the scissors in her hand and turned to look at her. "I found that I like this kind of breath more and more. I don't care about the class. I don't care about it. I watched the young people playing and making troubles. It was very comfortable and interesting. It seemed like myself. Also young."


“Do you think I have changed a lot?” Luo Qi said with a smile. “I don’t know when I started. I used to care about it. I used to let it go, and the whole person became very relaxed.”

When Xiao Nian quietly looked at Luo Qi's beautiful face, the lips and corners involuntarily raised a faint smile.

"Of course, after going back, the rules of the guards still have to be kept, but on this boat... there is no need to be restrained." Rochton paused, and said, "This should be the meaning of Gongou."

Zhizi Mo Ruomu.

When Xiao Nian thought that he had guessed Gong Gong, she thought it was a deliberate arrangement of Gong Ou.

Since it is a trip, everyone should take the mood of the holiday, relax and enjoy, and do not take this trip.

When I think of it, I feel a lot in my heart. She took the scissors and continued the unfinished pruning of Luo Qi. She said, "I understand, mother, since you want to make a mess, then do it together."

Wen Yan, Luo Qi smiled and nodded. "There is no measure of Gong Ou, you pay attention."


When Xiao Nian rushed to her, she smiled.

Miyao has made her a good relationship, so she has to face him alone all the time, only tired of him, he plays so big, she is accompanying the end!


The sun rises from the sea and marks a bright day.

The slender hand touched the bed and only touched an empty space.

Miyako's closed eyes immediately opened, and he squatted straight to the position beside him, with a slap in his eyes, and his thin lips screamed dissatisfiedly. "Little thoughts, little thoughts?"

Only one quiet response to him.

Miyau 蹙 蹙 , , , , , , , , , , , 宫 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫

He stopped at the bathroom door.

There was no imaginary gentle figure to wash there. Miyao went to the sink and saw water droplets on the toothbrush cup. It was obviously already brushed.

Have you made breakfast for him?

Is it a hearty meal to start this early? It must be, honeymoon, when the small thoughts must be racking their brains to think how to make sweet.

Miyau hooked her lips and walked into the shower to take a shower.

From the bathroom, Miyako moved to the hangers with great vigour. There were always two sets of clothes on the top. One set was for him, and the other was for him.

But now there is none of the above.

After the old man of Fengde had a daughter on board, he became more and more unruly. The work he did did not remember, no light and no weight!

It doesn't matter.

Today, he sometimes feels good about breakfast.

Miyao opened the closet and found a set of clothes to go out and walk straight out to the kitchen closest to their room.

The accident was that the kitchen was colder than the sea water, and the pot inside was bright and reflective, and there was no trace of burning the food.

The lower face of this palace is completely sunk, and an anger instantly wanders around the body, turning and going out, "Feng De! Feng De! Feng De!"

Three times, the gorgeous decoration of the place did not give him a voice.

He bowed to a servant closest to him, "Give me over!"


The servant stood there with a scared expression, his eyes wide open, his mouth smothered, and his words stopped.

"Are you jealous? I will let you come over!"

"Yes, I am sorry..." The domestic helper sweared apologetically and turned and ran.

"You..." Miyao's firepower value rose steadily, and I was about to see a round figure rolling over in the glory. He immediately shouted, "Palace-Kwai!"

Miyako was busy stopping, turned a cute little head, and looked round to the palace, and it was so skillful.

"What about your mother?" Gongou looked for a wife.

"Oh..." Miyako turned his eyes and thought about it. He opened his mouth and screamed at him, and made a funny face and ran away.


Miyao was there on the spot, and the handsome face was full of shock.

Miyako has not been so skinned again, she actually made a face to him, is it to rebel?

OK, when he finds it, he will clean up the past one by one!

Gong Ou went forward and looked around for the picture of Xiao Nian. Far away, I saw Gong Gong straight up the small body and walked outside. A serious look like a little old man.

"Miyazaki!" Gong Ou shouted the name of his son.

Just listen to the "卟嗵", the palace Gong directly sitting cross-legged on the ground to close his eyes and enter the state of meditation.


Gong Ou was stunned by his son. After a few seconds, he continued to move forward. He squatted in front of the palace and asked coldly, "What about your mother?"

Miyazaki sat there silently, with no expression on his small face and turned a deaf ear to his words.

"You like to meditate, I don't object, answer my words first, have you seen your mother?" Gong Ou asked with a patience.

"..." Palace meditation.

"Do you believe that I cancel your meditation course?"

"..." Palace meditation and then meditation.

"Miyazaki, who taught you to treat your father like this? Do you believe that I am not convinced you?"

"..." The palace is not moving like a mountain. The young age is the same as the setting, and the meditation is still meditation.

Miyag Ou is there, the anger is max, and the raised hand makes it impossible to fall to the face that looks like himself.

"Yes, you are amazing." Gong Ou sneered, "Feng De, the young master can meditate on this Buddhist scriptures, and give me a roll of tomorrow!"

After that, Gong Ou stood up and went away.

The palace was sitting there, and the eyelashes fluttered so badly. For a long time, after hearing no sound, the palace opened his eyes slowly, and the little man who had been calm had a long sigh of relief.

Still... some nervous.

Looking around the palace, the housekeeper is clearly absent, what is the father just shouting? Miyazaki suddenly remembered an idiom of recent new studies - pretending.

Miyao strode on the boat and continued his journey of seeking a wife. As long as he asked him, he would run faster than the rabbit.


Miyao pressed the stomach and looked at the time on the watch. He had been looking for an hour when he was looking for a little time. He was surrounded by people who were hiding from the plague.

He is not in the mood now, and when he finds it, the group of people will be dead!

Miyao secretly thought, walking toward the bar, near, I saw a casual palace, sitting at the bar holding a glass of wine, eyes stunned, I do not know what I was thinking.

Miyau took a look at the wall, took off the samurai sword as a decoration from the top, and walked coldly to the front, and crossed the knife to his neck.

Miyagase's body is stiff and he turns to look at Miyako.

"You dare to run and try. This knife has been opened." Gong Ou is cold and eloquent, his eyes are clear, and there is no joke.

This morning he has had enough, everyone can hide from him, he can't find a small thought!

"Miyao, I am your brother." Gong Yi raised his eyebrows, very dissatisfied. "How big are the people, haven’t they been enough in these days?"

"It's rare that you are a person who will speak." Gong Ou sneered and moved the knife in his hand. "Have you ever seen a small thought?"

"Looking for a small thought to find a knife for me? You really have no rules."

There was no fear of the face of Miyazaki, and the wine in the shaker was shaken.

"I don't care if the people on board are hit with evil. Now I have to know the whereabouts of Xiao Nian." Gong Ou said one word, the word is cold and frosty.

Miyazaki took another drink and was silent.

"Say!" Gong Ou calmed his face and put the samurai sword on his neck.

"You really cut?"

"You can try it!" Gong Ou gnawed his teeth and was aggressive. "Where is the little thought?"

Miyazaki saw the coziness in Miyau's eyes, and could only helplessly shrug his shoulders and pick up a plate of medicine from his pocket. "Do you know what it is?"

Hey, it’s not forced to make a move.

"You have a terminal illness?" Miyau noodles no expression.

"..." Miyazaki was almost vomited by his younger brother. "I haven’t slept well recently. Loyle said that this medicine is very medicinal in the wine and sleeps in one bite."

After that, Miyazaki stripped two medicines and threw them into the wine. The wine immediately evoked countless bubbles. He picked up the glass and gave a sigh of relief. He slammed on the bar and fell asleep. .


Miyako’s hand holding the samurai sword was in the air, and it was rare to have a dull expression on Junpeng.

"Sorry, the young master of the palace used medicinality, and I helped him to return to the house." Lore, who was wearing a white coat, did not know where it suddenly popped out, and Chonggongou bowed his head in a respectful manner.

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